COMP 249 –Assignment 2 Inheritance, Polymorphism solution


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Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to allow you practice Inheritance, Polymorphism, Exception Handling, and File I/O, as well as other previous object oriented concepts. There are two independent parts in this assignment, Part I and Part II. Part I Post Canada is not happy with their current software that keeps track of activities of a delivery truck transporting packages from one city to another for subsequent local delivery by other trucks. You accepted to take the challenge as a programmer. Your first project is to write a new software application. Certain simplifying assumptions have been made to allow you to concentrate on OOP concepts rather than the complete realism of the simulation. Implementation Implement the following classes: Truck, Package, Letter, Box, Crate, Metal Crate and Wood Crate, and CargoTest to simulate the long-distance transportation of packages by a truck. Your solution must conform to the following: • A set of classes, corresponding to Truck, Package, Letter, Box, Crate, Metal Crate and Wood Crate, must be designed, declared and implemented. • The Truck class should contain the driver’s name, the originating and destination cities, its gross and unloaded weight, the number of packages and additional information about each package that it carries. You must use an array of type Package. You may assume that trucks can carry a maximum of 200 packages. Trucks will be assigned a driver, loaded, weighed before and after loading, driven and unloaded. In addition, each truck has a gross income equal to the total shipping costs of the packages. • The Package class is the abstract base class for a ‘packages’ hierarchy. Each package has a tracking number, weight and shipping cost, based on its weight. The tracking number encodes the originating and destination cities as well as the type of package. If the least significant digit of the tracking number is a 0, the package is a letter whose weight is given in ounces. Similarly, if the unit’s digit is a 1, 2 ,or 3 then the package is a box, wooden crate or metal crate, respectively, whose weight is given in pounds. We are not concerned with the source and destination information for each package, so we will not examine the tracking number for this information. • Shipping costs are computed as follows. o Letters cost $.05/ounce up to a maximum of 32 ounces (2 pounds). o Boxes cost $2/lb up to a maximum of 40 pounds. o Wooden crates cost $2.50/lb up to a maximum of 80 pounds. o Metal crates cost $3.00/lb up to a maximum of 100 pounds. • Your load method must check for packages that are too heavy. If so, then throw an exception and print out that package’s information (package type, tracking number, weight). Of course, don’t load COMP 249 – Summer 2021 Assignment 2 – Page 2 of 8 that package. If the package is ok to load, “get some space” for it and load it. NOTE: All Exceptions thrown will be of your own type – PackageException. • If you determine a package is not one of the ones your truck is allowed to carry, throw an exception and print out the information (unknown package, tracking number, weight). NOTE: All Exceptions thrown will be of your own type – PackageException. • If the truck is full, throw an exception and then printout the information (package type, tracking number, weight) along with the fact that it was not loaded because the truck is full. NOTE: All Exceptions thrown will be of your own type – PackageException. • When packages are unloaded the package information is printout, and deducted from the truck load. • You must handle weight conversion in two ways: o For package: This can be implemented using two methods toOunces and toPounds, that will accept a double as a parameter. You will implement them in Package, or the subclasses, it is entirely up to you. o For truck This can be implemented using two methods toKilograms and toPounds, that will accept a double as a parameter. You must print out the weight of the vehicle in kilograms and in pounds. To test your program you are to write the CargoTest code class which behaves in the following way: • Instantiate a truck, with its driver, unloaded weight and both the originating and destination cities • Load the truck with packages. • Determine the gross income earned by the shipping of the cargo. • Weigh the truck (AFTER it has been completely loaded). • Drive the truck to its destination – this will simply be nice output to the screen that states the truck and its driver is driving from originating city to destination city. • Unload the truck. COMP 249 – Summer 2021 Assignment 2 – Page 3 of 8 – Presents the following menu to the user, hence possible actions: *the sub-menus come after user confirms the choice but not with the main menu. Part I Evaluation You will be evaluated mostly on the implementation of the classes, the relationship (is-a vs has-a) between the classes, abstract classes, methods’ implementation, methods’ overriding and the access, rights of the class members, as well as exception handling. Required documents o UML diagram. o Source code in Java. o