COP 4020 Homework 1 solution


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Problem 1:

Write the function

average3 :: (Double,Double,Double) -> Double

which takes a triple of Doubles, (x,y,z), and returns a Double that is
the average (i.e., the arithmetic mean) of x, y, and z.

Save your solution inside the file Average3.hs and
make sure that your file starts with the module declaration:

module Average3 where

You can test your solution with Average3Tests.hs.

Problem 2:

This problem asks you to write a function in three different ways.

(a) Write the function

add_list_comprehension :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

that adds the first argument to each element of the second argument
and returns the resulting list. You have to use a list comprehension.

(b) Write the function

add_list_recursion :: :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

that adds the first argument to each element of the second argument
and returns the resulting list. You have to use recursion.

(c) Write the function

add_list_map :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

that adds the first argument to each element of the second argument
and returns the resulting list. You have to use the Haskell
built-in function map.

Save your solutions in the file AddList and make sure
that it starts with the module declaration:

module AddList where

You can test your solutions using AddListTests.hs.

Problem 3:

Use the Haskell operator ++ and the built-in
functions drop and take to implement

deleteNthElement :: Int -> [a] -> [a]

that removes the element at index n in the the second argument
where n is the first argument.

You can test your solution with DeleteNthElementTests.hs.

Problem 4:

Write the function

unique :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]

that takes a list and removes all but the
first occurrence of every duplicated element
of the list.

You can test your solution with UniqueTests.hs.


You have to zip the four files

– Average3.hs
– AddList.hs
– DeleteNthElement.hs
– Unique.hs

with your solutions and upload the zip archive to webcourses.

(Note: It is also OK to use literate Haskell files with the extension lhs instead of hs.)