CMSC 435 Assignment 3 solution


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This assignment asks you to develop, evaluate and compare models for the prediction of proteins
that interact with nucleic acids using a provided dataset.
The dataset (dataset_a3.csv file) is provided in the text-based, comma-separated format where
each protein is represented by 8 numeric features and 1 symbolic outcome. The outcome feature
(called “Class”) annotates each proteins as Yes (interacting with nucleic acids) vs. No (noninteracting). The dataset includes 8795 proteins, with 936 labeled Yes and 7859 labeled No.
Development of predictive models
You are required to compute models with version 9.3 (or higher) of the RapidMiner Studio using
four different algorithms. Three of these four algorithms must be the Decision Tree, SVM and
Naïve Bayes. You can choose any of the other predictive algorithms for the fourth methods. You
should parametrize each of these algorithms (select the best possible combination of values of
their parameters), to the best of your ability, in order to maximize predictive performance. Note
that you will need to read, make an educated guess, and/or use trial-and-error approach to figure
out which parameters make a difference and how to use them. Do not use the “advanced
parameters”. Do not attempt to sample the dataset, i.e., do not perform feature or sample/object
Evaluation and comparison of predictive models
You must evaluate the predictive performance using accuracy (“% of correctly classified
instances”). For each algorithm you must perform three types of tests:
– on the entire dataset (“use training dataset”)
– on 50% of the dataset; you will use the other 50% to compute the model (“percentage split”)
– using the 5 fold cross-validation
The 5 fold cross-validation divides the dataset at random into 5 equal-size subsets, where one
subset is used to test the model and the remaining nine to compute the prediction model. This is
repeated 5 times, each time using a different subset as the test set. Consequently, this results in
predicting every protein in the dataset. This test type is implemented in the RapidMiner Studio
with the “Cross Validation” operator where the number of folds is set to 5.
1. List and briefly describe the methods that you used (one sentence per method). Provide a
list key parameters for each method, i.e., parameters that allowed you to improve results
when compared with the default parameter values. The key parameters could/should be a
subset of all available parameters.
2. Using the table shown below, report the accuracies for the four algorithms and the three test
types. The accuracy values must be reported with two digits after the decimal point, e.g.,
91.05. You must include the accuracies of the models that use the default parameters and the
best selected parameters. In total, you have 4*3*2 = 24 results to report. List the best
selected values of parameters for each model and each test type.
3. Briefly explain which of the three types of the tests would be appropriate to give the most
reliable estimate of predictive performance, i.e., the performance that a user of your model
should expect to observe on new proteins that were not included in the provided dataset.
4. Discuss whether trying multiple algorithms and adjusting their parameters helped you in
developing a more accurate predictive model. If yes then comment on whether the
corresponding amount of the improvement justifies the amount of effort. Make sure that you
rely the most appropriate test results (see question 3) when answering this question.
5. Discuss whether the accuracy of your most accurate model is sufficient for practical
purposes. Justify your answer.
6. Give “confusion matrix” for the most accurate result computed based on the cross validation
experiments (selected among the 8 corresponding experiments). Use this matrix to explain
whether this predictor would be suitable to identify proteins that interact with nucleic acids
(Class = Yes), proteins that do not interact with nucleic acids (Class = No), or both types of
 Use a separate, clearly marked paragraph for each of the six deliverables.
 The table from the second deliverable must be in the following format; for your convenience
this table is provided in the word docx format on the Blackboard. Example values are in green.
Reported information Test type Decision Tree SVM Naïve Bayes
Accuracy with default
Entire dataset 12.34
50% 23.45
Cross-validation 34.56
Accuracy with best
Entire dataset 45.67
50% 56.78
Cross-validation 67.89
List names of parameters maximal depth
apply pruning


List selected best values
of parameters (in the
same order as in the list
of names)
Entire dataset 10


50% 13


Cross-validation -1


Due Date
Your assignment must be received by 12:45pm Eastern Time, October 3 (Thursday), 2019. It
should be typed single-spaced, using 12 point font size and with standard margins. Only hardcopies
will be accepted at the beginning of the class.