Javadoc file in HTML. o Test cases for all the functionalities of the menu options. Note- you need to hard code the array of packages, to validate when you try to load more than the allowed 200 packages. What would you like to do? 1. Start a cargo a. Driver name b. Unload weight(kg; lb) c. Originating city d. Destination city 2. Load the truck with packages a. Package tracking number b. Package weight(oz; lb) c. Package shipping cost 3. Unload a package 4. The number of packages loaded 5. The gross income earned by shipping of the cargo 6. Weight the truck(after it has been completely loaded) 7. Drive the truck to destination 0. To quit Please enter your choice and press : COMP 249 – Summer 2021 Assignment 2 – Page 4 of 8 Part II Warships …. The Warship class has the following attributes: a serial number (long type), a name (String type), a creation year (int type), an owner country (String type), a price (double type), and a speed (int type). It is assumed that both the name and the owner country are recorded as continuous strings with “_” to separate the different words if any (i.e. a name can be Royal_Fighter, and country can be United_Kingdom). The file Initial_Warship_Info.txt, which one of its versions is provided with this assignment, has the information of various warships that take part in an international mission. However, this file is always created manually by a 3rd party firm, which is histroically known to lack precision and so errors in the serial numbers are expected to exist in this file. In specific, due to a cut-and-paste practice by employees of this firm, some serial numbers are mistakenly re-recorded later in the file as the serial numbers of other following warships in that file. Consequently, a serial number can either appear once in the file, which is the correct case, or appears multiple times, in which case the second, and following, appearances are in error. You must notice that the file Initial_Warship_Info.txt changes regularly, and it may have many records, or no records at all, depending on the current participants in the mission. The file provided with this assignment is only one version of the file, and must not be considered as the general case when writing your code. For part II, you are required to: 1. Write the implementation of the Warship class according to the above-given specification. 2. Write the implementation of an exception class called DuplicateSerialNumberException, which extends the Exception class. Should a duplicate serial number is detected at any point, an object from this class will be thrown. More details will follow below. 3. Write the implementation of a public class, called WarshipInventory1, which will utilize the Warship class and the Initial_Warship_Info.txt, as explained below. The class has a static array of warships, called wsArr[], and a few methods. Besides the main() method, the class must have the following methods: a. A method called fixInventory(), which accepts two parameters, an input file stream name and an output file stream name. The first parameter is the stream related to the Initial_Warship_Info.txt. The second parameter is related to an output file name, which will be entered by the user prior to calling this method (at the main() method). This output file will eventually store a correct version of the inventory. More information on that will follow below. b. A method called displayFileContents(), which accepts an input file stream name, then displays the contents of this file to the standard output (the screen). c. You can add any other methods to that class if you wish to. Here are the details of how your program must behave: • In the main() method, your program must prompt the user to enter the name of the output file that will be created to hold the modified/correct inventory. This output file is theoretically a copy of the Initial_Warship_Info.txt, but with all the duplicate serial numbers corrected. COMP 249 – Summer 2021 Assignment 2 – Page 5 of 8 • If the entered file name by the user matches the name of an existing file, then the program must reject that name indicating to the user that a file with that name already exists, display the size of this existing file (in bytes) to the user, then prompt the user to enter a new name. This process would repeat indefinitely, until the user finally enters a name for a non-existing file. See Figure1 for illustration. • Once the user finally enters a correct file name for the output file, the program will attempt to establish an input and output streams for the Initial_Warship_Info.txt and that output file accordingly. This process may surely throw specific exceptions, and your program must handle all these exceptions properly. • The fixInventory() method (see details below) will utilize the wsArr[] array as follows: All warship objects recorded in the Initial_Warship_Info.txt file must first be copied into that array. All detections and corrections of the serial numbers will be conducted on that array. Once the array has finally all correct information, the objects will be recorded to the output file. However since it is always unknown at the time the program starts how many records are in the