COMP 1020 ASSIGNMENT 3: Object-Oriented Programming, Inheritance and Polymorphism solution


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Assignment overview
In this assignment, you will implement a text-based game that is heavily inspired by the game NetHack. NetNack is a
classic open-source console-based game, and has been ported to most operating systems. See their homepage here, or
play online here. NetHack is a very deep game, and we are only borrowing basic elements from it.
The key parts we are keeping are:
• There is a board of size m by n.
• Each element of the board may be a wall or an empty space.
• Each empty space can be occupied by one character or item: either the player, an enemy, a health potion or a
• Commands are given by typing “up”, “down”, “left” or “right” (or just ‘u’, ‘d’, ‘l’, or ‘r’). The player will only
move in that direction if the space is unoccupied, and not a wall.
• If the space is occupied by a different character, the player attacks that character.
Keep all of your methods short and simple. In a properly-written object-oriented program, the work is distributed among
many small methods, which call each other.
There are many files to hand in with this assignment, most of which are only 1 or 2 lines long. Only a few will need 20
lines of code or more. Writing good code that uses inheritance means writing the logic once, and using that logic in the
Phase 1: The board
First, implement the abstract class Tile. This class represents the elements of the two-dimensional array that is the
board (a Tile[][] array). The tiles will hold the game pieces or a wall. We will add more to this class later. To start, a
Tile should have:
• Two instance variables: a String which is the symbol that should be displayed by this tile, and a boolean
which will indicate if this tile is a tile that the player can move onto (is “passable”).
• A constructor that has two parameters – the String and the boolean, in that order.
• Method String getSymbol()which fetches the symbol that should be displayed.
• Method boolean isPassable() which indicates if the tile is passable.
Now implement two subclasses of the Tile class: Wall, and OpenSpace.
• Class Wall is not passable, and the symbol is a hash: #
• Class OpenSpace is an empty space which is passable, and the symbol is a period: .
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These subclasses will only contain constructors. All the other logic in them is inherited from class Tile.
You can test your classes using the supplied test program You should get the output shown below.
Phase 2: Content
Next, implement the abstract Content class, which represents items that are sitting on the Tiles.
The Content class should have:
• One instance variable: a String that represents the symbol that will be drawn on the map. This can be a
protected variable.
• A constructor that accepts only one parameter (the String).
• A String getSymbol()method that returns the symbol for this item.
Implement an abstract subclass of Contents named Item. Subclasses of Item will be objects in the game that the
player can touch to interact with. Item should have:
• A constructor with only a String parameter specifying the symbol.
• An int getEffect() method that returns how much of the player’s health (“hit points”) are added, or
removed by touching this item. The default value to return is 0.
Now write three subclasses of Item:
• Amulet: which is marked by the character “Y” on the map. This is the “Amulet of Yendor”. Picking up this item
will result in winning the game. This item has no effect on hit points. This will be implemented later. In addition
to returning a 0, the getEffect() method should also write “You picked up the Amulet of Yendor!” to the
• HealthPotion: Represented by an “h” on the map, a health potion has the effect of adding 5 hit points
(health) to the player. In addition to returning a 5, the getEffect() method should also write “You picked
up a health potion!” to the console.
• Trap: Represented by a “^” on the map, the player will lose 5 hit points when touching this item. In addition
to returning a -5, the getEffect() method should also write “You set off a trap!” to the console.
These three classes only contain a no-parameters constructor, and a getEffect() method.
Now make the following modifications to class Tile and its subclasses:
• Add an instance variable of type Content to Tile. When there is no content to a tile, this variable should be
• Add methods removeContent(), which will set your Content instance variable to null, and a
getContent() method which will return the contents of this tile, and a setContent(Content) method
which will set the content of this tile.
• Change the getSymbol() method to return the symbol of the content, if there is a content in the tile.
Otherwise, return the symbol of the tile itself.
• Add a second constructor to the Tile and OpenSpace classes, that accepts an additional parameter of type
Content. The signature should be: public Tile(String, boolean, Content). The Wall class should
not have a constructor of this kind, since a wall cannot have any content.
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You can test your class with You should get the output shown below.
Phase 3: Combatants
Combatants are the characters on the board. There is always exactly one player, and zero or more enemies. Both have
“hit points” (the amount of health the combatant has). When the hit points become zero or lower, the combatant is
removed from the board. Health potions can increase the player’s hit points, while traps lower the player’s hit points.
Combatants have attacks which vary in strength. There are minimum and maximum attack values. Each time an attack
is made, a new random attack value between the minimum and maximum is returned. This amount of health is removed
from the combatant that is being attacked.
Define an abstract Combatant class that is a subclass of Content. It should have:
• Three instance variables: int values for the health, and minimum and maximum attack values.
• A constructor which accepts parameters of type (String, int, int, int) which are the symbol, health,
minimum, and maximum attack points, in that order.
• Three methods:
o int getHP() – returns the current number of hit points (health)
o int doAttack() – return a random number between the minimum and maximum attack values,
inclusive. Investigate Math.random() to do this.
o void changeHP(int amount) – add this amount to the combatant’s hit points. The number could
be negative.
Define three subclasses of Combatant:
• Player: represented by an “@” on the board, this is the playing piece the user will be able to move. The player
should start with 100 hit points, and have a minimum attack value of 5, and a maximum of 10.
