COMP 416 Project #1 WeatNet: Development of Weather Reporting Network Application solution


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Introduction and Motivation:
This project work is about the application layer of the network protocol stack. It involves
application layer software development, client/server protocol, application layer protocol
principles, socket programming, and multithreading.
Through this project, you are going to develop a weather reporting network application
(WeatNet) by interacting with the application layer abstract programming interface (API)
of OpenWeatherMap ( The project will require you to work with
the following APIs for information extraction from the OWM web server:
1. Current Weather forecast
2. Daily forecast for 7 days
3. Basic Weather maps
4. Minute forecast for 1 hour
5. Historical Weather for 5 days
This API provides you access to the weather data which will be subsequently accessed
by the clients.
Project Overview:
In this project, you are asked to develop a weather reporting network application based
on the client/server model. WeatNet server provides two types of TCP connections to
interact with the clients: One connection for exchanging the protocol commands, and
one for data transfers. Fig.1 shows connections for a sample WeatNet server and client
interactions. As shown in this figure, the WeatNet server also takes the responsibility of
interacting with a OpenWeatherNet web server using the OpenWeatherMap API.
Figure 1. The OWM Client/Server connections.
Implementation Details:
The WeatNet reporting application has three main components:
● Interaction of the OpenWeatherMap (OWM) and the server
● Server side of the application
● Client side of the application
It is pertinent to note that the free subscription for OWM allows for up to 60 API calls per
minute and a total of 1 million calls in a month. The developed application and testing
including for demonstration must keep these limits in perspective.
This project has two phases: Authentication phase, and querying phase. During the
authentication phase, the client provides its username and answers a series of secret
questions to prove its identity. The protocol (the message flow, message types and their
formats) is provided in the “Authentication” section. The groups need only to implement
the provided protocol. During the querying phase, the authenticated clients
communicate with the server to retrieve weather information conforming to the
specifications that will be explained in the following sections. Unlike the authentication
phase, we do not provide you a protocol but expect you to design your own. This will be
a part of your report. You may use the authentication protocol as a starting point and
build from there.
City List:
The WeatNet reporting will be done for the following cities:
1. {‘id’: 745044, ‘name’: ‘Istanbul’, ‘state’: ”, ‘country’: ‘TR’, ‘coord’: {‘lon’: 28.949659, ‘lat’:
2. {‘id’: 740264, ‘name’: ‘Samsun’, ‘state’: ”, ‘country’: ‘TR’, ‘coord’: {‘lon’: 36.330002, ‘lat’:
3. {‘id’: 315201, ‘name’: ‘Eskişehir’, ‘state’: ”, ‘country’: ‘TR’, ‘coord’: {‘lon’: 31.16667, ‘lat’:
4. {‘id’: 323784, ‘name’: ‘Ankara’, ‘state’: ”, ‘country’: ‘TR’, ‘coord’: {‘lon’: 32.833328, ‘lat’:
5. {‘id’: 304919, ‘name’: ‘Malatya’, ‘state’: ”, ‘country’: ‘TR’, ‘coord’: {‘lon’: 38.0, ‘lat’: 38.5}}
6. {‘id’: 750268, ‘name’: ‘Bursa’, ‘state’: ”, ‘country’: ‘TR’, ‘coord’: {‘lon’: 29.08333, ‘lat’:
7. {‘id’: 311044, ‘name’: ‘İzmir’, ‘state’: ”, ‘country’: ‘TR’, ‘coord’: {‘lon’: 27.092291, ‘lat’:
You can find the entire list of cities supported by OWM here. Please note that OWM may use
multiple coordinates within the same city. The developed application must ensure that even if
the names may be duplicated, the coordinates must be for the cities provided for the list. In this
case, the city IDs will be useful when using the OWM API.
WeatNet Server side overview:
The server for the WeatNet application should:
1) Establish a connection with the OpenWeatherMap (OWM) web server using the API and
download the specified weather metrics for all the cities specified for this project.
2) Authenticate any client before initiating any data exchange.
