COP 3404 Systems Software Project 1 solution


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This is essentially a simple data structure project.
For this project you are to implement the symbol table that will be used by
the assembler during pass 1 and pass 2. It should be constructed as an
efficient hashing table. You should construct a “main” routine that will
invoke the symbol table operations. The main routine should read a file name
off the command line.
The file will consist of a character string and an optional number one per
For example the file might look like:
moss 25
gorge 18
The actions should follow the following rules.
1) upon seeing moss 25
hash moss creating a location in an array.
if moss already exists, report an error, for example:
(ERROR moss already exists at location 8)
if moss does not exist, store the name and its number
when moss is stored print a lines such as:
stored moss 25 at location 8 (where 8 is the array index where moss is stored
reporting collisions, if necessary)

2) upon seeing eno
hash eno to find the location in the array where eno may
or may not exist.
if eno does not exist, report an error
(ERROR eno not found)
if eno does exist, report the location in the array and its number.
(eno found at location 12 with value 433)
Clearly, the 12 and 433 are numbers created for this example. 433
would have been the number associated with eno when it was stored,
like 25 was the number associated with moss, in the above example.
You will have at least one printed line for each input line in the file.
(Maybe more when printing the occurrence of collisions)
You must be able to handle collisions.
You must write a hashing function, you may not use one built in the language.
You should include appropriate documentation associated with
your project in a file called “text” containing name, purpose of
project, external files for input and output, and general
description of how the problem is solved. You should use a
makefile to compile and link your program even if you code in java
or other languages. Create good modular code.
COP 3404
Systems Software
Project 1 (50 points)
None of this program should be interactive; no menus, prompts or other
action requested by your program should be employed.
You may include any other files as you desire in your shar. Be sure
to test the integrity of your shar by creating a new directory,
copying your shar file to the new directory, unsharing, and making the
project. Only after this testing procedure has been accomplished
should you turnin your project. A heavy penalty will be assessed for
projects that do not make (compile). Even if you use a language like
python, you must include a makefile.
You should not shar a directory, ie when I unshar your
project a new subdirectory should NOT be created.