• Troll: represented by a “t” on the board. Trolls should start with 15 hit points, and have a minimum attack
value of 1, and a maximum of 10.
• GreaterTroll, which is a subclass of Troll: Greater Trolls have double the hit points of Trolls, attack twice
not once, and are represented by a “T” on the board. The constructor of GreaterTroll should call the
constructor of Troll, then modify the hit points. The doAttack() method of GreaterTroll should call the
doAttack() method in Troll twice, and return the total damage.
• These three subclasses should have only a no-parameters constructor.
Player Troll
Greater Troll
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Add toString() methods to the Combatant class, and all of its subclasses, that simply returns the class name.
You can test your class with You should get the output shown below.
Player hp is:100
Troll hp is:15
Phase 4: Your own Enemies
Create a new enemy class, of your choosing and design. This is very open ended. The only requirements are that there
is a unique letter attributed with the name on the map, and that it has a unique name in the game when it is in a fight.
Then, create a subclass of that enemy, that is a more specialized version of that enemy (much like Troll, GreaterTroll).
In your subclass, override the changeHP method to double any values that are applied. If a 2 is passed, add 4. If a -4 is
passed, use -8.
Phase 5: Gameboard
Create a Gameboard class that will hold and manage a 2D array of tiles that will represent the game state. To initialize
the game board, data will be read in from a text file. The text file has the following format. The first row contains two
integers that specify how many rows and columns are in the rectangular game board. The rest of the file gives the initial
state of the game board. It has the same format as the output that we have been generating to this point: “Y” is the
amulet, “@” is the player, and so on.
The Gameboard class, for this phase, only needs one instance variable of type Tile[][].
Write a constructor that accepts a file name as a parameter (a String). Open that file, read the contents, and initialize
your two dimensional array of tiles based on the file. It can be assumed that the file will be in the same folder as your
Write a toString() method that returns the game board as a multi-line String. The first line should give the current
health of the player, and the remaining lines should show the board. See the examples below.
You can test your class with You should get the output shown below. Make sure the supplied test
data files (phase5GameBoard1.txt and phase5GameBoard2.txt) are in the same folder as the rest of your files.
Health: 100
Health: 100
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Phase 6: The Game
Extend the Gameboard class to play a simple game with the game board we have created. Add:
• Static variables to define the four possible directions. You can set these to whatever values you like:
o public static final int UP
o public static final int DOWN
o public static final int LEFT
o public static final int RIGHT
• Two boolean instance variables: one indicating whether or not the game is over, and one indicating whether
or not the player has won the game. Add accessor methods getWon() and getDone() for these instance
• void doRound(int): This method contains all the logic to control one move in the game. The parameter
specifies the direction of the move: up, down, left or right. This will be a fairly large method.
o If the player tries to move into a wall, the player should not move.
o If the player moves into an empty space, the player should move to that space.
o If the player moves onto a space where there is an Item, call getEffect() on the item, and change
the user’s hit points appropriately with changeHP(). If the item is the Amulet of Yendor (Y), the game
is won. Set the boolean variables appropriately.
o If the player attempts to move into a space occupied by a different combatant:
▪ The player attacks that combatant. Use doAttack() to generate how many hit points the
attack removes from the combatant. If the other combatant is reduced to 0 or fewer hit
points, that combatant is removed from the board, and the player moves into that square.
▪ If the combatant is not at 0 or fewer hit points, the player does not move, and the combatant
attacks back, reducing the health of the player. If the player is reduced to 0 or fewer hit
points, the player dies and the game is over.
▪ Print out to the console the number of hit points both combatants have after the attacks are
▪ Print out to the console “[enemy type] is vanquished!” when a combatant is reduced to 0 or
fewer hit points.
You can test your class with Sample output is shown below, which shows fighting a combatant,
and setting off a trap.
Welcome to NetHack, 1020 edition.
Health: 100
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Player attacks the Troll for 6
Troll attacks the player for 3
Player health:97 Troll health 9
Health: 97
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Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Player attacks the Troll for 8
Troll attacks the player for 4
Player health:93 Troll health 1
Health: 93
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Player attacks the Troll for 5
Troll is vanquished!
Health: 93
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
You set off a trap!
Health: 88
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Health: 88
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Health: 88
Which way would you like to move?
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Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Health: 88
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Health: 88
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Health: 88
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Health: 88
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Player attacks the Troll for 6
Troll attacks the player for 5
Player health:83 Troll health 9
Health: 83
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Player attacks the Troll for 6
Troll attacks the player for 2
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Player health:81 Troll health 3
Health: 81
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Player attacks the Troll for 7
Troll is vanquished!
Health: 81
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Health: 81
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
Health: 81
Which way would you like to move?
Valid commands are up, down, left, right.
You picked up a The Amulet of Yendor!
You win!
Hand in
Submit your fifteen Java files.
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14. The enemy you created
15. The subclass of the enemy you created
Do not submit .class or .java~ files! Do not submit a .zip file! You do not need to submit the files
that were given to you. If you did not complete all five phases of the assignment, use the Comments field when you
hand in the assignment to tell the marker which phases were completed, so that only the appropriate tests can be
run. For example, if you say that you completed Phases 1-2, then the marker will compile your files, and compile and
run the tests for phases 1 and 2. If it fails to compile and run, you will lose all of the marks for the test runs. The
marker will not try to run anything else, and will not edit your files in any way. (Make sure none of your files specify a
package at the top!)