COMP249/2 ASSIGNMENT #1 solution


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Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to allow you practice inheritance, as well
as other subjects in relation to it, such as default and other constructors, access rights,
method overriding, etc. The assignment would also allow you to practice the creation and
use of packages.
General Guidelines When Writing Programs:
– Include the following comments at the top of your source codes
// —————————————————————
// Assignment (include number)
// Question: (include question number)
// Written by: (include you name and student id)
// —————————————————————
– In a comment, give a general explanation of what your program does. As the
programming questions get more complex, the explanations will get lengthier.
– Include comments in your program describing the main steps in your program.
– Display a welcome message which includes your name(s).
– Display clear prompts for users when you are expecting the user to enter data
from the keyboard.
– All output should be displayed with clear messages and in an easy to read format.
– End your program with a closing message so that the user knows that the program
has terminated.
Part 1
The description of various publications is given as follow. A PaperPublication class
concerns of the following: price (double type) and number of pages (int type).
A Book is a PaperPublication that additionally concerns with the following: an
ISBN (long type), an issue year (int type), a title (String type), and author(s) name
(String type).
A ChildrenBook is a Book that additionally concerns with the following: minimum
age (int type), which indicates the minimum age that this book is expected for.
An EducationalBook is a Book that additionally concerns with the following: edition
number (int type) and speciality field (String type), such as pharmaceutical,
engineering, commerce, etc.

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A Journal is a PaperPublication that additionally concerns with the following: issue
number (int type) and speciality field (String type), such as pharmaceutical,
engineering, commerce, etc.
A Magazine is a PaperPublication that additionally concerns with the following:
paper quality (enumeration type that can be: High, Normal, or Low), and issuing
frequency (enumeration type that can be: weekly, Monthly, or Yearly).
For that part, you are required to:
1. Draw a UML representation for the abovementioned class hierarchy. Your
representation must also be accurate in terms of UML representation of the
different entities and the relation between them. You must use a software to draw
your UML diagrams (no hand-writing/drawing is allowed);
2. Write the implementation of the above mentioned classes using inheritance and
according to the specifications and requirements given below;
3. You must have 4 different Java packages for the classes. The first package will
include the PaperPublication class. The second package will include the Book,
ChildrenBook and EducationalBook classes. The third package will include the
Journal class and the last package will include the Magazine class.
4. For each of the classes, you must have at least two constructors, a default
constructor, and a parametrized constructor, which will accept enough parameters
to initialize ALL the attributes of the created object from this class. For instance
the parametrized constructor of the ChildrenBook class must accept 7 parameters
to initialize the price, the number of pages, the ISBN, the issuing year, the title,
the author name, and the minimum age.
5. An object creation using the default constructor must trigger the default
constructor of its ancestor classes, while creation using parametrized constructors
must trigger the parametrized constructors of the ancestors.
6. For each of the classes, you must include at least the following methods:
accessors, mutators, toString() and equals() methods (notice that you are always
overriding the last two methods). The toString() method must display clear
description and information of the object (i.e “This Children Book has 57 pages,
and costs 28$. It is suitable for age 4 and up …..”). The equals() method returns
true if all attributes of the two compared objects have the same values; otherwise
it returns false.
7. For all classes, with the exception of the Book class, you are required to use either
private or packages access rights. For the Book class, you are required to use
protected access rights.
8. When accessing attributes from a base class, you must take full advantage of the
permitted rights. For instance, if you can directly access an attribute by name
from a base class, then you must do so instead of using a public method from that
base class to access the attribute.

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9. Write a driver program (where the main() method is) that would utilize all of your
classes. The driver class can be in a separate package or in any of the already
existing four packages. In the main() method you must:
a. Create various objects from the 6 classes, and display all their information
using the toString() method;
b. Test the equality of some to the created objects using the equals() method;
c. Create an array of 10 PaperPublication objects and fill that array with
various objects from the 6 classes (each class must have at least one entry
in that array);
d. Trace that array to find the object that has the cheapest price. Display all
information of that object along with its location (index) in the array.
Part 2
For that part, you will need to modify your implementation from Part1 as follows:
1. All classes must have the most restrictive (secure/protective) access rights to their
attributes. Adjust your implementation from Part1 accordingly;
2. Modify the equals() method of the classes so that the method would first check if
the passed object (to compare to) is both not null and that it is of the same type of
the calling object. The method would clearly return false if any of these
conditions is true; otherwise the comparison of the attributes are conducted to see
if the two objects are actually equal.
3. In the driver program, you must add sufficient code to test your additions/changes.
Submitting Assignment #1
– Zip together the source codes for part 1 and part 2. (Please use ARCHIVE tool).
– Naming convention for zip file: Create one zip file, containing all source files for
your assignment using the following naming convention:
The zip file should be called a#_studentID, where # is the number
of the assignment studentID is your student ID number. For
example, for the first assignment, student 123456 would submit a
zip file named
– Submit your zip file at: as Programming
Assignment and submission #1. Assignments submitted to the wrong directory
would be discarded and no replacement submission will be allowed.
– Submit only ONE version of an assignment. If more than one version is
submitted the first one will be graded and all others will be disregarded.

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Evaluation Criteria or Assignment #1 (5 points)
Part 1 (4 points)
UML representation of the class hierarchy 0.5 pt
Proper use of packages 0.5 pt
Correct implementation of the classes 0.5 pt
Constructors 0.5 pt
Accessor/mutator methods 1 pt
toString() & equals() 0.5 pt
Driver program & general correctness of code 0.5 pt
Part 2 (1 point)
Access rights 0.5 pt
equals() 0.5 pt