COSC 1436.3S1 PROGRAM SIX solution


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Write a program, which will ask for and read in a line of text characters. The program
will then determine if the line of text forms a palindrome and print whether it is or not.
After printing this message, the program will ask for another line of text. The program
will end when the line of text read matches the string “END” (letters in all caps).
1) Use arrays of char type. Programs using the string class will not be accepted.
2) When testing if the string is a palindrome, an upper and lower case character will
be considered a match. Only when checking for END is there a requirement for
the case to be specifically upper case.
3) The maximum number of displayable characters in a line will be 80.
To Turn In:
1) An electronic copy of the .cpp file in the project folder as created by
Visual Studio. This will be emailed to the instructor with the subject line
“COSC 1436.3S1 – Lab 6”.
2) If you wish any feedback on your work, turn in a printed listing of the
.cpp file that you created.

BONUS: Do the program without use of any “str” methods – plus 10 points.