CMSC 256 – Project 2 solution


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Program: RamString and RamStringTester

Points: 100
Develop a Java class called RamString that correctly implements the WackyStringInterface that is provided.

(The semantics of the methods in the interface should be obvious from their name and from the Javadoc
comments in the code. If not, please ask for clarification on the Discussion Board forum.)
Important note: This project is focused on character and String manipulation and you are not allowed to use
regular expressions or any classes or methods that make us of regular expressions.

Write a test driver for class RamString called RamStringTester. Specifically, you should create several different
test cases for each method of in the interface. Make sure that the tests are not trivial (i.e., have a specific
purpose). In other words, each test should (1) test a specific piece of functionality and (2) check that such piece
of functionality behaves as expected.

In addition, at least two of the tests for method
convertDigitsToRomanNumeralsInSubstring should result in expected exceptions:
MyIndexOutOfBoundsException (provided)in one case, and IllegalArgumentException in the other.
Add a concise comment to each test that you implement to clarify its rationale (e.g., “This test checks whether
method convertDigitsToRomanNumeralsInSubstring suitably throws an IllegalArgumentException if
startPosition is greater than endPosition”).

• You cannot modify the provided interface, WackyStringInterface.
• You must use the provided MyIndexOutOFBoundsException class
• I will run your code against a standard set of test cases to make sure that you implemented the
functionality of the required methods correctly.
• Comment out or remove any package statements from the files that you submit to eLearning.

Write this program in JAVA and compile it in JDK 8 or better. Follow all commenting conventions discussed in
class and include a comment block at the top of each file with your name, date, the course number and
section. In addition, the comment block at the top of the tester class must include a description of the program
purpose, input, and output.

It is expected that your program will be well documented and you are required to
include a private helper method in your driver called printHeading that outputs the following information to
the console in an easy-to-read format: your name, the project number, the course identifier, and the current

You will call this method as the first statement in your main method.
Upload the project source code files, and to the Assignment link in
eLearning (Blackboard) as two separate files (do not submit a compressed folder).

Programming Project 1 – Grading Rubric
RamString class:
Instance data member is private (5 pts.) _________
Constructors are implemented as specified (5 pts.) _________
Appropriate accessor and mutator methods included (5 pts.) _________
getEvenCharacters () method written as specified (10 pts.) _________
getOddCharacters () method written as specified (10 pts.) _________
countNonDigits() method written as specified (10 pts.) _________
isValidEmail() method written as specified (10 pts.) _________
ramifyString () method written as specified (10 pts.) _________
convertDigitsToRomanNumeralsInSubstring () method written as specified (10 pts.) _________
RamStringTester class:
printHeading() method included and called from main() (5 pts.) _________
All methods of RamString are tested (10 pt.) _________
Files are named and submitted as specified (5 pts.) _________
Appropriate use of comments (including header comments on all files) (5 pts.) _________
Total (100 pts.) _________
Grading Comments: