COMP 307 Assignment 2 web page solution


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In this assignment you will create a web page (consisting of an HTML file and a collection of CSS,
JavaScript, image files) that introduces yourself to the rest of the class. This will allow you to get
to know your classmates, so you can find collaborators more easily for the upcoming group
project. After the assignment deadline, I will assemble everyone’s webpage into a single
package and distribute it to everyone in the class.
Meta tags
Start by reading the Appendix below to learn about the 3 topics you can choose from for your
final project.
You must add 3 meta tags inside the head element to indicate three pieces of information
about yourself.
Project topic preference
Add one of the following tags to indicate your project preference:

Please do not pick the project topic that you think is the least amount of work. Pick a topic that
interests you. I will later provide additional project requirements, and I will do my best to
ensure all 3 topics involve the same amount of work.
You can change your mind about the project topic later, once you form a group with other
classmates. What you indicate here is not considered a commitment to a project topic. It is just
a preference.
Front-end, backend preference
The front-end involves coding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which all run in the browser. The
back-end involves writing server-side code using the Django framework to generate dynamic
Add one of the following tags to indicate whether you prefer to work more on the front-end or
more on the back-end.

Morning person or night person
Indicate whether you are a morning person (likes to get up early), or a night owl (likes to work
late at night).
Add one of the following tags

Webpage format
Your web page needs to have the following content.
In the top section of your webpage, include:
• Your name
• A profile picture. If you don’t wish to put a picture of yourself, feel free to use any
picture as your profile picture
• A short description about yourself (i.e. career aspirations etc.)
• Your preferred method of contact so other classmates can contact you
Project Idea
Just below the profile section, indicate the project topic you prefer to work on, and write a
concrete project description under this topic. For each project topic, you have some freedom to
make some decisions about the project specifications, as indicated in the Appendix. Take this
opportunity to brainstorm a bit and propose some ideas for your project. Also take this
opportunity to discuss any technology or technical approach you think would be useful for
achieving your proposed project idea, to the extent that you can. Note that for the project, the
backend must be implemented using the Django framework, but for the frontend, you are free
to use any library or framework.
An important goal of this section is to help you find other classmates who have similar ideas or
interests for the course project. So please be as thoughtful as you can here and try to be
concrete. Once you form your group, your project topic, as well as your project specification
may change. This is a brainstorming activity. You are not making any commitments here.
Extra content
Below the project idea section, feel free to include any additional content that you want your
classmates to see.
Additional requirements
Your webpage must make use the following tags, in addition to the meta tag as mentioned
above. Feel free to use them where ever you think would be appropriate on your web page.
<br /> • <img><br /> • </p> <ul>, </p> <li> • </p> <header>, </p> <article>, </p> <section>, </p> <footer> • </p> <p> • </p> <table>, </p> <tr>, </p> <td> You must also style your HTML elements using CSS, and you must make use of the following CSS<br /> properties. Again, feel free to use them where ever you think would be appropriate.<br /> • padding, margin<br /> • background-color<br /> • font-size, font-family<br /> You must write good quality code and follow good practices regarding the coding style as<br /> described here. You should assume that you will always be graded based on the quality of your<br /> code – for this assignment and for all future assignments and projects.<br /> What to submit<br /> Submit a single zip file onto MyCourse that contains the following<br /> • index.html – this html file is your web page. Do not include any other .html files<br /> • Any images index.html uses<br /> • Any external CSS or JavaScript files index.html uses (optional)<br /> Appendix: Project Topics<br /> Topic 1: Chat for Video on Demand (VOD)<br /> Key requirements:<br /> • Allow users to upload videos that can be viewed by other users<br /> • Allow any user to attach a comment to a specific time during video playback<br /> • When any user watches a video, comments will appear at the time they are attached<br /> • Allow users to upvote/downvote comments, which affects the way comments are<br /> displayed (i.e. highly upvoted comments are displayed more prominently)<br /> You are free to:<br /> • Decide how the comments are displayed. Twitch shows comments on the right, but this<br /> is not the only way to do it. For example, the Chinese video platform<br /> overlays comments on top of the video, and scrolls them<br /> across the video as the video plays<br /> Relevant technology:<br /> • Video API:<br /> Topic 2: Multiplayer Game in the Browser<br /> Key requirements:<br /> • Use canvas or SVG