COSC 1436: Programming Fundamentals I Assignment 4 solution


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 What to submit:
Note 1: Unless otherwise mentioned, you are asked to upload ONLY your java source files
through blackboard. Email submission is not accepted, because of confusion in grading.
Note 2: If your programs contain any syntactical errors, no points will be given. Thus, please
make sure your programs are properly compiled with computers at the CS labs, not only in your
laptop or desktop environments.
Note 3: No late submission will be accepted, thus keep the deadline.
Note 4: Grading will be divided into two categories, formatting and logic, where formatting
compromise 25% of your total grade. Formatting will be based on the following rules.
Rule 1: Naming is an important issue in Java. Not only you should you define meaningful
variable names, but should also give appropriate names for the physical java file, which must be
the same as the public class name that you edit.
Unless otherwise mentioned, you will follow the industry standard for Java naming
(1) Java Classes start in uppercase and each individual word in the class name is
(2) All Java methods and variables start in lowercase and each individual word in the
method and variable is capitalized;
(3) Each final variable (known as a constant) should be written in all uppercase.
Rule 2: There should be a space around all operators (e.g., 3 + 5, not 3+5). In addition, spacing
with regards to parentheses should be consistent.
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Drs. An and Rabieh, and Mrs. Varol: COSC 1436 Assignment #4 – Spring 2017
Rule 3: In addition to the Java naming conventions, you are asked to add your name in front of
each class name like
For instance, if your name is “John Doe” and the class name is “RightTriangle”, then the class
name in your source code should be “DoeJohnRightTriangle” and your corresponding physical
file name should be “”.
Rule 4: Everything nested inside of an open brace should be indented with regular-sized spaces
(say, 4 or 8 spaces). The open brace for functions and classes should (1) come at the end of the
line and be preceded by a space like
public class DoeJohnRightTriangle {
public static void main( String args[] ) {
or (2) start with the new line as shown below:
public class DoeJohnRightTriangle
public static void main( String args[] )
Rule 5: Always type block Javadoc comments to include title of the project, program’s purpose,
your name, the date, and the version number as in the lectures or in the labs. For example,
@Title: LastNameFirstNameClassName
@Purpose: To verify the edit, compile, execute function in Textpad
@Author: (your last & first name)
@Date: (today’s date)
@Version: 1.0
Question 1 (50 points): Array & Array Tester
We want to implement an Array class that contains the following field and methods.
Note that the Array class doesn’t have any constructors.
+ setArray(arr:double[]):void
It copies the argument arr into the class’s field array.
+ isInIncreasingOrder():boolean
It returns true if the array is sorted in increasing order.
+ inInDecreasingOrder():boolean
It returns true if the array is sorted in decreasing order.
+ getHightest():int
It returns the highest value from the array.
+ getLowest():int
It returns the lowest value from the array.
+ getTotal():double
It returns the total of the values in the array.
+ getAverage():double
It returns the average of the values in the array.
You need to test the functionality of the Array class that you have created. Write a driver class,
named ArrayTestDriver, to test all of the methods of the Array class as follows:
(1) Ask a user to enter the size of an array, and create an array with the size entered.
(2) Run a for loop to ask the user to enter elements of the array, and assign the values to the
(3) Pass the created array to the Array class’s setArray method.
(4) Check if the array is sorted in increasing or decreasing order using the Array class’s
method(s), and display the result.
(5) Display the highest value and lowest value of the array using the Array class’s method(s).
(6) Display the total value of the array using the Array class’s method(s).
(7) Display the average value and lowest value of the array using the Array class’s method(s).
– array:double[]
+ setArray(arr:double[]):void
+ isInIncreasingOrder():boolean
+ inInDecreasingOrder():boolean
+ getHightest():int
+ getLowest():int
+ getTotal():double
+ getAverage():double
+ getAarray():double[]
Your file will have the following headers:
@Purpose: To get familiar with class, array, and their usage
@Author: (your last first name)
@Date: (today’s date)
@Version: 1.0
@Purpose: To get familiar with class, array, and their usage
@Author: (your last first name)
@Date: (today’s date)
@Version: 1.0
Question 2 (50 points): Texan’s Statistics
Write a program that prompts the user to enter the Houston Texans’ first eight regular season
scores. The scores should be saved in two different arrays, named texansScore[] and
opponentsScore[]. The program should display:
a) the percentage of games won by the Houston Texans,
b) the highest score of Houston Texans and the corresponding game number,
c) the highest total score (Texans’ and Opponents’ combined) of all the games and the
corresponding game number as well.
For example:
If the user enters the following data for Texans, and
37 39 47 35 16 34 24 19
if the user enters the following data for Opponent’s Score
20 56 18 28 20 26 18 10
Winning Percentage is: 75%
Highest Houston Texans score was 47 in the 3rd game.
The total score of the highest scored game was 95 in the 2nd game.
Your file will have the following documentation header:
@Title: LastNameFirstNameTexansStatistics
@Purpose: To get familiar with single dimensional arrays
@Author: (your last first name)
@Date: (today’s date)
@Version: 1.0