COP 3337 Assignment 3 solution


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Write algorithms and programs to play ‘non-betting’ Craps. Craps is a game played
with a pair of dice.

In the game, the shooter (the player with the dice) rolls a pair of dice
and the number of spots showing on the two upward faces are added up. If the opening roll (called
the ‘coming out’ roll) is a 7 (‘natural’) or 11 (‘yo-leven’), the shooter immediately wins
the game.

If the coming out roll results in a 2 (‘snake eyes’), 3 (‘ace deuce’) or 12 (‘box
cars’), then the shooter immediately loses the game (‘craps out’). Otherwise, the game continues
and the total for the coming out roll becomes the ‘point’. If the shooters rolls the point
before rolling a 7, the shooter wins. If the shooter rolls a 7 before re-rolling the point,
the shooter loses, otherwise the game continues.

The shooter will continue to roll until they
win or lose. Refer to for the basics and typical names
for the sum of the die rolls. Typical play-game pseudocode:
reset game;
roll two dice and sum;
increment number of rolls;
point = sum;
if (point is 7 or is 11)
game is won;
else if (point is (not 2), is (not 3) and is (not 12)) {
do {
roll two dice and sum;
increment number of rolls;
value = sum;
} while (value is (not point) and is (not 7));
if (value is point)
game is won;
game is lost;
game is lost;


Output will provide the analysis of running a certain number of games of Craps – presented
in clear, aligned, readable and attractive manner. The results of each game (win/lose) and
the number of rolls will be recorded by the Analyzer class in order to facilitate an analysis
of the game of Craps. Displayed analysis will include data points for:

(1) total number of games played,
(2) total number of rolls for all games played,
(3) average length (in rolls) of the games played (total rolls/total games),
(4) longest game played (in rolls).

(5) total number of games won,
(6) expected probability of winning overall,
(7) outcome of winning overall (total wins/total games),

(8) total number of wins that occurred on the coming out roll,
(9) total number of games that ended on the opening (coming out) roll,
(10) expected probability of winning on the opening roll,
(11) outcome of winning on the coming out roll(coming out wins/coming out games),
(12) expected probability of the games ending on the coming out roll,
(13) outcome of games ending on the coming out roll (coming out games/total games),

(14) total number of games continuing after the coming out roll (wins & losses),
(15) expected probability of the games continuing after the coming out roll,
(16) outcome of games continuing after the coming out roll
((total games – coming out games)/total games),

(17) summary tally of the number of rolls for each game to finish (1 to 21+),
* Coming out games = total number of games that ended on the opening (coming out) roll.

The display of the summary tally data point (17) can be printed horizontal or vertical (vertical
is much easier), using all tallies, whose sum should be data point (2). Use of arrays is

Empirical outcomes (data points 7, 11, 13, 16) are based upon actual results and will be computed
and displayed as a decimal percentage to 4 decimal places. Average game length – data point
(3) – will be displayed to 4 decimal places also.

Expected probability values (data points
6, 10, 12, 15) should be displayed to 4 decimal places, adjacent to the empirical outcomes
for easy comparison. Sources for expected values should be documented – external sources for
data point (6), or document your actual calculations for (data points 10, 12, 15). Data point
labels (1-17) should be displayed near appropriate results. See sample output below.

Input: Input will involve prompting the user for the number of games to be analyzed, an integer
between 1 and 1,000,000, inclusive. Input validation is expected.


Use only material covered in the first eight chapters. Style requirements as
discussed in class expected. Efficiency should always be considered. Round only for output.
Choose the most appropriate loop/decision structures and variable types. No switch or breaks
statements allowed! No Magic numbers! Use constants/enumerations where appropriate – game
results, roll results, and so on. No graphics.

You must write at least three programs: one for the Die class, one for the Craps class (that
uses the Die class) and one for the Analyzer (Driver/Main) class (that uses the Craps class).

The Die class will provide instance variables and methods to support the rolling of a
‘fair’ die of any number of sides – an integer between 2-100, inclusive. Auto-correct invalid
side parameters: < 2 becomes 2, > 100 becomes 100, default = 6. The method rollDie(sides) will
access the sides parameter and will return a random number between 1 and the number of sides,
inclusive. Constructor(s) and other methods, as needed. Refer to the text – section 6.9, pages
283-284 – for a sample/similar Die class example.

The Craps class will provide constants (i.e. for sums of die rolls), instance variables
and methods to play one game. A roll/throw in the game will consist of two rollDie(6) method
calls, or with a single rollDice(2,6) method.

Since many games will be played (via the Analyzer),
in addition to Constructor(s), the Craps class must also have a resetGame() method, a playGame()
method, and ‘getter’ methods for the game results and the number of rolls needed to decide
the game. Other methods, as needed.

The Analyzer class will prompt the user for the number games to be played, validate this
input, and then conduct the requisite number of games, gathering the required statistics from
each game for eventual analysis.

See above (Output) for details. The main() should represent
your high-level view of the required tasks – other methods, as needed. All input/output should
be done from the Analyzer class. Remember, your programs are not allowed to crash…


Your program must be able to compile and execute on FIU SCIS, using the ‘java’
compiler. Test it there before you submit.

Name your primary source code file:; and your class source code files:
and . Submission must have three source code files.

Refer to the Moodle documents: “How to Develop a Simple Java Program” and “Style Guide” for
details on expected program and class format and documentation. Review both documents carefully!
Note: the class source code file will use the class heading documentation, the tester (main)
source code file will use the program heading documentation.

Algorithm (pseudocode) should be submitted for each program, in a separate text file, and included
with the Moodle posting and class submission.

Print out a copy of your primary source code, each class source code, the pseudocode and submit
in class — signed, stapled and collated in the specified sequence: primary source code (w/main)
file, two class source code files, and then the pseudocode text file(s).

Post a .zip file — with all source code (.java) and text files — on the Moodle web site. Please
do not include any extraneous (IDE) files in the Moodle submission.

Program documentation must include the required signed disclaimer (comment) in the
heading — no grade will be assigned to programs that omit the disclaimer or signature.

Sample Output:

Summary of Game Statistics
| (1) Total Games 1000000 |
| (2) Total Rolls 3372851 |
| (3) Average Rolls 3.3729 |
| (4) Longest Game 44 |

Summary of Win Statistics
| Stat Games Outcome Expected |
| Total Wins 493449 (5) 0.4934 (7) 0.4929 (6) |
| Coming Out Wins 222770 (8) 0.6666 (11) 0.6667 (10) |
| Coming Out Games 334374 (9) 0.3344 (13) 0.3333 (12) |

Summary of Ending Statistics
| Stat Games Outcome Expected |
| Continuing On Games 665626 (14) 0.6656 (16) 0.6667 (15) |

Summary of Game Lengths in Rolls (17)
| Rolls # of Games |
| 1 334374 |
| 2 187707 |
| 3 134314 |
| 4 96603 |
| 5 69067 |
| 6 49933 |
| 7 35915 |
| 8 25670 |
| 9 18458 |
| 10 13221 |
| 11 9617 |
| 12 6938 |
| 13 4998 |
| 14 3612 |
| 15 2649 |
| 16 1828 |
| 17 1440 |
| 18 984 |
| 19 722 |
| 20 516 |
| 21+ 1434 |
| – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – |
| Total 1000000 |

Note: the values above are only representative, may not be accurate, and results will certainly vary.