COMP2240/COMP6240 – Operating Systems Assignment 3 solution


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In assignment 1, we assumed that the system had an infinite amount of memory. In this assignment, the operating
system has a limited amount of memory and this needs to be managed to meet process demands. You will write a
program to simulate a system that uses paging with virtual memory. The characteristics of the system are described
 Memory: The system has F frames available in main memory. During execution, the processor will determine
if the page required for the currently running process is in main memory.
a. If the page is in main memory, the processor will access the instruction and continue.
b. If the page is not in main memory, the processor will issue a page fault and block the process until the
page has been transferred to main memory.
c. Initially no page is in the memory. I.e. the simulation will be strictly demand paging, where pages are
only brought into main memory when they are requested.
d. In fixed allocation scheme frames are equally divided among processes, additional frames remain
 Paging and virtual memory: The system uses paging (with no segmentation).
a. Each process can have a maximum 50 pages where each page contains a single instruction.
b. For page replacement you will need to apply least recently used (LRU) and clock policy.
c. Resident set is managed using ‘Fixed Allocation with Local Replacement Scope’ strategy. I.e. you can
assume, frames allocated to a process do not change over the simulation period and page
replacements (if necessary) will occur within the allocated frames.
d. All pages are read-only, so no page needs to be written back to disk.
 Page fault handling: When a page fault occurs, the interrupt routine will handle the fault by placing an I/O
request into a queue, which will later be processed by the I/O controller to bring the page into main memory.
This may require replacing a page in main memory using a page replacement policy (LRU or clock). Other
processes should be scheduled to run while such an I/O operation is occurring.
a. Issuing a page fault and blocking a process takes no time. If a page fault occurs then another ready
process can run immediately at the same time unit.
b. Swapping in a page takes 6 units of time (if a page required by a process is not in main memory, the
process must be put into its blocked state until the required page is available).
 Scheduling: The system is to use a Round Robin short-term scheduling algorithm with time a quantum of Q.
a. Executing a single instruction (i.e. a page) takes 1 unit of time.
b. Switching the processes does not take any time.
c. If multiple process becomes ready at the same time then they enter the ready queue in the order of
their ID.
d. All the processes start execution at time t=0.
e. If a process becomes ready at time unit t then execution of that process can occur in the same time
unit t without any delay.
2 | P a g e
You are to compare the performance of the LRU and clock page replacement algorithms for the fixed allocation with
local replacement strategy.
Please use the basic versions of the policies introduced in lectures.
Input and Output:
Input to your program should be via command line arguments, where the arguments are system configurations and
the names of files that specify the execution trace of different processes. All processes start execution at time 0, and
are entered into the system in the order of the command line arguments (with the third argument being the earliest
process). For example:
java A3 30 3 process1.txt process2.txt process3.txt
…where 30 is the number of frames (F) and 3 is the quantum size (Q)for Round Robin algorithm and the
other arguments are text file names containing page references for each process (these are relative
filenames, and SHOULD NOT BE HARDCODED in anyway).
Since we assume that each page contains a single instruction, an execution trace is simply a page request sequence.
For example: (process1.txt)
This specifies a process that first reads page 1, then page 3, and so on until the ‘end’ is reached.
For each replacement strategy, the simulation should produce a summary showing, for each process, the total number
of page faults, the time the page faults were generated, and the total turnaround time (including I/O time).
Sample inputs/outputs are provided. Working of the first example is presented with details of different levels. Your
code will be tested with additional inputs.
Your program should output to standard output. Output should be strictly in the shown output format. If output is
not generated in the required format then your program will be considered incorrect.
Programming Language:
The programming language is Java, versioned as per the University Lab Environment (currently a subversion
of Java 1.8). You may only use standard Java libraries as part of your submission.
If you wish to use any language other than the preferred programming language, you must first notify (and
justify this to) the course demonstrator (Dan).
3 | P a g e
User Interface:
The output should be printed to the console, and strictly following the output samples shown above (also
given in the assignment package as separate files). You will lose marks if your program does not conform
with the input/output formats.
1. Your submission will contain your source files and a readme.txt (containing any special instructions required
to compile and run the source code) as well as your completed coversheet (PDF) and report (PDF), in the root
of the submission. Zip these files and folder up into an archive called (where c12345678
is your student number)- do not submit a .rar or a .7z etc.
2. Your main class should be, your program will compile with the command line javac
and your program will be executed by running java A3 30 3 data1.txt data2.txt data3.txt
(where data?.txt can be any relative filename and can be any number of files; see Input and Output
above for description – do not hard code anything!).
3. Brief 1 page (A4) report (worth 10%) of how you tested your program and a comparison of the page
replacement methods based on the results from your program and any interesting observations.
NOTE 1: Assignments submitted after the deadline (11:59 pm Sunday 8th November 2020) will have the
maximum marks available reduced by 10% per 24 hours.
NOTE 2: Assignments submitted that do not conform to the specifications will be penalised.
Mark Distribution:
Mark distribution can be found in the assignment feedback document (Assign3Feedback.pdf).
Nasim and Dan
v1.00 (2020-10-16)