for rendering game graphics<br /> • Allow two or more users to play together over the internet (the two players are not<br /> using the same computer, so their game state needs to be synced across the network)<br /> • Allow game progress to be saved<br /> • Use websocket to ensure efficient communication of the game state<br /> You are free to:<br /> • Design your game<br /> • Design how progress saving works (progress only saved for one primary player vs save<br /> state involving multiple players)<br /> Relevant technology:<br /> • Canvas:<br /> • SVG:<br /> Topic 3: Online marketplace for buy and sell<br /> Key requirements:<br /> • Allow any user to upload products to sell, modify listing information, track inventory<br /> count as items get purchased<br /> • Allow any user to buy products that are in stock<br /> • Integrate with 3rd party API for payment processing (i.e. Stripe or Paypal)<br /> You are free to<br /> • Decide what kinds of product users may buy/sell – it could be very general like Ebay or<br /> focused on a specific type of product. If you choose a specific type of product, feel free<br /> to add features that cater your marketplace to that kind of product (i.e. a marketplace<br /> specifically for computers might allow seller to enter attributes such as CPU, memory<br /> size, and brand into the listing)</p> </div> </div> <section class="related products"> <h2>Related products</h2> <ul class="products columns-3"> <li class="product type-product post-17862 status-publish first instock product_cat-comp-307 has-post-thumbnail downloadable virtual purchasable product-type-simple"> <a href="" class="woocommerce-LoopProduct-link woocommerce-loop-product__link"><img width="233" height="216" src="" class="attachment-woocommerce_thumbnail size-woocommerce_thumbnail" alt="" decoding="async" /><h2 class="woocommerce-loop-product__title">COMP 307 Principles of Web Development Mini Assignment 7 solution</h2> <span class="price"><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi><span 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yourself to the rest of the class. This will allow you to get\r\nto know your classmates, so you can find collaborators more easily for the upcoming group\r\nproject. After the assignment deadline, I will assemble everyone\u2019s webpage into a single\r\npackage and distribute it to everyone in the class.\r\nMeta tags\r\nStart by reading the Appendix below to learn about the 3 topics you can choose from for your\r\nfinal project.\r\nYou must add 3 meta tags inside the head element to indicate three pieces of information\r\nabout yourself.\r\nProject topic preference\r\nAdd one of the following tags to indicate your project preference:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nPlease do not pick the project topic that you think is the least amount of work. Pick a topic that\r\ninterests you. I will later provide additional project requirements, and I will do my best to\r\nensure all 3 topics involve the same amount of work.\r\nYou can change your mind about the project topic later, once you form a group with other\r\nclassmates. What you indicate here is not considered a commitment to a project topic. It is just\r\na preference.\r\nFront-end, backend preference\r\nThe front-end involves coding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which all run in the browser. The\r\nback-end involves writing server-side code using the Django framework to generate dynamic\r\nresources.\r\nAdd one of the following tags to indicate whether you prefer to work more on the front-end or\r\nmore on the back-end.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nMorning person or night person\r\nIndicate whether you are a morning person (likes to get up early), or a night owl (likes to work\r\nlate at night).\r\nAdd one of the following tags\r\n\r\n\r\nWebpage format\r\nYour web page needs to have the following content.\r\nProfile\r\nIn the top section of your webpage, include:\r\n\u2022 Your name\r\n\u2022 A profile picture. If you don\u2019t wish to put a picture of yourself, feel free to use any\r\npicture as your profile picture\r\n\u2022 A short description about yourself (i.e. career aspirations etc.)\r\n\u2022 Your preferred method of contact so other classmates can contact you\r\nProject Idea\r\nJust below the profile section, indicate the project topic you prefer to work on, and write a\r\nconcrete project description under this topic. For each project topic, you have some freedom to\r\nmake some decisions about the project specifications, as indicated in the Appendix. Take this\r\nopportunity to brainstorm a bit and propose some ideas for your project. Also take this\r\nopportunity to discuss any technology or technical approach you think would be useful for\r\nachieving your proposed project idea, to the extent that you can. Note that for the project, the\r\nbackend must be implemented using the Django framework, but for the frontend, you are free\r\nto use any library or framework.\r\nAn important goal of this section is to help you find other classmates who have similar ideas or\r\ninterests for the course project. So please be as thoughtful as you can here and try to be\r\nconcrete. Once you form your group, your project topic, as well as your project specification\r\nmay change. This is a brainstorming activity. You are not making any commitments here.\r\nExtra content\r\nBelow the project idea section, feel free to include any additional content that you want your\r\nclassmates to see.