In this assignment, you are going to implement a distributed event management system
(DEMS) for a leading corporate event management company: a distributed system used by
event managers who manage the information about the events and customers who can
book or cancel an event across the company’s different branches.
Consider three branches in different cities: Quebec (QUE), Montreal (MTL) and
Sherbrooke (SHE) for your implementation. The users of the system are event managers
and event booking customers. Event managers and customers are identified by a unique
eventManagerID and customerID respectively, which is constructed from the acronym of
their branch’s city and a 4 digit number (e.g. MTLM2345 for an event manager and
MTLC2345 for a customer).
Whenever the user performs an operation, the system must
identify the server to which the user belongs by looking at the ID prefix (i.e. MTLM or
MTLC) and perform the operation on that server. The user should also maintain a log (text
file) of the actions they performed on the system and the response from the system when
available. For example, if you have 10 users using your system, you should have a folder
containing 10 logs.
In this DEMS, there are different event managers for 3 different servers. They create slots
for events with event type and booking capacity. There are three event types for which
event slots can be created which are Conferences, Trade Shows and Seminars. A customer
can book an event in any branch of the company, for any event type, if the event is
available for booking (if the events slots corresponding to an event on a particular date is
not yet full).
A server (which receives the request) maintains a booking-count for every
customer. A customer cannot book more than one event with the same event id and same
event type. There are three time slots available for each event type on a day: Morning (M),
Afternoon (A) and Evening (E). An event id is a combination of city, time slot and event
date e.g. MTLM100220 for a morning event on 10th Feb 2020 in Montreal, QUEA120320
for an afternoon event on 12th March 2020 in Quebec and SHEE290120 for an evening
event on 29th Jan 2020 in Sherbrooke).
You should ensure that if the availability of an
event is full, more customers cannot book the event. Also, a customer can book as many
events in his/her own city, but only at most 3 events from other cities overall in a week.
The eventRecords are maintained in a HashMap as shown in Figure 1. Here event type is
the key, while the value is a sub-HashMap. The key for sub-HashMap is the eventID, while
the value of the sub-HashMap is the information details about the event.
Fig. 1 Hashmap of a single city
Each server also maintains a log file containing the history of all the operations that have
been performed on that server. This should be an external text file (one per server) and
shall provide as much information as possible about what operations are performed, at
what time and who performed the operation.
These are some details that a single log file
record must contain:
• Date and time the request was sent.
• Request type (book an event, cancel an event, etc.).
• Request parameters (clientID, eventID, etc.).
• Request successfully completed/failed.
• Server response for the particular request.
Event Manager Role:
The operations that can be performed by an event manager are the following:
• addEvent (eventID, eventType, bookingCapacity):
When an event manager invokes this method through the server associated with this
event manager (determined by the unique eventManagerID prefix), attempts to add an
event with the information passed, and inserts the record at the appropriate location in
the hash map.
The server returns information to the event manager whether the
operation was successful or not and both the server and the client store this
information in their logs. If an event record with an eventID and eventType already
exists, bookingCapacity will be updated for that event record. If an event does not exist
in the database for that event type, then a new event record is added. Log the
information into the event manager log file.
• removeEvent (eventID, eventType):
When invoked by an event manager, the server associated with that event manager
(determined by the unique eventManagerID) searches in the hash map to find and
delete the event for the indicated eventType and eventID. Upon success or failure, a
message is returned to the event manager and the logs are updated with this
If an event does not exist, then obviously there is no deletion performed. If
an event exists and a client has booked that event, then delete the event and book the
next available event (with same eventType) for that client. Log the information into the
log file.
• listEventAvailability (eventType):
When an event manager invokes this method from his/her branch’s city through the
associated server, that branch’s city server concurrently finds out the number of spaces
available for each event in all the servers, for only the given eventType. This requires
inter server communication that will be done using UDP/IP sockets and result will be
returned to the client. Eg: Seminars: MTLE130320 3, SHEA060220 6, QUEM180230 0,
MTLE190320 2.
Customer Role:
The operations that can be performed by a customer are the following:
• bookEvent (customerID, eventID, eventType):
When a customer invokes this method from his/her city through the server associated
with this customer (determined by the unique customerID prefix) attempts to book the
event for the customer and change the capacity left for that event. Also, an appropriate
message is displayed to the customer whether the booking was successful or not and
both the server and the client stores this information in their logs.
• getBookingSchedule (customerID):
When a customer invokes this method from his/her city through the server associated
with this customer, that city’s server gets all the events booked by the customer and
display them on the console. Here, bookings from all the cities, Quebec, Montreal and
Sherbrooke, should be displayed.
• cancelEvent (customerID, eventID, eventType):
When a customer invokes this method from his/her city’s branch through the server
associated with this customer (determined by the unique customerID prefix) searches
the hash map to find the eventID with the eventType and remove the event. Upon
success or failure, it returns a message to the customer and the logs are updated with
this information. It is required to check that the event can only be removed if it was
booked by the same customer who sends cancel request.
Thus, this application has a number of servers (one per city) each implementing the above
operations for that branch, CustomerClient invoking the customer’s operations at the
associated server as necessary and EventManagerClient invoking the event manager’s
operations at the associated server. When a server is started, it registers its address and
related/necessary information with a central repository. For each operation, the
CustomerClient/EventManagerClient finds the required information about the associated
server from the central repository and invokes the corresponding operation. Your server
should ensure that a customer can only perform customer operations and cannot
perform any event manager operation where as an event manager can also
perform all customer operations on behalf of any customer along with his/her own
In this assignment, you are going to develop this application using Java RMI. Specifically,
do the following:
• Write the Java RMI interface definition for the server with the specified operations.
• Implement the server.
• Design and implement a CustomerClient, which invokes the server system to test the
correct operation of the DEMS invoking multiple servers (each of the servers initially
have few records) and multiple customers.
• Design and implement an EventManagerClient, which invokes the server system to test
the correct operation of the DEMS invoking multiple servers (each of the servers
initially have few records) and multiple event managers.
You should design the server maximizing concurrency. In other words, use proper
synchronization that allows multiple users to perform operations for the same or different
events at the same time.
[20%] Design Documentation: Describe the techniques you use and your architecture,
including the data structures. Design proper and sufficient test scenarios and
explain what you want to test. Describe the most important/difficult part in this
assignment. You can use UML and text description, but limit the document to 10
pages. Submit the documentation and code electronically by the due date; print the
documentation and bring it to your DEMO.
[80%] DEMO in the Lab: You have to register for a 5–10 minutes demo. Please come to
the lab session and choose your preferred demo time in advance. You cannot demo
without registering, so if you did not register before the demo week, you will lose
40% of the marks.
The demo should focus on the following:
[40%] The correctness of code: Demo your designed test scenarios to illustrate
the correctness of your design. If your test scenarios do not cover all possible
issues, you will lose marks up to 40% of this part.
[40%] Questions: You need to answer some simple questions (like what we have
discussed during lab tutorials) during the demo. They can be theoretical
related directly to your implementation of the assignment.