COMP1200-C – Assign 07 solution


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Before you start writing your program: Save a copy of the balloonValues.txt data file from the Assign05 Announcement and in your COMP1200/assign07 folder. If you do not have folders set up for your assignment files, this is a good time to start. Your assign07.c will look in the folder where it is saved for the data file. A development plan is a process that guides you through solving a problem and creating an algorithm. Create your own algorithm and use it as comments throughout your program. Use section comments to group your statements as well as comments from your algorithm.
Problem: Program: assign07.c On a hot Saturday afternoon, you and your friends notice an empty baby swimming pool on the lawn of your apartment complex. So, why not see if you can fill it with water from water balloons thrown from your second floor balcony.
You will modify your assign06.c by adding two call-by-reference user-created functions. Include the following function prototypes in your assign07.c. You may modify the variable names but not the function names, return types, or parameter order, quantity, and data type. // FUNCTION PROTOTYPES====================================================== void isHit( double *poolWater, double balloonVolume, int *numHits, int *holdBalloonCount, int numBalloons ); Add the balloon water to the pool water; count hit; remember the balloon that filled the pool. void addOne( int *count ); Add one to a count. Use for counting balloons and hits.
Problem Constants: See previous assignment. Problem Inputs: See previous assignment. Problem Outputs: See previous assignment. Other variables: See previous assignment.
Instructions:  See Standards for Documentation of C Programs on the Resources page on Canvas.  Insert comments at the top and throughout each file. o Include the follow comments at the beginning of this (and ALL) files. // submitter’s name, GROUP # Grade of ZERO for files with submitter name not part of Canvas group // other group members’ names Type “none” if submitting alone. // assignment number Zero points for comments if no collaboration statement // date you completed the assignment // statement(s) about collaboration // a short narrative about what the file does o Use the algorithm given as comments throughout your program.  Use descriptive variable names.  Use Sample Input/Output as a guide.  Use Generate CSD to ensure correct indenting.  Represent ALL given values as constants.  See previous assignment.
Sample Input/Output: Same as previous assignment.
Submit via Canvas: assign07.c C program file