CMPT 419/726: Assignment 2 solution


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Assignment 2: Classification
1 Linear Models for Classification (10 marks)
Provide a set of 3 linear functions y1(x), y2(x), y3(x) that would produce the decision regions
shown in the figure below.
x2 = 1
x2 = 1
x1 = 1
I.e. the decision region for class 3 contains all points with x1 + x2 > 1.
CMPT 419/726: Assignment 2 Instructor: Greg Mori
2 Kernels (20 marks)
1. Polynomial kernels (10 marks).
In lecture we looked at k(x, z) = (1 + x
T z)
. This kernel function contains polynomial terms up to degree d. However, the coefficients in front of the terms vary. E.g.
for d = 2 and a two-dimensional input, this kernel function is equivalent to the mapping
x 7→ (1,


2×2, x2

2x1x2, x2
Consider using this kernel for regression. Do these coefficients (i.e. √
2) matter? Would
the resulting regression model be the same using this kernel in kernelized regression versus
using a direct polynomial mapping? What if the regression uses a regularizer on the weights?
2. Combining kernels (10 marks).
Suppose ka(x, z) and kb(x, z) are valid kernels corresponding to dot products in spaces
given by x 7→ (φ
(x), φa
(x), . . . , φa
N (x)) and x 7→ (φ
(x), φb
(x), . . . , φb
M(x)) respectively.
Show that kc(x, z) = αka(x, z) + βkb(x, z), where α, β > 0, is also a valid kernel. Do this
by explicitly constructing the space in which kc(x, z) corresponds to a dot product.
CMPT 419/726: Assignment 2 Instructor: Greg Mori
3 Logistic Regression (40 marks)
In this question you will examine optimization for logistic regression.
1. Download the assignment 2 code and data from the website. Run the script logistic regression.m
in the lr directory. This code performs gradient descent to find w which minimizes negative
log-likelihood (i.e. maximizes likelihood).
Include the final output of Figures 2 and 3 (plot of separator path in slope-intercept space;
plot of neg. log likelihood over iterations) in your report.
Why are these plots oscillating? Briefly explain why in your report.
2. Create a MATLAB script logistic regression mod.m for the following.
Modify logistic regression.m to run gradient descent with the learning rates η =
0.005, 0.003, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001.
Include in your report a single plot comparing negative log-likelihood versus iteration for
these different learning rates.1
Compare these results. What are the relative advantages of the different rates?
3. Create a MATLAB script logistic regression sg.m for the following.
Modify this code to do stochastic gradient descent. Use the parameters
η = 0.1, 0.05, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001.
Include in your report a new plot comparing negative log-likelihood versus iteration using
stochastic gradient descent.
Is stochastic gradient descent faster than gradient descent? Explain using your plots.
4. Create a MATLAB script logistic regression irls.m for the following.
Modify this code to use iterative reweighted least squares (IRLS, Eqn. 4.99). The built-in
MATLAB function diag is useful for Eqn. 4.98.
Note that this only takes about 3 lines of code to implement. If you’re doing more work,
stop, read the textbook, or ask me or the TAs for help.
Include new plots of Figures 2 and 3 using IRLS in your report.
Yes, it is that fast.
1legend(cellstr(num2str(etas’))); produces a nice legend if etas is a vector of learning rates.
CMPT 419/726: Assignment 2 Instructor: Greg Mori
4 Kernelized Perception (20 marks)
In this question you will implement kernelized perceptron and use it for SPAM email2 detection.
The data are in the tarball on the website, in the spam directory.
The directories easy ham, and spam (which are .tar.gzipped) contain email messages. These have
been parsed into feature vectors for you, and stored in email.mat. This .mat file contains
Ftrain, word counts for each email. Ftrain is nmessages-by-d, where d is the dictionary size.
For interest, the dictionary is also provided. Ltrain contains labels (0-1 encoding).
Complete the implementation of kernelized perceptron learning in do kernel perceptron.m.
Fill in the TO DO blanks.
Experiment with different kernels using cross-validation on email.mat as your training data.
Choose what you think is the best classifier, then run it on the unlabeled data in test.mat. This
file contains a matrix Ftest of word counts, which is 2796-by-1373. Produce an output vector
Fn that is 2796-by-1, with the target value of −1 for spam messages, and 1 for ham (non-spam)
Save the vector Fn and your SFU email to identify you in a file spamtest.mat:
Fn = …
email = ’’;
Describe the kernels with which you experiemented in your report, and give their cross-validation
errors. State which kernel/parameter values you used for producing the Fn you submitted.
Bonus marks and a prize will be given to the student(s) with the best classification performance!
2The data come from the SpamAssasin public mail corpus
CMPT 419/726: Assignment 2 Instructor: Greg Mori
Submitting Your Assignment
The assignment must be submitted online at You must submit three files:
1. An assignment report in PDF format, called report.pdf. This report must contain the
solutions to questions 1-2 as well as the figures / explanations requested for 3-4.
2. A .zip file of all your code, called This must contain the directories lr and
spam (no leading path names), in which all of your files must appear3
3. spamtest.mat for question 4.
3This includes the data files and others which are provided as part of the assignment.