3) Allow multiple clients to connect using multi-threading with the same functionality.
4) Add a timestamp in each file before sending to any client while providing hashes of the
files for error detection purposes..
The metrics categories for which the OWM API will be used are:
1. Current weather forecast
2. Weather triggers
3. Basic weather maps
4. Minute forecast for 1 hour
6. Historical weather for 5 days
All these metrics except the weather maps are to be downloaded in the JSON format as
separate files whereas the basic maps will be downloaded as images (.jpg, .png etc.).
API Interactions:
For the interactions to take place, the client will pass the name/ID of the city and/or the
weather triggers. All this information shall be conveyed between the client and the
server on the Command socket (the socket allocated to the client after acceptance and
Based on this input, the server will parse the client input and use the API to extract the
relevant information from the web server. This information will then be passed to the
client in the form of a JSON/image file over the Data Socket. The server will be
responsible for generating a hash value of each file before transmitting to the client and
this will also be sent to the client for file verification over the Command Socket
The process at server side would be:
1) Create welcoming socket
2) Accept incoming client connections at the welcoming socket, simultaneously if needed
using multi-threading.
3) Authenticate any incoming client connection requests after acceptance. Create an
additional Data socket with the client if authenticated. Terminate connection if
authentication fails. (Demonstration should present both scenarios in which clients are
validated as well as rejected).
4) Decipher the requests coming in from the clients and download the required files from
the web server. (The protocol for forwarding requests has to be developed by the groups
themselves and explained in their reports. A similar format is provided in the
Authentication part).
5) Generate the hash values of the file requested by the client.
6) Send the hash value of the required file over the Command socket.
7) Send the requisite file over the Data socket.
8) Terminate connection if a “file received” acknowledgment message is received from the
client and no other files are requested within timeout duration.
The exact implementation of Data Socket is left to the choice of the groups. It can be a
single socket shared by the clients through multi-threading or a dedicated socket for
each client. The initiation of the Data Socket and the exact nature of how the parameters
are passed to the client are also to be decided by the groups. The parameters of the Data
socket are also to be conveyed over the Command socket if required.
Weatnet Client Side Overview:
This weather application envisions multiple clients interacting with a single server. For this
application, the clients should:
1) Confirm its authenticity with the server
2) Be able to submit requests to the server.
3) Be able to receive data in form of JSON/image files from the server over the Data
4) Verify the file based on its digital signature.
5) Display the JSON data in tabular form or display the image on the client side
Client-Server Interaction
The client side must take care of the parameters to be passed once requesting any metric.
The process at the client side will follow the given steps:
1) Initiate connection with the server over Command Socket
2) Authenticate based on the server requirements.
3) Receive the parameters for Data Socket and connect to that after authentication.
4) Pass the requests to the server
5) Receive the hash value of the file on the Command socket
6) Receive the files over the Data socket
7) Confirm if the hash value corresponds to the file
8) Request retransmit from the server if mismatch between hash value and file or failure to
receive file (Relevant String should be displayed in terminal). A scenario for this step
may be specifically designed for demonstration purposes.)
9) Display the files in the appropriate manner.
10) Terminate the connection in case an appropriate file is received and no other request
forwarded within the timeout duration. (Appropriate tests for demonstration purposes
should be developed.)
Authentication Phase
In our implementation, the server does not share the weather information with everyone.
The client needs to be authenticated in order to be able to query the server, which will
be done by a series of “challenges” (i.e., secret questions) instead of simple
password-based authentication. After the authentication is done, the client will receive a
“token” from the server. The token will act as a “proof” of the authenticity of the client.
From that point on, the client will need to append this token to its requests, and once the
server receives a request, it responds only if the token is valid. Please note that the
authenticated clients are authorized to perform all possible weather queries, so we do
not distinguish between authentication and authorization for the sake of simplicity.
Fig. 2. The message flows for the authentication phase.
