CPE 202 Lab 5 solution


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In this lab, you will implement a binary search tree and explore the use of yield to iterate over trees.

1 Binary Search Tree

1.1 Definition
A Binary Search Tree is a binary tree where, for each node in the tree:
• the value of every node to the left must be smaller, and
• the value of every node to the right must be larger.

For our implementation in this lab, we will allow multiple of the same value to be inserted into the tree, so we will
modify the above definition slightly where for each node in the tree:
• the value of every node to the left must be smaller, and
• the value of every node to the right must not be smaller (i.e., is larger or equal).

1.2 Operations
In the file bst.py, you will implement the following functions operating on binary search trees:
• is_empty This function takes a BST as an argument and returns whether or not the tree is empty.
• search This function takes a BST and a value as arguments and returns whether or not the value is in the

• insert This function takes a BST and a value as arguments and inserts the value into the proper location in
the tree. That is, it will insert into the left sub-tree if the value is smaller than the current node’s value, and
the right sub-tree otherwise (e.g., duplicates will be stored on the right).

This function returns the resulting tree.
• delete This function takes a BST and a value as arguments and deletes the value from the tree (if present)
while preserving the binary search tree property that, for a given node’s value, the values in the left sub-tree
must be smaller, and the values in the right sub-tree must not be smaller.

This function returns the resulting tree.
• find_min This function takes a BST as an argument and returns the smallest value in the tree. If the tree is
empty, this function should raise a ValueError.
• find_max This function takes a BST as an argument and returns the largest value in the tree. If the tree is
empty, this function should raise a ValueError.

• height This function takes a BST as an argument and returns the height of the tree. The height of a tree is
measured as the length of the longest path from the root to a leaf. For our purposes, we’ll say that the height
of an empty tree is −1

∗This is a slightly controversial decision, but it makes the code easier to write.

Note that you can (and should) assume that all items added to your list are comparable with the < operator and can
be compared for equality with ==. You cannot make any other assumptions about the items in your list.

1.3 Testing
In a file named bst_tests.py, write test cases for the functions above.

2 yield

2.1 The yield statement
Python supports a yield statement to, roughly, provide a “return” value by suspending the function. Execution of
the suspended function will continue after the yield when another result is requested from the function. This is
done, for instance, by iterating through the yielded values in a loop.

For example, consider the function seven_nine below. It will yield the 7 first and then yield the 9 if another result
is requested. You should run this code in the interpreter and modify it to yield additional values to make sure the
functionality is clear.
def seven_nine():
yield 7
yield 9
for value in seven_nine():

2.2 Further Details
More accurately, in Python, the yield statement creates what is called a generator. Generators support an operation
to retrieve the next generated value; it is this operation that triggers the initial execution of the function code and
each subsequent execution following a yield. This can be seen more explicitly if you run the following code:
def seven_nine():
yield 7
yield 9
my_gen = seven_nine()
print(next(my_gen)) # will raise a StopIteration exception

2.3 yield from
Python also allows you to yield all the values from a different iterator. This is possibly best seen through an
example. Suppose that we want to yield all the values from 1 up to (and including) a given n. We could do this
will a loop:
def sample_iterator(n: int):
for val in range(1, n + 1):
yield val
# This will print the numbers from 1 to 10.
for value in sample_iterator(10):
But, we can also think of this as yielding all the values from 1 up to 9, and then yielding 10. Which is to say, we
could think of this recursively! Do we have a function to yield all the values from 1 up to 9? Yes! It’s the one we’re
def sample_iterator(n: int):
if n > 0:
yield from sample_iterator(n – 1)
yield n
# This will also print the numbers from 1 to 10.
for value in sample_iterator(10):
You’ll get a chance to try this out for yourself in the next section.

3 Tree Traversals

It is often desirable to access every element of a tree for further processing. For instance, one might wish to print every
element, to write every element to a file, to insert every element into a database, or to perform some computation on
every element. A tree traversal strategy specifies the order in which the nodes of a tree are visited, where “visited”
in this case amounts to processing of the data stored within the node.

Instead of writing a separate function for each traversal task (i.e., for printing, for inserting into a database, etc.),
we will hide the traversal steps behind an iterator that provides access to the values within the tree. Doing this will
allow the user of your iterator to process the data as they wish without concern for explicitly traversing the tree.

More specifically, you will use Python’s yield statement to define a generator. This allows you to write your
generator code in a manner very similar to a recursive depth-first traversal without concern for “going back up” the
Note, carefully, that each recursive call will be returning an iterator (a generator). We can (and should) use the
Python “yield from” when making the recursive call to yield, in turn, each element of the generator.

3.1 The Traversals
In your bst.py, you will define the following additional functions:

• prefix_iterator This function takes as an argument a BST and returns an iterator (using yield) of the
elements in prefix order wherein, for a given node, the node is visited before its children (visit the left child
before the right child).
• infix_iterator This function takes as an argument a BST and returns an iterator (using yield) of the
elements in infix order wherein, for a given node, the node is visited after its left child but before its right child.

• postfix_iterator This function takes as an argument a BST and returns an iterator (using yield) of the
elements in postfix order wherein, for a given node, the node is visited after its children (visit the left child
before the right child).

3.2 Testing
In a file named bst_iterator_tests.py, write test cases for the functions above.
4 Testing
As mentioned in the syllabus, your code is periodically graded prior to the deadline and you will receive automated
feedback based on the results of my tests. But, in order to receive any feedback, your tests much provide 100% test
coverage of the code you are submitting. If you do not have 100% coverage, this is the only feedback you will receive.

100% test coverage means that every line of your code is run at some point in some test. Imagine if that weren’t the
case. That means that you have a line of code (or multiple lines of code) that could do anything, and you’d never
know. You never tested them!
Your tests will go in files named bst_tests.py and bst_iterator_tests.py.

5 GitHub Submission
Push your finished code back to GitHub. Refer to Lab 0, as needed, to remember how to push your local code.