COM S 342 practice Exam 1 solution


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1. [Recursion and Higher Order Procedures ] (35pts)

Implement a procedure triangle-pattern with the following signature:

(define (triangle-pattern size next-sym init-sym)…)

size: denotes the size of the generated triangle
next-sym: is a two argument function that, given the row number and the
previous symbol, outputs the next symbol
init-sym: the first symbol of every line

The triangle is flipped such that its base is on the left, in a vertical position.

> (define (one-star-one-plus prev-sym i)
(if (equal? prev-sym ‘+)

> (triangle-pattern 1 one-star-one-plus ‘*)

> (triangle-pattern 2 one-star-one-plus ‘*)
(* +)

> (triangle-pattern 3 one-star-one-plus ‘*)
(* +)
(* + *)
(* +)

;the pattern changes based on the initial symbol
> (triangle-pattern 3 one-star-one-plus ‘+)
(+ *)
(+ * +)
(+ *)

> (define (odd-plus-even-star prev-sym i)
(if (= (modulo i 2) 0)

> (triangle-pattern 1 odd-plus-even-star ‘$)

> (triangle-pattern 2 odd-plus-even-star ‘$)
($ *)

> (triangle-pattern 3 odd-plus-even-star ‘$)
($ *)
($ + +)
($ *)

– no pretty printing is required, just create the correct lists.
– you may assume that size is always an integer >= 1
– you may assume that next-sym is always a two argument function
– line numbering is 1 indexed. Check the last 3 examples to verify

it might be useful to first write a helper function to compute a row with index i




2. [Currying a Function] (10pts)
Given the procedure
node::symbol -> number -> number -> tree
(define node
(lambda (sym left right)
(list sym left right)))

(a) Write a curried version of the above procedure (i.e. instead of taking all three
parameters as was in lambda(sym, left, right), try composing return functions
that take one parameter at a time )



(b) Use the curred version to create the following tree: (top 2 3)



3. [Flat Recursion] (10pts)
Write a procedure, get-last-name that takes in a list of lists with first-name/middle-name/last-name
string lists and returns a single list of only the last names. For instance:

(get-last-name ‘((“John” “F” “Kennedy”) (“Winston” “S” “Churchill”)) => (“Kennedy” “Churchill”)





4.[common sense knowledge in Scheme] (15pts)
Given (define x (list (cons ‘a ‘b) (cons ‘c (list ‘d ‘e)) ‘f ‘g)))
what does each of the following return in Scheme?

(cdar x) =>
(caddr x) =>
(cadddr x) =>
(cdadr x) =>
(cddadr x) =>



5. [Data Type Representation] (20pts)

Consider the data type of
<bintree> ::= <number> “leaf-node”
| (<bintree> <bintree>) “interior-node”

also, consider an interface given as follows

(leaf-node number) // leaf-node constructor
(interior-node bintree bintree) // interior-node constructor

* Searches if input number exists in the bintree => #t/#f *
(number-exists? bintree n)

Implement the bintree data type using **PROCEDURAL-BASED** representation

Example runs:
(number-exists? (leaf-node 4) 5) => #f
(number-exists? (interior-node (leaf-node 4) (leaf-node 5)) 5) => #t

***Hint: this is easier than the homework questions, since you are not asked to do the extractors ****




6. [Data Type Representation] (10pts)

Consider the data type “pl-exp”, which represents expressions in the pl language. This data type is
defined by the following grammar:

<pl-exp> ::= <symbol> “var-name”
| ( <symbol> <pl-exp> ) ” call-name argument”
| ( <pl-exp> <pl-exp> ) ” guard-condition action”

(a) Create the interface for this data type using the standard method for representing recursive data types
discussed in class. Write the signature for the constructors, predicates and extractors based on the
grammar provided above.
A signature generally represents types of input and output. An example signature from the previous question
is leaf-node: number -> bintree, saying that leaf-node is a function that takes as argument a number and the
result of this function is a bintree.

Signature for constructors:


Signatures for predicates:

Signatures for extractors:



(b) Try using Scheme’s define-datatype form as introduced in class, given in the lecture notes, to write a
representation for the data type pl-exp.