CMPT125 Homework Assignment 2 database for a dictionary solution


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Question 1 [40 points].
In this question you will need to implement a database for a dictionary. Each entry in a
dictionary consists of a term and its meaning/definition. You will store your dictionary in a file.
Write the following two functions, maintaining a file holding a database for a dictionary.
int add_term(const char* file_name,
const char* term, const char* definition);
The function gets the name of a file, a term and its definition.
– If the term is not in the file, the function adds the pair term/definition to the file and returns 1.
– If the term is already in the file, the function does not modify the file and returns 0.
– If the file does not exist, the function creates a new file with the given name, adds the pair to
the file, and returns 1.
char* find_term(const char* file_name, const char* term);
The function gets the name of a file and a term. It searches the file for the given term.
– If the term is found, the function returns a string containing the definition.
– If the file does not exist or the term is not in the file, the function returns NULL.
Additional instructions and hints:
1. For the instructions on how to read and write to files see section “C Programming Files” in or or any other online resources.
2. There are no specific instructions about how you should store the information in the file.
The only requirement is that the two functions are compatible with each other. That is, if a
term is added using add_term, then find_term will be able to find it. You should decide
carefully on the format for storing the data of each entry.
3. When storing the pairs term/definition, remember that you need to store the actual strings
and not their pointers. It may be convenient to store the length of the string in the file.
4. The terms might consist of several words.
5. You should not assume that the lengths of the strings are bounded. Some terms or
definitions might be very long, say, longer than 1000 chars.
6. The characters in the definition might be non-alpha-numeric.
7. Don’t forget to close the file at the end of each function.
Question 2 [20 points].
Define the following variant of the Fibonacci sequence called Fib3:
● fib3(0) = 0
● fib3(1) = 1
● fib3(2) = 2
● fib3(n) = fib3(n-1) + 2*fib3(n-2) + 3*fib3(n-3) for all n>=3
That is, the sequence is 0, 1, 2, 4, 11, 25, 59, 142, 335, 796, 1892, 4489…
uint64_t fib3(unsigned int n);
Your function needs to compute and return the correct value for all n<50 under 1 second. Question 3 [40 points]. Implement the following two functions that get a string, and compute an array of non-empty tokens of the string containing only lower-case letters. For example: ● For a string "abc EFaG hi", the list of tokens with only lower-case letters is ["abc", "hi"]. ● For a string "ab 12 ef hi ", the list of such tokens is ["ab","ef","hi"]. ● For a string "abc 12EFG hi ", the list of such tokens is ["ab","hi"]. ● For a string " abc ", the list of such tokens is ["abc"]. ● For a string "+*abc!! B" the list of such tokens is empty. That is, we break the string using the spaces as delimiters (ascii value 32), and look only at the tokens with lower-case letters only . 1. [15 points] The function count_tokens gets a string str, and returns the number of such tokens. int count_tokens(const char* str); For example ● count_tokens("abc EFaG hi") needs to return 2. ● count_tokens("ab 12 ef hi") needs to return 3. ● count_tokens("ab12ef+") needs to return 0. 2. [25 points] The function get_tokens gets a string str, and returns the array with the tokens containing only lower-case letters in the correct order. The length of the array should be the number of tokens, computed in count_tokens. char** get_tokens(const char* str); For example: ● get_tokens("abc EFaG hi") needs to return ["abc","hi"] ● get_tokens("++a+ b + c") needs to return ["b","c"]. ● get_tokens("ab12ef+") needs to return either NULL or an empty array. Remark: Note that the returned array and the strings in it must all be dynamically allocated.