CMSC256 Programming Project 4 solution


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For this program, you will use the BRIDGES DLelement class, instead of the Node class to implement a doublylinked list. This class is to be named BridgesDoublyLinkedList. and you it must implement the provided class. Test your implementation thoroughly and include a main method that produces the output described below.

Output. Use the BRIDGES visualizer to display the contents of the linked list after adding 20 Strings and exercising all of the methods in the interface within a main method of your BridgesDoublyLinkedList class.

Write the program in Java and compile it in JDK 8 or better. Follow all commenting conventions discussed in class and include a comment block at the top of your class file,, with your name, semester, the course number and section.

You will upload the project source code file, to the Gradescope and the URL for your visualization to the link in Blackboard.

Programming Project 3 – Grading Rubric BridgesDoublyLinkedList class: Constructor is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ add(E) method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ add(int, E) method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ remove(int) method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ remove(E) method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ clear() method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ contains(E) method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ getEntry(int) method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ getFirst() method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ getLast() method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ getLength() method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ getNodeAt(int) method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ indexOf(E) method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ isEmpty() method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ lastIndexOf(E) method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ toArray() method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ toString() method is implemented correctly (5 pts.) _________ Files are named and submitted as specified (5 pts.) _________ Appropriate use of comments (including header comment) (5 pts.) _________ Correctly connects to BRIDGES for visualization (5 pts) _________ Total (100 pts.) _________ 5 POINT

BONUS: Complete an online survey about the project at this link: In order to get credit for the bonus, you must enter your V# in the survey.

They don’t know your name, so the only way I can know to give you the extra credit is if you correctly enter your V#. Be sure to use VXXXXXXXX, where you replace each X with the value in your V#.