COMP6231/1 ASSIGNMENT 3 Option 1 solution


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Web Service Implementation of the Distributed Player Status
System (DPSS)

In this assignment, you are going to implement the Distributed Player Status System (DPSS)
from Assignment #2 as a Web service. Specifically, design the service from Assignment #2
(using the same functions and exceptions) by following one of these two options:

Option 1

 Extract the Java client-server implementation by removing the CORBA specific code
from your Assignment #2.

 Properly annotate your Java implementation to adapt it as a Web service.
 Build the end point files using the wsgen command before publishing the service.
Import the wsdl files using the wsimport command.

Option 2

 Extract the Java client-server implementation by removing the CORBA specific code
from your Assignment 2.

 Transform the hash table to provide data persistence.
 Use the Eclipse Dynamic Web Project – Web Service to identify and select endpoints
and generate wsdl file.

Your Server design should maximize the concurrency in the application. In other words, use
proper synchronization that allows multiple players/administrators perform the operations
(createPlayerAcount, playerSignIn, playerSignout, getPlayerStatus, transferAccount,
suspendAccount) for the same or different accounts at the same time.

Submitting Assignment #3
– Naming convention for zip file: Create one zip file, containing all source files (.java,
.doc or .pdf or .txt, etc.) for your assignment using the following naming convention:
The zip file should be called a#_studentID, where # is the number of
the assignment studentID is your student ID number. For example, for
the third assignment, student 123456 would submit a zip file named

– Submit your zip file at: as Programming
Assignment and submission #3. Assignments submitted to the wrong directory
would be discarded and no replacement submission will be allowed.

– Submit only ONE version of an assignment. If more than one version is submitted
the last one, before the deadline date, will be graded and all others will be

Evaluation Criteria of Assignment #3 (100 points)
Activities Points
Q1: Describe the techniques you use and your architecture, including
the data structures:
– Design of architecture: 5 pts.
– Description of techniques (including data structures) used: 5 pts.
10 pts.
Q2: Design proper and sufficient test scenarios and explain what you
want to:
– Design of 10 scenarios: 5 pts.
– Explanation of each scenario: 5 pts.
10 pts.
Q3: Describe the most important/difficult part in this assignment 10 pts.
Q4: You must provide the following:
– The UML design your architecture (Web Service design, Server
design): 5 pts.
– The text description of your design: 4 pts.
– A document to 10 pages : 1 pt.
10 pts.
Q5: The correctness of code 60 pts.