CPSC 217 Assignment 3 solution


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Taking photos of popular landmarks can be frustrating if one wants a picture that doesn’t have tourists
in it. In fact, it often simply isn’t possible to get a shot without a person in it somewhere because of the
number of visitors present at the sites. To solve this problem you are going to create a Python program
that automatically removes tourists from photos so that only the landmark remains.

You might have read the last sentence and thought “That’s impossible!”. While that might have been
your initial reaction, the reality is that it can be achieved with the right input images. In particular,
instead of just taking one picture of the landmark in question, one takes a series of images over some
amount of time.

During that time tourists come and go but the landmark stays in place. As a result,
each pixel in the image will be a pixel from the landmark in most of the images and will only be a tourist
in a few (or perhaps even none) of them.

This means that the tourists can be eliminated by identifying
the pixel color that is most common at each location in the image. While complex clustering techniques
can be used to identify this color, we’ll simply compute the median of the red, green and blue
components of all of the pixels at each location because doing so is reasonably straightforward and gives
decent results.

Three images of Delicate Arch (a very popular site in Arches National Park in Utah) are shown below.
Notice that there are one or two people in each picture, but that they are in different locations in each

Merging these images in the manner described previously generates the following result. In particular,
notice that there are no tourists present in the result image because every pixel in the series of input
images shows Delicate Arch in at least two of the three images. As a result, the median pixel is a pixel
from Delicate Arch.

This assignment is intended to teach you about functions and lists. As a result, you will provide the
functionality described previously by writing 5 functions described in the following 3 sections. The
starter code I have provided includes a main function that calls 3 of the functions that you will write, and
empty implementations of those functions have also been provided.

Part 1: Loading a Collection of Images

All of the data sets for this assignment consist of files named with an abbreviation that describes the
subject of the photograph (such as “da” for Delicate Arch or “cb” for Capitol Building), followed by an
underscore, an integer, a dot and the filename extension. The integers are sequential beginning with 1.

The loadImages function will load all of the images used by the later parts of this assignment. It
should begin by prompting the user for the abbreviation that describes the subject of the photograph
and the number of photos to load. The abbreviation should be read as a string.

You may assume that
the abbreviation is correct – you do not need to do any error checking on it. When the number of
photos is read you should verify that it is greater than or equal to 3 and less than or equal to 16. If not,
your program should display an appropriate error message, close the graphics window by calling
close(), and quit the program by calling quit(). If the entered number is within the required range
then your program should load all of the images. The images must be stored in a list, and the list will
contain n images, where n is the integer entered by the user.

Once all of the images have been loaded the graphics window should be resized so that it is twice as
wide as the loaded images and has the same height as the loaded images. The width of an image can be
determined by passing it as an argument to the getWidth function. Similarly, the height of an image
can be determined by passing it as an argument to the getHeight function.

All of the code described previously should be in a function named loadImages. The loadImages
function doesn’t take any parameters. It will return the list of images as its only result. Note that the
loadImages function doesn’t generate any graphical output. You’ll write additional functions in later
sections to do so.

Specifically, Part 2 will discuss how to go about displaying the input images as
thumbnails, and Part 3 will discuss how to construct and display the tourist-free image.
My implementation of loadImages was 15 lines of code (plus blank lines and comments).

Part 2: Displaying a Collection of Images

Because there is limited space on the screen we’ll display the input images as “thumbnails” that have
one quarter the width and one quarter the height (so one sixteenth the area) of the original image.
Unfortunately SimpleGraphics doesn’t have a resize function for images, so you’ll have to write a
function for creating the smaller image yourself, as described in the following paragraph.

Write a function named createThumbnail that takes an image as its only parameter and returns an
image as its only result. The body of your function should begin by calling createImage to create a
new, blank image that is one quarter the width and one quarter the height of the image passed as the
only parameter.

Then it should use getPixel, putPixel and nested loops to retrieve every fourth
pixel (both horizontally and vertically) from the input image and store them in the thumbnail image.
Finally, your function should return the thumbnail image. Note that createImage, getPixel and
putPixel require integer arguments for sizes and positions. As a result, you may find it helpful to
perform division with the // operator and/or use the int type conversion function.

Once you have createThumbnail working, write a second function named drawThumbnails and use
it to create (by calling createThumbnail) and display thumbnails for all of the loaded images (which it
will take as the function’s only parameter). The thumbnails will be displayed on the left side of the
window using rows that each contain up to 4 images.

Each row should be filled completely before
starting the next row. This means that one row will be used if 3 or 4 images are being processed, two
rows will be used if 5, 6, 7 or 8 images are being processed, three rows will be used if 9, 10, 11 or 12
images are being processed, and four rows will be used if 13, 14, 15 or 16 images are being processed.

The thumbnail layouts for the Washington Monument (7 images) and Smithsonian Castle (13 images)
are shown below. (Your loadImages function should have previously resized the window so that it has
the same height as the images in the input set and so that it is wide enough to accommodate both the
thumbnails and the result image). The drawThumbnails function does not return a result.

My implementation of createThumbnail was 7 lines of code (plus blank lines and comments) and my
implementation of drawThumbnails was less than 20 lines of code (plus blank lines and comments).
It’s fine if your code is longer than mine, but recognize that these are tasks that you should be able to
complete without writing a huge amount of code.