\r\nAdditional requirements\r\nYour webpage must make use the following tags, in addition to the meta tag as mentioned\r\nabove. Feel free to use them where ever you think would be appropriate on your web page.\r\n\u2022 \r\n\u2022 \r\n\u2022 , \r\n\u2022 , , , \r\n\u2022 \r\n\u2022 , , \r\nYou must also style your HTML elements using CSS, and you must make use of the following CSS\r\nproperties. Again, feel free to use them where ever you think would be appropriate.\r\n\u2022 padding, margin\r\n\u2022 background-color\r\n\u2022 font-size, font-family\r\nYou must write good quality code and follow good practices regarding the coding style as\r\ndescribed here. You should assume that you will always be graded based on the quality of your\r\ncode \u2013 for this assignment and for all future assignments and projects.\r\nWhat to submit\r\nSubmit a single zip file onto MyCourse that contains the following\r\n\u2022 index.html \u2013 this html file is your web page. Do not include any other .html files\r\n\u2022 Any images index.html uses\r\n\u2022 Any external CSS or JavaScript files index.html uses (optional)\r\nAppendix: Project Topics\r\nTopic 1: Chat for Video on Demand (VOD)\r\nKey requirements:\r\n\u2022 Allow users to upload videos that can be viewed by other users\r\n\u2022 Allow any user to attach a comment to a specific time during video playback\r\n\u2022 When any user watches a video, comments will appear at the time they are attached\r\n\u2022 Allow users to upvote\/downvote comments, which affects the way comments are\r\ndisplayed (i.e. highly upvoted comments are displayed more prominently)\r\nYou are free to:\r\n\u2022 Decide how the comments are displayed. Twitch shows comments on the right, but this\r\nis not the only way to do it. For example, the Chinese video platform\r\nhttps:\/\/\/ overlays comments on top of the video, and scrolls them\r\nacross the video as the video plays\r\nRelevant technology:\r\n\u2022 Video API: https:\/\/\/en-US\/docs\/Web\/HTML\/Element\/video\r\nTopic 2: Multiplayer Game in the Browser\r\nKey requirements:\r\n\u2022 Use canvas or SVG for rendering game graphics\r\n\u2022 Allow two or more users to play together over the internet (the two players are not\r\nusing the same computer, so their game state needs to be synced across the network)\r\n\u2022 Allow game progress to be saved\r\n\u2022 Use websocket to ensure efficient communication of the game state\r\nYou are free to:\r\n\u2022 Design your game\r\n\u2022 Design how progress saving works (progress only saved for one primary player vs save\r\nstate involving multiple players)\r\nRelevant technology:\r\n\u2022 Canvas: https:\/\/\/en-US\/docs\/Web\/API\/Canvas_API\r\n\u2022 SVG: https:\/\/\/en-US\/docs\/Web\/SVG\/Element\/svg\r\nTopic 3: Online marketplace for buy and sell\r\nKey requirements:\r\n\u2022 Allow any user to upload products to sell, modify listing information, track inventory\r\ncount as items get purchased\r\n\u2022 Allow any user to buy products that are in stock\r\n\u2022 Integrate with 3rd party API for payment processing (i.e. Stripe or Paypal)\r\nYou are free to\r\n\u2022 Decide what kinds of product users may buy\/sell \u2013 it could be very general like Ebay or\r\nfocused on a specific type of product. If you choose a specific type of product, feel free\r\nto add features that cater your marketplace to that kind of product (i.e. a marketplace\r\nspecifically for computers might allow seller to enter attributes such as CPU, memory\r\nsize, and brand into the listing)","image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/05\/images-2.jpg","sku":11730,"offers":[{"@type":"Offer","price":"24.99","priceValidUntil":"2025-12-31","priceSpecification":{"price":"24.99","priceCurrency":"USD","valueAddedTaxIncluded":"false"},"priceCurrency":"USD","availability":"http:\/\/\/InStock","url":"https:\/\/\/product\/comp-307-assignment-2-web-page-solution\/","seller":{"@type":"Organization","name":"jarviscodinghub","url":"https:\/\/"}}]}]}</script> <div class="pswp" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="pswp__bg"></div> <div class="pswp__scroll-wrap"> <div class="pswp__container"> <div class="pswp__item"></div> <div class="pswp__item"></div> <div class="pswp__item"></div> </div> <div class="pswp__ui pswp__ui--hidden"> <div class="pswp__top-bar"> <div class="pswp__counter"></div> <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--close" aria-label="Close (Esc)"></button> <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--share" aria-label="Share"></button> <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--fs" aria-label="Toggle fullscreen"></button> <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--zoom" aria-label="Zoom in/out"></button> <div class="pswp__preloader"> <div class="pswp__preloader__icn"> <div class="pswp__preloader__cut"> <div class="pswp__preloader__donut"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pswp__share-modal pswp__share-modal--hidden pswp__single-tap"> <div class="pswp__share-tooltip"></div> </div> <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--arrow--left" aria-label="Previous (arrow left)"></button> <button class="pswp__button pswp__button--arrow--right" aria-label="Next (arrow right)"></button> <div class="pswp__caption"> <div class="pswp__caption__center"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> (function () { var c = document.body.className; 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