CMSC 257 Assignment 6: Sample ftp client solved


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Client-Server Set-up

• The goal of this project is to create two programs: a client and a server. The server will operate in
a sequential mode in order to transfer files to the client.
• For each connection from the client, the server will read a single file name from the client and
then send the file back to the client.

• The file name that the client would like the server to fetch is specified in the command line of the
client program. To execute the client, you need to use:
./client sample_file.c
• The server needs to be invoked by simply typing in: ./server

Code set-up

• Create two directories named “Server_dir” and “Client_dir” under the main assignment directory
“Assignment_5” and store the server program named “server.c” and few files that the client might
ask for from the server like “add.c”, “hello.c”, etc. The client program “client.c” is saved in the
directory “Client_dir”. In order to run the implementation the “server.c” is executed first and then
in another terminal window the “client.c” is executed with the file name in the command line that
the client would like the server to fetch.

• As both the server program “server.c” and client program “client.c” will be executed on the same
machine, assign the IP address as “” which is a default IP for the current machine.

Systems calls to be implemented:
• Client
• socket()
• htons
• connect()
• read/write
• Server
• socket()
• htons()
• bind()
• listen()
• accept()
• read/write



• Each read/write into sockets needs to use a buffer of 50 characters. Note that the filename to be transferred should fit the 50 characters requirement as well.
• The server.c should have an infinite loop to cater to multiple client requests

• The server should use file handling to open the file and start sending chunks of bytes to
the client.
• The client.c code needs to use an infinite while loop to keep reading in the contents of the
file. As the file is not present, it needs to create a file in “w” mode and write components
to it as and when it receives chunks from the server.

• Use a special string: “cmsc257” as a terminal string; the server sends this string at the
very end to tell the client that the file has been transferred. The client, on receiving the
string, needs to exit gracefully.

• Use a signal handler to “gracefully” terminate the server on Ctrl-C; existing client
connections should be terminated (by stopping the data transfer or waiting for the transfer
to complete) before the server exits.
• Use fork on the server to allow multiple simultaneous file downloads from different
clients; you may want to specify the maximum number of client connections that can
work in parallel.

• Use PORTs 2000-3000 for setting up your sockets.
• Submit a tar file as before with your client/server directories and corresponding files
within. Note that you need to turn in TWO versions of the server.c code: (i) first with the
sequential server version and (ii) forked version that can handle multiple client requests

Note: Late assignments will lose 5 points per day upto a maximum of 3 days. Code must be submitted in the
prescribed format.
For questions on grading, contact Syed Khajamoinuddin < >