First, the client will send its username to request to be authenticated (i.e., acquire a
token). Then, the server will authenticate the client by requesting the answers for a
series of secret questions that are included in Auth_Challenge messages. After
receiving a question, the client will prompt the user, the user will enter the answer
through standard input, and the client will send the answer by including it into an
Auth_Request message. Some example questions and answers:
– “What is your favorite color?” – “red”
– “What is the first name of your favorite author?” – “kadri”
– “In which city you were born?” – “istanbul”
– “What is the last name of your best friend?” – “zorlu”
– “What is your goal in this course?” – “to get an A”
The server decides how many questions the client should answer, and the questions
will be chosen from a pool of possible questions. The correct answers to these
questions for the particular user will be known by the server. If all the questions were
answered correctly by the client, the server will send back an Auth_Success, including
a unique token for the client. If the client answers a question incorrectly, the server will
immediately respond with an Auth_Fail with the reason of failure message as “Incorrect
answer”. Please note that the server may also send back an Auth_Fail when the first
Auth_Request includes a nonexistent username. In this case, the reason for failure
should be “User does not exist”.
Figure 1 illustrates the intended message flow, where qi denotes the i
th question and ai
denotes the client’s answer to qi
a. Message format
In protocol design, (1) the message types, and (2) the format & the meaning of the
values in each type of message must be clearly specified. The client and the server will
handle the received messages according to their types. Similarly, they will construct the
messages adhering to the protocol.
Message types
During the authentication phase, the client is able to send only Auth_Request
messages, and the server is able to send Auth_Challenge, Auth_Fail and
Auth_Success messages.
Message type Value Payload
Auth_Request 0 Username/Answer (String)
Auth_Challenge 1 Question (String)
Auth_Fail 2 Reason of failure (String)
Auth_Success 3 Token (String)
Deconstructing the TCP data
The TCP data received from the socket must be deconstructed correctly. The first six
bytes are designated as the application header, where the first byte represents the
“phase” (either the authentication (0) or querying (1) phase.), and the second byte
represents the “type” of the message. If the “phase” byte is set to 0, then the messages
will be handled by the authentication module of our implementation. Otherwise, your
implementation should hand over the handling of the request to the weather querying
module. The remaining four bytes of the header are designated as an integer (4 bytes)
denoting the length of the payload in bytes. Your application should use this value to
read the correct number of bytes from the TCP stream as the payload, since we do not
know the length of the payload beforehand. Figure 2 shows the deconstruction of an
authentication message.
Here are some useful links:
Fig. 3. Deconstructing the TCP data.
b. Timeout mechanism
You also need to handle the cases where the client is unresponsive to a question. After
sending a challenge, the server should wait only for a predetermined amount of time
(e.g. 10 seconds) before sending an Auth_Fail to the client with the appropriate reason
message and closing the connection.
c. Implementation details
Storing users, questions, and answers
For simplicity, you may want to keep all the users, questions and answers in an easily
parsable text file. Figure 3 illustrates an example of such a file, where we have two
users – “ali” and “veli” with different questions and answers.
Fig. 4. An example of a text file storing users, questions and answers.
The token
The token should be unique for each session. Ideally, they should be constructed
on-the-fly. You can construct a token by performing a hash on the concatenation of the
username and a random number. Then, the token will be the first n (e.g., 6) characters
of the output. After that, you should save the token along with the corresponding client
IP + port and username, so that the server can verify the token in the future during the
querying phase.
While architecturing your application, it may be beneficial to separate it into
modules/layers so that different group members can independently work on a single
module. For example, the authentication module of the server and client would
communicate with each other (through the command socket) to agree on a token in the
authentication phase. In the querying phase, the only responsibility of the authentication
module would be as following:
– At the client: Append the token to the message received from the weather
module before sending the message through TCP to the server.
– At the server: Verify the received token appended to the received message from
the TCP before supplying it to the weather module. Then, the weather module
could simply focus on communicating with the OWM API.
Figure 4 shows an example of how the modules in your project may interact. The top
section represents the authentication phase, while the bottom section represents an
authenticated client sending a request to the server.
Fig. 5. The interaction of the different modules of WeatNet.
