CPSC 2430-02 Lab #4 solution


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This lab exercises your understanding of using a Heap to create a Priority Queue
Follow these steps:
1) Call your source code file “lab4.cpp”
2) Declare an integer array to use for the heap (size of 20 to 30 elements)
3) Create an insertion function (and any needed helper functions) that creates a min-heap
(smallest priority is most important)
4) Create a remove function (and any needed helper functions) that removes the min value
from the heap and returns it
5) In main, call the insertion function with at least 15 random values
6) In main, call the remove function for all values and print them to the screen (format the
numbers so they all fit in a single screen – perhaps 5 to 10 columns before pressing
7) Repeat the insertion and remove/print for a second set of random values before ending
the program
Submit your program by typing the following command at the prompt in the same directory
where the file is stored: