CMSC216 Project: C to Assembly Language solution


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Convert a number of C-subroutines into VisUAL compatible ARM Assembly Language.


– Understand Assembly language code
– Explore the difference between higher-level language and Assembly



The ARM architecture has quickly become the go-to platform for mobile and embedded systems.
ARM supports a software toolchain built around the Unified Assembler Language (UAL).
In this project you will use a subset of the ARM assembly code that is compatible with the VisUAL ARM emulator system.

What to do

Your task is to write Assembly language programs which correspond to provided C programs.
– change.c – Computes the number of dollars, quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies are required to provide correct change.

* The amount of change is set in main.
* Your assembly language version should start with the amount of change in R3, with dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies stored in 4 byte values in: FP-4, FP-8, FP-12, FP-16, and FP-20.
– concat.c – Concatenates 2 strings.

* Your assembly language version should start with two strings in R3 and R1 with their lengths in R2 and R0, respectively.
* Allocate enough room from both strings and the subsequent null from the heap, then copy each string into the newly allocated memory and return the address in R0.
– hamming.c – Uses hamming code parity to correct errors in a 16-bit value.
* The input value for correction should be assumed to be in R3, and the corrected 16-bit value should be output to R0.

Running the code
Use the VisUAL ARM emulator to test the code.
You can download VisUAL at: