The first part of the assignment is about the stack. First you will examine how programs use the
runtime stack to store local variables, arguments and the return address. You will do this using a
set of snippets and you will answer questions about their execution. Then, you will examine two
SM213 programs that contain procedure calls to determine what they do. Finally, you will
mount a buffer-overflow, stack-smash attack on a SM213 program.
The second part of the assignment is about dynamic flow control. You’ll also do a bit more with
dynamic control flow next week. First, you will implement the last two instructions in the
SM213 ISA. By now this should be quite straight forward. Then, you will examine the code we
covered in class that models Java polymorphism in C. You have Java, C and assembly versions
of this file. You will use this code as a starting point to implement your own simple “Java
program” in C, using our model of polymorphism to handle the polymorphic dispatch contained
in the Java program.
As with all assignments, you are encouraged to do this in groups of two. Just be sure that you
both do all of the work, helping each other. Don’t split up the work so that you both do half …
unless, of course, you’re shooting for a 50% on the final :).
Part 1 – The Stack
The file contains the following files.
• S7-static-call.{java,c} and S7-static-call-{stack,reg}.s
• S8-locals-args.{java,c,s}
• S9-args.{java,c} and S9-args-{stack,regs}.s
Evaluating Snippets using Simulator
Familiarize yourself with snippets 7-9 by running them in the simulator and asking yourself the
following questions. This part is not for marks.
• Carefully examine the execution of S7-static-call-stack in the simulator and
compare it to S7-static-call-regs. Run the snippets and look carefully at what
happens. Ask yourself these questions.
a) What is the difference between the two approaches?
b) What is one benefit the approach followed in stack?
c) What is one benefit of the approach followed in reg?
• Carefully examine the execution of S8-locals-args.s in the simulator. Ask yourself
these questions.
d) What lines of foo and b allocate b’s stack frame?
e) What the lines of foo and b de-allocate b’s stack frame?
The next two questions ask you to consider changing b so that it has 3 arguments and 4 local
variables. Ask yourself these questions.
f) What changes required in b to add the arguments and locals; note that you do not
actually use these new variables in any way?
g) What changes required in foo to call b(0,1,2)?
• Carefully examine both versions of S9-args-stack.s and S9-args-regs in the
simulator. Ask yourself these questions.
h) What memory accesses does stack makes that regs doesn’t make?
i) How many more memory accesses does stack make, compared to regs?
Questions 1 and 2 [30%]
The next two question use these files found in
• q1.s
• q2.s
Answer the next two questions by modifying the .s files and by writing .c files. The .c files
must compile and execute. When they execute they must perform the same computation as
the .s file and print out the value of its static variables, one per line as a decimal number
(nothing other than that number on each line). This means that q1.c must print 10 lines of
numbers and q2.c must print 16.
1. [15%] Examine q1.s and its execution in the simulator. Add a comment to every line
that explains what that line does in as high-level a way as possible.
Then, write an equivalent C program called q1.c that is the most likely candidate for the
file that was compiled into q1.s. Use the same variable and procedure names in this
program that you used in the assembly-file comments.
Ensure that there is a
correspondence between lines in the assembly file and lines of the C program, but do not
include the start procedure in q1.c; this procedure is added automatically by the c
compiler to initialize the stack and call main. The end of your main procedure should
print the value of the program’s ten static variables as described above.
You may notice a register that is used in a way that is best explained by saying that it is a
local variable, even if its value is never read from or written to the stack. Avoiding these
memory accesses is a common optimization compilers make for local variables.
2. [15%] Do the same for q2.s.
Part 1: Stack Smash Attack
The provided code contains an assembly-code template named copy.c. Refer to this C
program to answer the following two questions.
Questions 3 and 4: The Stack Smash attack [35%]
For the next two questions, refer to the file copy.c found in
3. [5%] Using copy.c as a guide, write a simple SM213 assembly-language program that
copies a null-terminated array of integers (use Snippets 8 or 9 as a guide). Call this
program copy.s.
In copy.c, which is reproduced below, the input array is stored in a global variable
named src and the destination array is in a local variable (i.e., stored on the stack). Your
assembly code must do the same.
As in copy.c, you will need two procedures: one that copies the array and one that
initializes the stack pointer and calls the copy procedure. Ensure that the copy procedure
saves r6 (the return address) on the stack in its prologue and restores it from the stack in
its epilogue, as shown in class.
Note that this code contains a buffer-overflow bug. That is intentional. Be sure your
assembly code has this bug so that you will be able to attack it in Question 4. Another
thing you’ll want to do is to keep the value of i in a register in the body of the loop. If
you were to read/write it from/to the stack on every iteration, you’ll find that the buffer
overflow will overwrite the value of i and thus change the way the attack string is written
to the stack.
4. [30%] Modify copy.s to devise a buffer-overflow attack on this program. The attack
should set the value of every register to -1 and then halt.
