COMP2121 E-Business Individual Assignment 1 solution


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Assumed that you are currently working in a start-up, which the business nature is merely on
the basis of your personal assumptions. You are the e-solution project leader, who is
responsible for planning, designing, developing and launching an e-commerce website for your
company as an e-retail channel.

Due to very limited resources, the in-house solution is
impossible in current stage. Therefore, you have to select the most appropriate e-commerce
platform service provider(s) to plan to launch your e-commerce website(s) for your business.

General Guidelines

This is an individual assignment. In your report, you should
 define the assumptions of your start-up business;
 explore the possible alternatives of e-commerce platform service providers to be
 establish the evaluation criteria;
 establish any relevant process(es) to make your final decision.

General Marking Criteria
 Topic of your business (10%)
 Main content (80%)
 Format, briefness, clearness and conciseness of your report. (10%)

General Format
Your report should
 include everything needed such as text, figures, tables, and references in your report for
marking purpose.

 be no more than 5 pages, excluding cover page. If your report has more than 5 pages, only
the first 5 pages will be marked, and the rest pages will not be read and marked. You may
put extra supporting information in the Appendix section (up to 4 pages for appendix), if it
is needed. The Appendix section is only for reference, and will not be marked.
 be used with the font size 12 in the A4 page size.

 include all references related to your report. Otherwise, it may be treated as the plagiarism.

Submission Requirements

 Submit your soft copy of the word document to the Assignment page in the Blackboard.
 Your file name should be named as studentID_A1.docx, for example, 19123456d_A1.docx.

Late Submission Penalty
For any late submissions, your marks will be deducted as below.
 Within 1 day (25% Less)
 Within 2 days (50% Less)
 More than 2 days (100% Less)

Consequences of plagiarism
If the submissions have at least 50% similarity, they may be treated as the plagiarism cases.
The Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee may investigate these cases. All the
students involved in these cases may receive 0% for this assignment. In addition, please refer
to the student handbook for the policies of plagiarism.