COL374/672 Assignment 2 PSP Network solution


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1 Introduction
In this assignment, you would build a network similar to a P2P file distribution framework. Traditional P2P, or peer-to-peer networks work with minimal to no reliance on a central server. Each
connected node in the network, also called a “peer”, is a user device: a laptop, PC, phone etc. These
peers communicate by direct message passing instead of needing a shared server. A common P2P
file sharing application is BitTorrent. Put in simple terms, peers in the network connect to other
peers to request the missing parts of file they want. These peers also act as servicers by being open
to sharing the parts of file they already possess.
Figure 1: Simple P2P network
For this assignment, we would simplify the communication by having it through a central server.
The server will act as a mediator to facilitate data transfer among peers. Hence the name PSP
network. The assignment is divided into two parts. The parts differ in the protocol used for
different types of communications.
COL374/672: Computer Networks Assignment 2
2 Part 1
Figure 2: A simple PSP network with a server and 5 clients
The goal is to build a PSP network, that distributes the desired file to all the peers, starting with
some distribution of file chunks among them. You are required to simulate the network following
the steps given below:
1. Simulate a server and n clients (separate scripts have to be written for the simulation of server
and client, in the client script, you can implement multiple clients using threads). Start with
2. Download the given file A2 small file.txt 1. At t=0, the server should possess the complete file,
and no client should have any part of it. The MD5 sum 2 of the file is 9f9d1c257fe1733f6095a8336372616e
3. The server divides the file into n disjoint but exhaustive chunks 3 and distributes one chunk to
each client. At this point, each client should have one chunk, and no pair of clients should have
any overlapping information. Alternatively, you can also use 1KB chunks for this task too.
The parts of file shared still need to be equal in size, exhaustive and disjoint across clients.
4. Server deletes the file. Thus now, the server has no data with it.
5. In the process that follows, each client operates independently. From now on, each chunk of
data exchanged would be of 1 Kilobytes. The simulation ends when each client has obtained
all the chunks required to construct the file. The server ‘S’ has a cache installed, following
LRU policy 4. This cache has a fixed size of n Kilobytes. S cannot store any other data outside
this cache. Follow the process for each client:
(a) Client ‘p’ identifies what chunk of file it doesn’t have. Call it chunk ‘c’.
(b) p sends a UDP message to S, requesting c
(c) S checks its cache for c. If the query results in a hit, it opens up a TCP connection with
p and shares c with p
(d) If the cache query results in a miss, the server sends a broadcast 5 to all clients, requesting
(e) When a client receives a broadcast, it sends c to S through a TCP connection if it has it.
If the client does not have the requested chunk, it ignores the broadcast.
(f) S receives c from (possibly) multiple clients. It discards the duplicates, adds c to its cache,
and sends it back to p via TCP.
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COL374/672: Computer Networks Assignment 2
(g) p, on receiving c, adds it to its available chunks. It checks if it now has the complete file.
If not, it repeats steps 5.a-5.g.
6. Some more details:
(a) Each client can be given access to two multiple ports. You are free to use any number of
ports per client. Please justify the number you choose for each type of port in the report
(b) The server similarly can be given access to n multiple ports, to communicate with the
clients concurrently. The server should be capable of having a total of n connections
at once. So you can plan the number of ports you use accordingly. This again can be
accomplished using threads. These ports can be fixed at the beginning of the simulation.
Whenever a client wishes to request a chunk from the server, it would select a port
uniformly at random and use that port only for that chunk. For the next chunk, a port
will have to be selected randomly again. This will ensure that in the limiting case, no
port at the server is disproportionately congested. Again, justify the number of UDP and
TCP ports that you use, in the report.
(c) Note that because communication via UDP is not reliable, you would have to handle
cases of packet loss.
3 Part 2
In this part, the same simulation as Part 1 is repeated. However, now, all control messages should be
carried out using TCP, and UDP should be used for all data transfer. Control messages here refer to
all communications which don’t include any part of the file to be shared. Examples would be client
requesting a chunk from the server and the broadcast that server sends to all clients requesting a
chunk. Any communication in which a chunk of the file is shared, comes under data transfer.
