COMP133 Assign # 3 solution


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Write a C program that reads a double value (x) from the user and then uses it to compute the value of the mathematical constant e to the power of x (ex)  and print it in main using the following infinite series:

ex  =  1  +  x/1!  +  x2/2!  +  x3/3!  +  x4/4!  +  …

Your program should include  the following three functions:

  • function called power which takes two parameters: x (double) and y (integer) and returns the value of xy Function power MUST use a while  loop.  ( Not allowed to use the predefined function pow in math.h).
  • function called factorial which takes one parameter x (integer) and returns its factorial. Function factorial MUST use a for loop.
  • function called compute_ex which receives one parameter x (double) and returns the value  of ex  for the given x using the series above as well as functions power and factorial ( 1 and 2 above) .  Function computer_ex MUST use a do/while  The loop should stop when the new term added ( term = Xn/n!  where n=0,1,2,3,…) to the series is less than 0.0001.

Example of a Sample Run :

Enter x


e to the power 2.50 = 12.18



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  1. You must include your full name, student id number, and lab section number in a comment at the beginning of your c code file.