Execution Scenario
Due to the fact that the classes are being conducted online, the client and server are
expected to reside on a single machine for simplicity of both execution and
demonstration. However, any group preferring connection to a Remote device is free to
do so albeit with necessary consideration given to the overall execution and
demonstration scenarios.
The project envisions the groups to implement at least five unique clients and one
Project deliverables:
You should submit your source code and project report (in a single .rar or .zip file) via
The report should start with a very brief description of the project. This should be
followed by an explanation of the philosophies especially post-authentication
server-client protocol. This should be followed by an overview of the programming of the
client and the server side including the initial authentication, connection with the API,
the file transfer mechanism and the file verification. Instead of attaching complete code,
it is strongly recommended to attach code Snippets and images of the results of their
execution. The report should explicitly describe the test routines developed to
evaluate the full range of features required for the WeatNet.
Source Code: A .zip or .rar file that contains your implementation in a single Eclipse or
Intellij IDEA. If you aim to implement your project in any IDE rather than the mentioned
one, you should first consult with TA and get confirmation.
● Source Code: A .zip or .rar file that contains your implementation in a single
Eclipse or Intellij IDEA. If you aim to implement your project in any IDE rather
than the mentioned one, you should first consult with TA and get
● The report is an important part of your project presentation, which should be
submitted as both a .pdf and Word file. Your report should show the step by step
OWM configuration and connection with your code. As well as your server-client
communication initiation. Report acts as a proof of work for you to assert
your contributions to this project. Everyone who reads your report should be
able to reproduce the parts we asked to document without hard effort and any
other external resource. If you need to put the code in your report, segment it as
small as possible (i.e. just the parts you need to explain) and clarify each
segment before heading to the next segment. For codes, you should be taking
screenshot instead of copy/pasting the direct code. Strictly avoid replicating
the code as whole in the report, or leaving code unexplained. You are expected
to provide detailed explanations of the following clearly in your report:
You are required to demonstrate the execution of WeatNet Application for the defined
requirements. Your demo sessions will be announced by the TAs. Attending the demo
session is required for your project to be graded. All group members are supposed to
be available during the demo session. The on time attendance of all group members
to the demo session is considered as a grading criteria.
During your demonstration of the authentication phase, you will be asked to
demonstrate two clients being authenticated at the same time. You can assume that all
the clients will present different usernames. You need to make sure that all the users
have different correct answers for each of the possible questions. The clients and the
servers will be running on the same machine, so different clients should be running at
different ports. In this vein, the server will differentiate the clients not only by their IP
address, but also with their port number. For the demonstration, the server should send
three different questions before authenticating the user. First, you will need to show an
unsuccessful authentication, then you will need to show a successful authentication.
During the demonstration, the group will be asked to display all the operations of the
application starting from initiating client connections and authentication to passing
requests for the listed metrics. It is strongly recommended that the appropriate test
routines may be developed to present an effective demonstration and display the full
range of features as defined for WeatNet application.
The groups have the creative freedom to present any additional features they have built
into their application in any way they deem feasible. However, please note that you will
be given 10-15 minutes for your demonstration.
Following is a detailed but not exhaustive list of the test routines the groups should
develop to aid them in testing and demonstration:
1. Client creation. The application should be designed with client scalability in mind
even though the testing would be done with max 5 clients.
2. Single client connection with the server
3. Multiple clients simultaneously connecting with the server
4. Authentication procedure for a single randomly chosen client
5. The process from initiating a request by the client side to the final verification of
the received file at the client side and file display.
6. Process in case of a mismatch between received file and received hash.
Suggested task distribution:
We recommend you work in a group of 3 students, and suggest the following task distribution
● Student 1: Client-side programming and Authentication.
● Student 2: Server-side programming and multi-threading.
● Student 3: OpenWeatherMap API programming and file transfer mechanism.
● All members of the group to perform integration, tests and report.
The groups should be clear on the task distribution and the relevant questions will be directed
towards the student responsible for the task.
Good Luck!