4 Analysis
Now, lets do some analysis based on these simulations. These will help you gain important insights
into what is actually happening, and will encourage you to think why.
1. Record the RTT 6 for each chunk a client requests. Report the average RTT over all chunks
across all clients for both parts. Which RTT is higher? Was this expected? Why?
2. Report the average RTT for each chunk across all clients, for both parts. Are there any chunks
whose average RTT is significantly greater than the rest?
3. An important advantage of a traditional P2P network is scalability. By avoiding the presence
of a central server, we go around creating a single node as bottleneck, as load increases. Let us
experiment with the value of n. Run the simulations for n = 5, 10, 50 and 100. Plot the total
time taken for the simulation, right from the beginning, vs n. What do you observe? Was this
trend expected?
4. Further, experiment with the size of the cache at the server. Take n=100 for this part. Use
file A2 large file.txt 1 (MD5 checksum: 89e57cef9c27f8b45cbb37f958dea193). Try values 100,
200, 300, . . . .., 1000. Plot the total simulation time against these values.
5. The request can be sequential or random when the client requests a chunk from the server.
Report the time taken to receive all the chunks in both cases. Which method takes more time?
Was this expected? Why?
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COL374/672: Computer Networks Assignment 2
5 Food For Thought
1. We know that P2P networks are faster and scalable because communication happens directly
among peers. Here we still have a server through which all communications have to go. Can
you think of an advantage this network has over a traditional file distribution system in which
a server sends a copy of the whole file each time a client requests it?
2. Can you think of an advantage of this network over a traditional P2P network?
3. How would your simulation change in case there are multiple files across the clients and each
client wants one of those? How would you construct a chunk so that the file it belongs to can
be identified?
6 Appendix
1. Both files needed for this assignment can be downloaded from here.
2. An MD5 hash is a widely used hashing algorithm which can encrypt a string to a 128-bit
fingerprint. In this assignment, we would use it to check the integrity of the file received.
More precisely, a client can ensure that it has received the whole file, and has arranged the
chunks in the correct order by computing the MD5 sum of the file and comparing it with the
given MD5 sum.
3. A “chunk” is typically a part of the file. There are different ways of dividing a file into chunks.
In case of text files, a chunk can be one character, one word (tokenised by space), a sentence
etc. With these techniques, the length of chunks can vary. A more robust method that can be
followed is define a chunk by a byte range. Any file can be thought of as a long binary string.
Then if chunk size is 2 bytes, then the first chunk of the file is simply the first 16 bits of that
string. The next chunk are the bits 17-32 and so on. For this way of chunking, you would have
to figure out how to access a given byte range in a given file/string.
4. LRU or least recently used policy evicts those elements from the cache which were needed to
be read the least recently, irrespective of when they were added to the cache. When a new
element, which was not in the cache earlier, is to be added, the cache needs to make room for
it. It selects the element whose last access time is the earliest and evicts that. The cache can
be thought of as a priority queue. An element ‘a’ accessed later in time than element ‘b’ would
have a higher priority. The element with the least priority is evicted, if needed.
5. Broadcast here does NOT refer to the traditional broadcasts. You do not need to implement a
broadcast algorithm to relay the message to all clients. The server can simply send a message
to each client separately.
6. RTT refers to the round trip time of a packet. For this assignment, RTT would imply the time
elapsed between the request that a client sends requesting a chunk, and the response it finally
receives. This would be the RTT for that chunk.
7 Submission Instructions
You can choose to write the code in the language of your preference. However, please ensure that
both server and client codes are written in the same language. Prepare a shell script which runs
the whole simulation, and displays on terminal the checksums of files received by each client (only
for n=5, part 1). It should also save the files received by the clients in the same directory. Strict
plagiarism policies would apply so please ensure all code is authentic. Prepare a detailed observation
and analysis report based on the points made above. Submit your report in PDF format with name
as hENT RY NOi.pdf, the shell script as hENT RY and your server and client codes named
as hENT RY NOi server.hexti, hENT RY NOi client.hexti. Zip all these files into a single zip file
hENT RY and submit on moodle.
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