COMP5349 Assignment 2: Spark Machine Learning Application solution


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1 Introduction
This assignment tests your ability to analyze and tune the performance of Spark application. The assignment contains three stages. All stages use the MNIST data set of handwritten digits( The original data set contains four
files to store training image, training label, test image and test label. The files have been
converted to csv format and are stored in School of IT Hadoop cluster under /share/MNIST
2 Stage One: KNN Classifier
In this stage, you are asked to develop a KNN classifier to classify 10,000 test images. The
KNN classifier works by finding K nearest neighbor of an input object from the training set
and using the neighbors’ labels to determine the input object’s label. In the classic setting,
the object is given a label most common among its neighbors.
Each MNIST image is a 28 x 28 grayscale image, using the raw pixel as feature would
have a dimension of 748. You are required to run PCA to reduce the dimensions before
running the KNN classifier.
There are two hyperparameters: the reduced dimension d and the k nearest neighbours. Both should be configurable.
You should implement exact KNN, not an approximation. Your code should utilize
various Spark features and design patterns to optimize the performance in terms of
execution time.
Running the classifier on MNIST test data should produce the predicted label of each
test image as well as the following summary statistics for each label: precision, recall and
3 Stage Two: Performance Analysis
In this stage, you are asked to run your KNN classifier with different combinations of
hyperparameters and execution properties. For reduced dimension d, you should choose
two values between 50-100; For the nearest neighbour number k, you should choose two
values between 5 and 10. We are only interested in the execution property that controls
the maximum parallelism, namely num-executors and executor-cores or total-executorcores. You should choose three levels that suits your execution environment. If you do
performance testing on the cluster, the choice could be quite open; If you do performance
testing on your own machine, you are restricted by the number of cores your CPU have. In
total, there will be 12 combinations of all different values.
For each combination, you should record important summary execution statistics such
as execution time and total I/O cost. You may include other interesting metrics. You should
also produce a few diagrams to plot individual statistics under various settings and explain
your observation in the report.
4 Stage Three: Spark Classifier Exploration
MNIST is a widely used data set for classification problem. Spark machine learning library
contains a number of classifiers that can be applied on MNIST data set. In this stage, you
are asked to run two such algorithms on MNIST data set and compare their performance in
terms of accuracy and execution statistics. You need to further explore various parameter
settings of each classifier.
Once you have formed group, your tutor will assign the pair of classifiers your group
will work on in this stage and some further instructions with respect to those particular
You should use the classifiers implemented in Spark MLib library for this stage.
5 Group Collaboration
This is a group assignment. Each group can have up to three members. You are asked to
use git to collaborate among members, you can use the university’s hosting service, GitHub
or BitBucket. Once you have created the repository on a hosting platform, you should give
your tutor access to your repository.
A peer evaluation form will be distributed in week 10 for you to report any issue within
group before week 11. Group members are expected to make fair contribution to the
project. If members of your group do not contribute sufficiently you should alert your
tutor as soon as possible. The tutor has the discretion to scale the group’s mark for each
member based on their contribution to the project.
6 Deliverable
There are two deliverables: source code and project report (around 10 pages). Both are
due on Wednesday 30th of May 23:59 (Week 12). Please submit the source code and the
pdf version of your report as a zip file in Canvas. Please do not include any thing other
than the source code and the report in your zip file.
You need to demo your stage one and stage three implementation in week 12 during
tutorial time. Please also submit a hard copy of your report together with signed group
assignment cover sheet during the demo. Please note that ALL members of a group must
attend the demo and explain your contribution. Group members who do not attend the
demo will not receive any mark, unless he(she) has been granted special permission for
not attending.
7 Report Structure
The report should contain three sections corresponding to the three stages: Design, Performance Analysis, and Spark Classifier Exploration. You may include an introduction section
at the beginning and an appendix at the end.
The design section should describe the architecture of your implementation. The description should be similar to those in assignment one report. You may include short code
snippet in this section to help explain certain point. You should highlight performance
optimization features you use in the implementation. This section should also include a
sample result of running your classifier.
The Performance Analysis section should give an overview of the execution environment as well as the hyperparameters values you have chosen. It should include a few
diagrams highlighting performance variations under various settings. You may include
screenshots of history server pages. You should also include enough explanation of the
performance statistics and differences observed.
The Spark Classifier Exploration section should briefly describe the two algorithms you
investigate. You may also describe how you prepare the data for the classifier and how you
collect the output. The section should also include a couple of diagrams/tables to compare
execution statistics and accuracy of the two algorithms. You should describe interesting
findings you discover about the algorithms.
8 Stage Three Further Details
Below are the list of five classifiers, some with a few variations, you may explore in stage
three. We focus on exploring execution statistics as well as prediction accuracy. You only
need to investigate two out of the five classifiers. For each classifier, you are asked to
explore one parameter that might affect the execution statistics as well as the prediction
accuracy. You also need to compare the execution statistics and prediction accuracy of the
two classifiers.
• Decision Tree: in general, a Decision Tree’s time complexity depends on the number
of training samples and the dimension of the feature vector. You are asked to investigate the impact of feature vector’s dimensionality on the execution statistics and
prediction accuracy of Spark’s Decision Tree implementation. The dimension variations can be created with a dimensionality reduction algorithm like PCA. You should
study at least three different dimension values, including one representing the raw
pixel value feature vector (unreduced feature vector). You can pick the other two
dimension values.
• Random Forest: the time complexity of Random Forest algorithm depends on all
those in a Decision Tree (see above) as well as the number of trees. You are asked to
investigate the impact of tree number on execution statistics and prediction accuracy
of Spark’s Random Forest implementation. You should study at least three different
tree numbers. You can pick the actual values.
• Logistic Regression: the time complexity of Logistic Regression algorithm depends
on the number of training samples, the dimension of the feature vector, and the number of iterations. You are asked to explore the impact of feature vector’s dimension on
execution statistics and prediction accuracy of Spark’s Logistic Regression implementation. The dimension variations can be created using a dimensionality reduction
algorithm like PCA. You should study at least three different dimension values, including one representing raw pixel value feature vector (unreduced feature vector).
You can pick the other two dimension values.
• Naive Bayes: the time complexity of Naive Bayes algorithm depends on the number
of training samples as well as the dimension of the feature vector. You are asked to
explore the impact of the dimension of the feature vector on the execution statistics and prediction accuracy of Spark’s Naive Bayes implementation. The dimension
variations can be created using a dimensionality reduction algorithm like PCA. You
should study at least three different dimension values, including one representing
raw pixel value feature vector (unreduced feature vector). You can pick the other
two dimension values.
• Multilayer Perceptron Classifier: A Multilayer Perceptron Classifier has many hyperparameters that could affect the execution statistics as well as the prediction accuracy. Groups assigned to explore this classifier need to investigate only one of the
– Effect of hidden layer size: Build a Multilayer Perceptron classifier with one
hidden layer. Choose three values between 50 and 100 as the hidden layer size.
Investigate the impact of hidden layer size on execution statistics and prediction
– Effect of iteration number: Build a Multilayer Perceptron classifier with one
hidden layer and a fixed layer size. Choose three maxIter values with the smallest being 100. Train the classifier with those values to investigate the effect of
iteration number on prediction accuracy as well as execution statistics.
– effect of block size: Build a Multilayer Perceptron classifier with one hidden
layer and a fixed layer size. Choose three blockSize values, with the maximum
being 30(MB). Train the classifier with those values to investigate the effect of
block size on prediction accuracy as well as execution statistics.