Computer Engineering 12 Project 2: Sets and Arrays solution


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1 Introduction
In this project, you will implement a set abstract data type for strings. Your interface and implementation must be
kept separate. Separate source files that provide main will be provided for testing your data type.
2 Interface
The interface to your abstract data type must provide the following operations:
• SET *createSet(int maxElts);
return a pointer to a new set with a maximum capacity of maxElts
• void destroySet(SET *sp);
deallocate memory associated with the set pointed to by sp
• int numElements(SET *sp);
return the number of elements in the set pointed to by sp
• void addElement(SET *sp, char *elt);
add elt to the set pointed to by sp
• void removeElement(SET *sp, char *elt);
remove elt from the set pointed to by sp
• char *findElement(SET *sp, char *elt);
if elt is present in the set pointed to by sp then return the matching element, otherwise return NULL
• char **getElements(SET *sp);
allocate and return an array of elements in the set pointed to by sp
3 Implementation
You will write two different implementations of the data type for this assignment. First, implement a set using an
unsorted array of length m > 0, in which the first n ≤ m slots are used to hold n strings in some arbitrary order. Use
sequential search to locate an element in the array. Second, implement a set using a sorted array of length m > 0,
in which the first n ≤ m slots are used to hold n strings in ascending order. Use binary search to locate an element
in the array.
For both implementations, rather than duplicating the search logic in several functions, write an auxiliary function search that returns the location of an element in an array. Declare search as static so it is not visible outside
the source file. Use search to implement the functions in the interface. Your implementation should allocate
memory and copy the string when adding, and therefore also deallocate memory when removing.
By the end of the first lab, you should have finished the first implementation. You should verify that the ADT
works with both test programs (unique, and then parity) on all of the files. Note that unique takes an optional
second file, whose words it removes from the set, thus allowing you to test insertion followed by deletion. In
contrast, parity interweaves insertion and deletion, so it is a tougher test. By the end of the second lab, you
should have finished both implementations. Before the due date, make sure you finish commenting and testing
your code. You should use the assert macro defined in <assert.h> where appropriate.
4 Submission
Download the project2.tar file from the course website to get started. Call your source files unsorted.c and
sorted.c. Complete the file report.txt with the results requested below. Submit a tar file containing the
project2 directory using the online submission system. Although a Makefile is not required, you may find it
beneficial to write one. To build an executable program, you will need to combine one of the two test programs
with one of your implementations. For example:
$ gcc -o unique unique.c unsorted.c
If you are using Xcode, you can simply include both test programs and implementations as part of your project
and then select which files to build. Alternatively, you can have multiple projects that share the same source files.
5 Grading
Your implementation will be graded in terms of correctness, clarity of implementation, and commenting and style.
Your implementation must compile and run on the workstations in the lab. The algorithmic complexity of each
function must be documented. For both implementations, report the execution times of the test programs on
each of the sample input files by using the time command. (Report the average of the “real” times of at least three
runs on each input file.) For example:
$ time ./unique /scratch/coen12/Macbeth.txt