Initial_Warship_Info.txt file, you must first find this information. You may, and should, add a private helping method to the WarshipInventory1 class to do so. Once the number of records is known, the array must be set to that size. • If the number of records in the Initial_Warship_Info.txt was detected to be zero or one; the case when the file is empty or has only one record, then the program must display a message indicating that, performs any needed operations (such as closing files), then exits, since there is nothing to be fixed. • If the Initial_Warship_Info.txt has more than one record, then finally the fixInventory() method will be called to create a the new output file with the correct information. The exact details of this method are as follows: o The method will accept two stream names for the input and output files, o The method must read each warship record from the input file and creates a warship object in the array wsArr[] based on that record, o Once the entire input file is read into the array (notice that the array has real warship objects, and not just information), the method starts to trace that array from start to end looking for any serial number duplicates, o If a serial number duplicate is detected, then the method displays a message to the user indicating that, and prompt the user to enter a new serial number, o You should notice that this new number must not be a duplicate of any other existing record, and your program must guarantee that. Should the user enters a serial number that is still a duplicate, the program must throw a DuplicateSerialNumberException, which must be catched to display a message indicating that, then the user must be prompted again to enter a new serial number. Further bad entries will result in the same action; that is throwing of the DuplicateSerialNumberException object, catching it to display the message, and the user is prompted again. Effectively, this process will repeat indefinitely until the user enters a correct serial number. Again, you may, and should, create a private helping method to find if a duplicate exists in the array. See Figure 2 for illustration. o Finally, once all the duplicate serial numbers are removed, the new information of the objects in the wsArr[] must be copied to the output file. This output file has now the correct information. • Upon the return of the fixInventory() call in the main() method, the program must use the displayFileContents() method to display the information of both the Initial_Warship_Info.txt file, as well as the created output file. See Figure 3 for illustration. Hint: You must carefully keep track of the opening and closing of these files. COMP 249 – Summer 2021 Assignment 2 – Page 6 of 8 Below are sample snapshots of the program behavior for further illustrations: Figure 1: Detecting Existing Files COMP 249 – Summer 2021 Assignment 2 – Page 7 of 8 Figure 2: Detecting Existing Serial Numbers Figure 3: Displaying File Contents (partial image) COMP 249 – Summer 2021 Assignment 2 – Page 8 of 8 Submitting Assignment 2 – For this assignment, you are allowed to work individually, or in a group of a maximum of 2 students (i.e. you and one other student). You and your teammate must however be in the same section of the course. Groups of more than 2 students = zero mark for all members! – Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Zip together with the source codes. – Students will have to submit their assignments (one copy per group) using the Moodle system (please check for your section submission). – Naming convention for zip file: Create one zip file, containing all source files and produced documentation for your assignment using the following naming convention: The zip file should be called a#_StudentName_StudentID, where # is the number of the assignment and StudentName/StudentID is your name and ID number respectively. Use your “official” name only – no abbreviations or nicknames; capitalize the usual “last” name. Inappropriate submissions will be heavily penalized. For example, for the first assignment, student 12345678 would submit a zip file named like: if working in a group, the name should look like: – If working in a team, only one of the members can upload the assignment. Do NOT upload the file for each of the members! ð Important: Following your submission, a demo is required (please refer to the course outline for full details). The marker will inform you about the demo times. Please notice that failing to demo your assignment will result in zero mark regardless of your submission. Evaluation Criteria for Assignment 2 (10 points) Part I (5 points) 5 UML class diagram describing the classes and the class relationships, based on problem specification. 0.5 Programming style, Comments and Javadoc. 0.5 Implementation of class hierarchy, abstract class, handling exception, methods (constructor, accessor, mutator, helping, static), method overriding, access rights, etc. 2.5 CargoTest code (main class). 0.5 Output test cases (correctness and completeness). 1 Part II (5 points) 5 Warship & DuplicateSerialNumberException classes 0.5 pt Correct implementation to fix the inventory 4 pt displayFileContents() method 0.5 pt