You are stuck with a similar set of restrictions that a real attacker confronts. You may not
modify the program you have just written in any way other than to change its input
(i.e., src). Change src to make it bigger to contain virus program and other values as
needed so that copy executes the virus program when it returns, instead of actually
returning to main.
You must specify the attack string (the value of src) using a sequence of .long
directives. Recall that each .long specifies the value of 4 bytes of memory. The string
will contain the virus program as machine instructions, which are either 2 bytes or 6 bytes.
You will thus need to compact multiple instructions into a single .long and possibly
also split a 6-byte instruction across two .long’s.
Remember that the only change you are permitted to make to the program you wrote for
Question 3 is to specify a different value for src.
Run your attack in the simulator to be sure that it works.
Part 2: Polymorphism
Question 5: Implement and Test Double-Indirect Jumps [5%]
There are two remaining instructions to implement in the simulator, described below. Implement
Then, use the simulator to examine the snippet SA-dynamic-call that you will find in this
week’s code file at There you will
also find the solution from Assignment 6, which you can use as a starting point for
this question, if you like. Replace the “TODO” comments with your code.
Instruction Assembly Format Semantics
dbl ind jmp b+d j *o(rt) dtpp pc ← m[r[t] + (o == pp*4)]
dbl ind jmp indx j *(rb,ri,4) ebi- pc ← m[r[b] + r[i]*4]
Background: Manipulating Strings in C
You will be manipulating strings in your C program in Question 6. Strings in C are more
troublesome, by a long way, than strings in Java, due entirely to the dynamic-allocation issues we
have been talking about; i.e., deciding what part of code is responsible for freeing something that
is malloced from the heap.
A C string is stored in an array of characters. The string itself, which can be smaller than the
array that contains it, is terminated by the first null (i.e., 0). You’ll need to consider a couple of
First, when a procedure receives a string as an input parameter, if it procedure stores that string,
it should make its own copy of the string rather than storing the string pointer. Storing the
pointer is dangerous because the caller could free the object following the call and thus turn this
stored value into a dangling pointer. By copying, the procedure ensures that its copy of the string
is safe from whatever its caller does with the string after the call returns.
You will want to use the standard method called strdup to do this (see its man page; e.g., via
google or by typing “man strdup” at a unix command line). You will also need to add
“#include <string.h>” to the beginning of your file.
For example your code should look like this:
void bar (struct X* anX, char* string) {
anX->string = strdup (string);
And not, as it would in Java, like this:
void bar (struct X* anX, char* string) {
anX->string = string;
Because if you did this, a caller that does the following creates a dangling pointer:
void foo (struct X* anX) {
char string[] = “Hello World”;
bar (anX, string);
Similarly, as we have examined, it is often better to avoid writing a C procedure that returns a
pointer to an object that it dynamically allocates. Instead, if it can, it should leave it to its caller
to perform the dynamic allocation and simply copy its result to that location.
For example, Java code that looks like this:
String getString () {…}
Would in C look like this:
void getString (char* buf, int bufSize) {…}
Where buf is a pointer to memory provided by that caller into which getString copies its
result up to the limit of bufSize bytes.
Finally, you will need to convert numbers to strings and to concatenate strings. The easiest way
to do this is with the standard procedure called snprintf that uses printf formatting to
write to a string. So, for example if you wanted to create the string “Hello World 42” from
the string “Hello World” and the integer 42, you would do something like this:
char buf [1000];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), “%s %d”, “Hello World”, 42);
Question 6: Modelling Polymorphism in C [30%]
In you will find a file named This file contains a simple example of polymorphism using two classes: Person
and Student, which extends Person. Write a new C program called poly.c that does the
same thing in C. Start by copying SA-dynamic-call.c. Then make the necessary changes
to replace A and B with Person and Student.
Follow the approach outlined in class. For example solution should include the following
structs: Person_class, Person, Student_class, and Student. It should have the
following static objects: Person_class_obj and Student_class_obj. And, it should
have the following methods: new_Person(char*) and new_Student(char*,int).
The class Poly contains two procedures that you need to implement as well, but there will be no
Poly class or anything like it in your C program. Notice that these are both static
procedures. One is, of course, main. And the other, print, is function that contains a
polymorphic dispatch to the method toString.
The Java code uses the Java class String. You must use C strings instead. The Background
section has a few pointers on using strings in C. Note that the toString procedure should
follow the guidelines listed above and that we’ve discussed in class. It must have the following
type signature to pass the handin test.
void xxx_toString (void* thisv, char* buf, int bufSize)
What to Hand In
Use the handin program.
The assignment directory is ~/cs213/a7, it should contain the following plain-text files.
1. README.txt that contains the name and student number of you and your partner
2. PARTNER.txt containing your partner’s CS login id and nothing else (i.e., the 4- or 5-
digit id in the form a0z1). Your partner should not submit anything.
3. For Questions 1 and 2: q1.s, q1.c, q2.s, and q2.c.
4. For Question 3 and 4: copy.s.
5. For Question 5:
6. For Question 6: poly.c.