Also, I’d recommend calling the update function
(without any arguments) after drawing each thumbnail image so that you can see your program’s output
as it is generated rather than having to wait for all of the thumbnails to be generated before you can see

Part 3:
Now that you have displayed all of the source images it’s time to create the tourist-free result. Write a
function named removeTourists that performs this task. It will take the list of images as its only
parameter. The removeTourists function does not return a result.

The removeTourists function should begin by creating an image with the same dimensions as the
input images and displaying it in the right half of the window. (Yes, you can and should display the
image before any pixels have been stored in it). Then process every location in the result image using
nested loops.

Perform the following tasks at each location:
• Build a list that contains the red value for the current location from every source image
• Build a list that contains the green value for the current location from every source image
• Build a list that contains the blue value for the current location from every source image
• Compute the median value of each of the lists above

• Store a pixel with median red, median green and median blue at the current location in the
result image
This is a relatively slow process for even modest-sized images because a large number of lists are being
processed. As a result, you will likely find it desirable to call update() occasionally so that you can see
that progress is being made.

Calling update for every pixel is too slow so I’d recommend calling it either
after each line is complete, or each column is complete, (depending on how you have your loops set up).
This means that update() will be indented so that it is in the outer of your nested loops but not inside
the inner of the nested loops.

Write a function named median for computing the median and then call it 3 times – once for the list of
red values, once for the list of green values, and once for the list of blue values. The median function
will take a list of values as its only parameter and return the median of those values as its only result.

Recall that we completed an example in class that computed the median of a collection of values
entered by the user. You may find it helpful to use some of the code from that example when
completing this part of the assignment (and you are welcome to do so).
The expected result for the Capitol Building data set is shown below.

Additional Requirements:

• Include a comment at the top of your file that includes your name, student number and a brief
description of the program that you have created.
• You must use the provided main function without modifying it.

• All lines of code that you write must be inside functions (except for the function definitions
themselves, any constant definitions, and any import statements).
• You must create and use the functions described previously in this document.
• Do not define one function inside of another function.
• You must make appropriate use of loops. In particular, your program should work for data sets
that consist of anywhere between 3 and 16 images, and those images should be able to have
any size.

• Include appropriate comments for each of your functions. All of your functions should begin
with a comment that briefly describes the purpose of the function, along with a description of
every parameter and every return value. Functions that do not return a value should be
explicitly marked as such.

• Your program must not use global variables (except for constant values that are never changed).
• Your program must use good programming style. This includes things like appropriate variable
names, good comments, minimizing the use of magic numbers, etc.

• Break and continue are generally considered bad form. As a result, you are NOT allowed to use
them when creating your solution to this assignment. In general, their use can be avoided by
using a combination of if statements and writing better conditions on your while loops.

Image Formats:
• I have provided the data sets as PNG, PPM and GIF files. On my machine the PNG files can be
loaded by SimpleGraphics without any trouble, but I have encountered problems with them on
other machines. Use the PNG files if you can. If not use either the PPM files or the GIF files.

Both of these formats should be able to be loaded by SimpleGraphics on all machines without
any trouble. The PPM files are preferable to the GIF files because they are true color images
while the GIF files use only 256 colors. However the GIF files are a lot smaller, so they are
preferable if you are working on a machine where storage space is at a premium.

• The “sm” (stunt man) data set has very small images. As a result they are fast to load, process
and display. I’d suggest working with this data set during development so that you can see the
effect of changes that you make to your program quickly.

• Don’t want to type the name of the data set and the number of images every time you run your
program? Comment out your input statements and replace them with assignment statements
that store the values that you would have typed.
• Part 1 needs to be completed first. Parts 2 and 3 can be completed in either order.

For an A+:
Right now the program doesn’t do any error checking on the abbreviation entered by the user. It also
forces the user to indicate how many images are in the data set when this could be determined by the

Improve the image loading portion of your program so that it only prompts the user for the abbreviation
for an image set. Then your program should go on and load all of the images for that set (without
requiring the user to enter the number of images). If the user enters an abbreviation for a data set that
doesn’t exist it should report an error and quit.

Similarly, if the number of images for the data set is less
than 3 or more than 16 your program should report an error and quit. Note that you must be able to
accommodate any set of images, not just the data sets on the course website. As a result, it is not
acceptable to simply check if the abbreviation is one of “cb”, “da”, “sc”, “sm” or “wm” and then hard
code the sizes of those data sets – such a solution will not receive any credit. Instead you must use
appropriate Python functions / language constructs to determine whether or not the requested images
exist and process them appropriately.

If you complete the A+ portion of the assignment, please include a clear, highly conspicuous note
indicating such at the top of your submission so that your TA knows to grade it.

This assignment will be graded on a combination of functionality and style. A base grade will be
determined from the general level of functionality of the program (Does it load all of the images into a
list? Does it compute and display the thumbnails correctly? Does it generate the tourist-free image
correctly? Etc.). The base grade will be recorded as a mark out of 12.

Style will be graded on a subtractive scale from 0 to -3. For example, an assignment which receives a
base grade of 12 (A), but has several stylistic problems (such as magic numbers, missing comments, etc.)
resulting in a -2 adjustment will receive an overall grade of 10 (B+). Fractional marks will be rounded to
the closest integer.
Total Score
(Out of 12)
12 A
11 A10 B+
9 B
8 B7 C+
6 C
5 C4 D+
3 D
0-2 F