COM S/SE 319 : Software Construction and User Interfaces HW 4 solution


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This assignment is focused on node.js
Task 1: (45 points)
Learn to use node.js programming.
NOTE 1: Play with the given example. Open using a text editor of your choice and modify to learn how
the different instructions work.
*It will be a console based application:
Your assignment is to create a simple binary calculator programs. This calculator should look
approximately like the given warm-up exercise.
For binary calculator,
1. Note that for some operations on the binary calculator, it may be more convenient to convert the
binary numbers to integers and then do the operation. (It is a suggestion, you can implement your
own logic).
2. You can assume that only positive binary numbers are represented and used. For example,
positive 9 is represented as 1001.
3. Binary operator “+” represents plus operation (5 points)
4. Binary operator “*” represents multiply (5 points)
5. Binary operator “/” represents division (5 points)
6. Binary operator “%” represents mod or remainder (i.e. divide the first value by the second, what
is remaining, only works on positive numbers) (5 points)
7. Unary operator “<<” represents one bit-shift left (i.e. insert zeros in the vacated position on the
left, only works on positive numbers) e.g. (101 << gives 1010) (5 points)
8. Unary operator “>>” represents one bit-Shift right (insert zeros in the vacated position on the
right, only works on positive numbers) e.g. (101 >> gives 10) (5 points)
9. Binary operator “&” represents AND (only works on positive numbers) e.g. (101 & 1011 gives
0001) (5 points)
10. Binary operator “|” represents OR (only works on positive numbers) e.g. (101 | 1010 gives 1111)
(5 points)
11. Unary operator “~” represents not (i.e. invert each bit of the binary value, only works on positive
numbers) e.g. (101 ~ gives 10) (5 points)
What to Submit:
Submit via Canvas a compressed file (.zip) containing the following:
● code(s) for Task 1. [Task 1= 45 Points]
● README file explaining how to compile and run your program & a Report (.docx or .pdf)
describing your solution approach and screenshots of every required output. [5 points].