COMS 4771 Assignment 1 solution


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1.       Explain the academic honesty policy for the class and state your commitment to that policy.

[10 points]

2.       Sign up to Khan Academy with your Columbia email. Set

as your coach. Make sure you are comfortable with the material in the sections Random variables and probability distributions and Inferential Statistics, and solve all tasks in those sections.
[20 points]      


3.       Make sure you can effectively use MATLAB. Write a MATLAB function that simulates housing prices in the Columbia campus area, assuming the price of a housing unit depends on the size of the apartment, its location (higher as you go west and south), and floor it is on.
The function Prices = SimHousingPrices(Market, StdDev, Houses)
should receive as input:
Market:    The parameters of the housing market –  a column vector of size  5, whose

coordinates are (a,b,c,d,e)T where
a is the price increase per square foot
b is the price increase per avenue, going west
c is the price difference per cross street, going north
d is the price increase per floor
e is the fixed component of the price

StdDev:    A non-negative scalar s  that denotes the scale of fluctuation of the price of a housing unit given the size, location and floor for that apartment.

Houses:    Data regarding the N housing units for which price should be simulated – a matrix of size N×4, whose i-th row lists area, avenue, street and floor for the i-th housing unit.

The function should provide as output:
Prices:    The prices for the N  units as a column vector. Each price needs to be a linear

combination of the corresponding row of Houses, with coefficients (a,b,c,d) ,

plus the fixed cost e, plus a simulated value of a normally-distributed random
variable, with mean zero and variance s 2 .

Please submit SimHousingPrices.m in a folder called Assignment01.Problem03
in your CourseWorks dropbox [20 points]