COMP 1406 Assignment 1 Classes, objects, and interactions solution


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Problem 1 (Electronics Store – Version 1)
Your goal for this problem is to create a simple implementation of an electronics store. You must
implement the following five classes with the defined functionality:
Desktop Class: Must store the CPU speed (in Ghz as a double), amount of RAM (in GB as an
integer), amount of storage (in GB as an integer), and whether or not the storage is an SSD or
HDD (a Boolean, with true meaning SSD and false meaning HDD). The class must have a fourargument constructor that accepts an input parameter for each of these values in the same
order they are listed above (CPU, RAM, storage, SSD). The class must have a toString method
that returns a string indicating the object is a desktop PC along with the object’s properties. Two
examples of what the toString method could return are included below:
Desktop PC with 3.5ghz CPU, 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD drive.
Desktop PC with 3.0ghz CPU, 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD drive.
Laptop Class: Must store the CPU speed (in Ghz as a double), amount of RAM (in GB as an
integer), amount of storage (in GB as an integer), whether or not the storage is an SSD or HDD
(a Boolean, with true meaning SSD and false meaning HDD), and the screen size (in inches as
an integer). The class must have a five-argument constructor that accepts an input parameter
for each of these values in the same order they are listed above (CPU, RAM, storage, SSD,
screen size). The class must have a toString method that returns a string indicating the object is
a laptop PC along with the object’s properties. Two examples of what the toString method could
return are included below:
15″ Laptop PC with 3.1ghz CPU, 32GB RAM, 500GB SSD drive.
13″ Laptop PC with 2.5ghz CPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB HDD drive.
Fridge Class: Must store the size of the fridge (in cubic feet, as a double), whether it includes a
freezer or not (a Boolean that is true if it has a freezer), and the color (as a String). The class
must have a toString method that returns a string indicating the object is a fridge along with the
object’s properties. Two examples of what the toString method could return are included below:
15.6 cubic foot Fridge with Freezer (Gray)
10.5 cubic foot Fridge (White)
COMP 1406 – W20 – A1 Due Friday, January 31st at 11:59 PM
ElectronicStore Class: Must have an instance variable called name to store the name of the
store. Must have a one-argument constructor that accepts a string to specify the store name.
The constructor for this class must also create three instances of each of the previous three
classes (9 items in total, using the constructors defined in those classes) and store them within
the ElectronicStore instance being created. For storage purposes in the ElectronicStore class,
you can use one or more arrays, lists, or hash maps to store the various products (your design
choice). You can hard-code the argument values for the product constructors (i.e., CPU speed,
RAM, color, etc.) or use a random number generator to randomly assign them. This class
should also have a void method called printStock() that will iterate over all of the store’s stock
and print them to the console in a readable format. Additionally, this class should have a
searchStock(String) method. The searchStock method should accept a string argument and
return true if the toString() of any product in the store’s stock contains the given string argument
(otherwise, the method should return false). The searchStock method should also be case
insensitive. That is, searches for “desk” and “hdd” should both return true if the store contains a
“Desktop PC with 3.5ghz CPU, 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD drive”.
ElectronicStoreTester Class: This class should have a single main method, which will first
instantiate a single ElectronicStore and call the printStock() method. The test class should then
repeatedly prompt the user to enter an item to search for. If the user enters the word “quit”, this
process should stop, and the program should end. Otherwise, the searchStock method of the
ElectronicStore instance should be used to search for the given search term and the result
should be printed out. You should use the searchStock method’s return value to determine what
message should be displayed. The output from this tester class should be similar to below (user
input text is highlighted):
The store stock includes:
Desktop PC with 3.5ghz CPU, 8GB RAM, 500GB HDD drive.
Desktop PC with 3.0ghz CPU, 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD drive.
Desktop PC with 4.3ghz CPU, 32GB RAM, 500GB SSD drive.
15″ Laptop PC with 3.1ghz CPU, 32GB RAM, 500GB SSD drive.
13″ Laptop PC with 2.5ghz CPU, 8GB RAM, 250GB HDD drive.
15″ Laptop PC with 3.0ghz CPU, 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD drive.
16.5 cu. ft. Fridge with Freezer (Black)
12.0 cu. ft. Fridge (White)
23.0 cu. ft. Fridge with Freezer (Stainless Steel)
Enter a term to search for: desk
A matching item is contained in the store’s stock.
Enter a term to search for: LaPtOP
A matching item is contained in the store’s stock.
Enter a term to search for: Toast
No items in the store’s stock match that term.
Enter a term to search for: television
COMP 1406 – W20 – A1 Due Friday, January 31st at 11:59 PM
No items in the store’s stock match that term.
Enter a term to search for: GB
A matching item is contained in the store’s stock.
Enter a term to search for: quit