COEN140 Lab 8 K-Means Clustering solution


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Overview of algorithm
1. Randomly choose K centroids
2. Calculate the distance of all instances to the K centroids and assign instances to closest
3. Calculate new centroid for each of the K clusters
4. Repeat Step 2 and 3 until clusters assignments are stable or centroids are not changing
The MNIST dataset is a dataset of 28 × 28 images of hand-written digits (http:// To read these images in Python, you can use the following
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
mnist = fetch_openml(‘mnist_784’, version=1)
X = mnist[“data”]
Since the dataset is quite large, restrict yourself to the first 2000 training images. The data
should be a 2000 × 784 matrix.
a. Write a function my_kmeans to perform a k-means clustering of the 2000 images of digits.
b. Your function should take 3 arguments, the data matrix, the number of clusters K, and the
number of initializations M.
(1) You code should consist of 3 nested loops.
(2) The outermost (from 1 to M) cycles over random centroids initializations (i.e. you will
call k-means M times with different initializations).
(3) The second loop is the actual k-means algorithm for that initialization, and cycles over
the iterations of k-means.
(4) Inside this are the actual iterations of k-means. Each iteration can have 2 successive
loops from 1 to K: the first assigns observations to each cluster and the second
recalculates the means of each cluster.
c. Your function should return:
(1) the K centroids and cluster assignments for the best solution with the lowest loss
function (recall that the k-means loss function is the sum of the squared distances of
observations from their assigned means)
(2) the sequence of values of the loss-function over k-means iterations for the best solution
(this should be non-increasing)
(3) the set of N terminal loss-function values for all initializations
d. Run your code on the 2000 digits for K = 10 and N = 15. Plot the sequence of values of the
loss-function over k-means iterations for the best solution.
e. Plot the N terminal loss-function values for all initializations.