COMP 307 Principles of Web Development Mini Assignment 8 solution


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In this mini assignment: • You do not need to make your webpage: o Pretty o Interactive o Responsive • You must do: o Synchronous

o Calls a C program o That uses an CSV text file as a database o Runs in the public_html folder in the SOCS server under your account Please do the following: Your job is to create a simple login web page that calls a C program to validate the username and password entered in the form with valid usernames and passwords recorded in an CSV text file (as your database). There is also an optional glory question. Your job is to (non-glory question): 1. If you have not already created your public_html directory in the SOCS server then please do so. You may need to do Exercise 1 from Lab 1. 2. Login to your account using ssh or putty 3. Now cd into public_html 4. Next vi login.html, and create a simple form with the following:

Please Login

then a

that displays one text input and one password input. The text input displays “Username:” and the password input displays “Password:” (without the quotes). More specifically, the word Username: is followed by a textbox then a new line and the word Password: with a password input box following. Below these two input boxes display a submit button. The submit button displays “Login” instead of Submit. The form’s action is to call a program named checkpass.cgi using the method “post”. 5. Now, create a CSV text file as the database called users.csv. The CSV file is formatted in the following way: first word is the username followed by a comma and then the password as the second word. Below is an example: bob,12345 Yuki,abc123 Maria,jklmnop 6. The program checkpass.cgi will open the CSV file and search for the existence of username and password (entered from the form) with the valid usernames and passwords in the CSV file. If the username and password match, then the user sees “Your Password Matches” McGill CCOMP 307 Mini #8 Vybihal School of Computer Science 2 of 2 otherwise the user sees “Wrong username or password”. 7. Program ends. GLORY QUESTION (optional) You get no additional points for doing the glory question. This is only for bragging rights. However, the TA will look at your work and comment on it. The glory question is about password security. In professional websites the passwords are not stored in readable form in the database. Instead they are encrypted. Create another C program called Caesar.c that can encrypt and decrypt a string using command-line arguments. Specifically: Caesar -e abc123 5 will encrypt abc123 with the key 5 and print the result to the screen. Caesar -d jklihj 7 will decrypt jklihi with the key 7 and print the result to the screen. The algorithm is Caesar cipher, a very simple character shifting cipher (you can look it up if your are not familiar with it). The checkpass.cgi program would need to decrypt the password before comparing. To make this easy, assume the passwords in the CSV file are already encrypted. Your cgi program will only need to decrypt the password. Use Caesar.c program to help you. (You can make the glory question less glorious by writing the Caesar cipher as a function within your cgi program, instead of it being a secondary program). WHAT TO HAND IN • Make sure the program works in your public_html SOCS directory • Submit a readme.html file with your name and an URL to your login.html file on SOCS • ZIP login.html, checkpass.c, users.csv and upload that to the MyCourses assignment box for the TA to look at. Make sure you coded this by hand. • If you did the glory question, then add the Caesar.c program in the zip file. HOW IT WILL BE GRADED – Maximum points 20 – 5 points for login.html – 15 points for checkpass.cgi o 2.5 CGI input from the packet o 2.5 Printing the resultant web page o 5.0 Password checking logic o 5.0 points reading the csv text file database