COMS454 Project 1. Using datagram sockets to implement a simple RPC framework solution


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This project contains three exercises that lead you through the steps necessary to master the use
of Linux datagram sockets to build a form of remote procedure call. Your programs should be
written in C.
You programs must compile and run on pyrite. You need to use an SSH client to connect to
pyrite. This page talks about how to use SSH for Windows and OS X users.
You may borrow any code you feel necessary from the example program UDPsock.c, such as
MakeLocalSA, MakeDestSA, MakeReceiverSA, printSA, anyThingThere and use them as utilities
in the following exercises.
Exercise 1: A server that echoes client input
You are required to produce client and server programs based on the procedures DoOperation,
GetRequest and SendReply. The prototypes of these procedures are given in the Appendix.
These operations have been simplified so that client and server exchange messages consisting
of strings. In Exercise 2, you will put the arguments of DoOperation into a request message.
The client and server behave as follows:
Client: this takes the name of the server computer as an argument. It repeatedly requests a
string to be entered by the user, and uses DoOperation to send the string to the server,
awaiting a reply. Each reply should be printed on the screen. The client exits when the string
entered is “quit”.
Server: repeatedly receives a string using GetRequest, prints it on the screen, and echoes the
string back with SendReply.
You will implement DoOperation, GetRequest and SendReply. The prototypes are given in the
appendix. The Status value returned reflects the values returned by UDPsend and UDPreceive
(see below).
DoOperation Send a given request message to a given socket address and blocks
until it returns with a reply message
GetRequest Receive a request message and the client’s socket address
SendReply Send a reply message to the given client’s socket address
UDPsend and UDPreceive
The procedures DoOperation, GetRequest and SendReply must use two procedures UDPsend and
UDPreceive to be written by you, which respectively send and receive a message over/from a
socket. You are to implement these functions using the socket calls sendto and recvfrom.
Each procedure returns a value of type Status which reports on the status of its execution. For
example, if the sendto or recvfrom system calls return negative values, your procedures should
return a Status value of Bad.
You should use the definitions for SocketAddress and Message and the prototypes for
UDPsend and UDPreceive given in the appendix.
UDPsend Send a given message through a socket to a given socket address
UDPreceive Receive a message and the socket address of sender into two
Choosing a server port
Your server may use a port number in the range 10000 to 10100. You will want to run server
processes that can coexist with other students’ server processes on pyrite. Two server programs
running on the same computer cannot use the same local port number. You will therefore want
to choose a port number that is different from other students’ port numbers. If everybody takes
the first open port number (i.e., port 10000) and adds the last two digits of their University ID,
there should be no clashes. That is:
aPort = 10000 + last 2 digits of your University ID;
Exercise 2: An arithmetic server using RPC
In this exercise you will create an adaptation of Exercise 1, so that the strings that users type
to the clients are arithmetic expressions; and the server evaluates each arithmetic expression
and returns the results. Communication is to be done by RPC implemented by you. Client and
server should provide the ability to use Stop and Ping in addition to doing arithmetic.
Stop The server returns Ok to the client and then exits
Ping The server returns Ok to the client and then continues
Client: Each string typed at the client is to be interpreted as a simple arithmetic operation
(e.g. 34+67, 89*54, etc). This requires the expression to be separated into an operation (+, -,
*, /) and two non-negative integer arguments. The client exits when the string entered by
user is “quit”.
Server: It must implement an “Arithmetic Service” consisting of four operations add,
subtract, multiply and divide which should have identical prototypes:
Status op( int x, int y, int *result) //the last argument is for the result
The Status value should be extended with extra values required for this service, e.g., DivZero for
dividing by 0.
You will need to define a struct in C for RPC messages as suggested in the Appendix.
This exercise requires you to write marshalling and unmarshalling functions. The marshalling
function takes an RPC message, copies the fields of the RPC message into a network message
after converting the integers in the RPC message to network byte order. The unmarshalling
function takes a network message and reconstructs the RPC message from it after converting the
integers in the network message back to host order. You should use the functions htonl and ntohl
to do the conversions. The recommended prototypes for marshal and unmarshal are given in the
Two other matters should be addressed:
1. Both client and server should make use of the messageType field of the RPCmessage
structure after unmarshalling to test that Requests and Replies are not confused;
2. The client should generate a new RPCId for each call; and the server should copy the
RPCId from the Request message to the Reply message and the client should test that
the replies correspond to the requests.
Exercise 3 Adding a timeout
Add a timeout in the procedure DoOperation. This should have the effect that if there is no
response from the server for several seconds after sending the request message, the client
resends the request for up to 3 times. This is in case a message was dropped or the server has
crashed. The client should report on its behavior in these circumstances. Extend Status to
allow for the timeout.
Timeout can be done by using the select system call to test whether there is any outstanding
input on the socket before calling UDPreceive. The procedure anyThingThere in the example
program UDPsock.c shows how to do this. You can test your timeout by running the client
when the server is not running.
Submitting Your Project
You will submit your source files for the three exercises. Your programs must compile and run
without errors on The client and server programs should have separate code
(unlike the example program UDPsock.c).
For Exercise 1, name your client and server EchoClient.c and EchoServer.c,
respectively. For Exercise 2 and 3, name your client and server RPCClient.c and
RPCServer.c, respectively.
Put all your source files in a folder, then use command
zip -r
to create a .zip file. For example, if your Net-ID is ksmith and project1 is the name of the folder
that contains all your source files, then you will type
zip -r ksmith project1
to create a file named You should submit your .zip file on Canvas.
Total 140 points
• Exercise 1: 40 points
• Exercise 2: 80 points
• Exercise 3: 10 points
• Documentation: 10 points (You should include plenty of comments in your source code.)
APPENDIX: Definitions for C Programs
You are to use the following type definitions:
#define SIZE 1000
typedef struct {
unsigned int length;
unsigned char data[SIZE];
} Message;
typedef enum {
OK, /* operation successful */
BAD, /* unrecoverable error */
} Status;
typedef struct sockaddr_in SocketAddress ;
You may alternatively define data as a pointer.
The prototypes for DoOperation, GetRequest and SendReply are as follows:
Status DoOperation (Message *message, Message *reply, int
socket, SocketAddress serverSA);
Status GetRequest (Message *callMessage, int socket,
SocketAddress *clientSA);
Status SendReply (Message *replyMessage, int socket,
SocketAddress clientSA);
The prototypes for UDPsend and UDPreceive are as follows:
Status UDPsend(int socket, Message *m, SocketAddress
Status UDPreceive(int socket, Message *m, SocketAddress
C definitions for Exercise 2
You should use the following definition of an RPC message:
typedef struct {
enum {Request, Reply} messageType; /* same size as an unsigned int */
unsigned int RPCId; /* unique identifier */
unsigned int procedureId; /* e.g.(1,2,3,4) for (+, -, *, /) */
int arg1; /* argument/return parameter */
int arg2; /* argument/return parameter */
/* each int (and unsigned int)is 4
bytes */
} RPCMessage;
The fields arg1 and arg2 can be used for arguments in request message or returned value and
status in reply message.
The prototypes of the marshalling and unmarshalling procedures should be as follows:
void marshal(RPCmessage *rm, Message *message);
/* convert an RPC message to a network message. */
void unMarshal(RPCmessage *rm, Message *message);
/* reconstruct the RPC message from a network message. */