CMPSCI691 Homework 9 solution


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* Overview

This homework is about optimizing the parameters of the two Dirichlet
priors used LDA. The purpose of this homework is as follows:

* To understand and implement Minka’s fixed-point iteration [1].

To complete this homework, you will need to use Python 2.7 [2], NumPy
[3], and SciPy [4]. Although all three are installed on EdLab, I
recommend you install them on your own computer. I also recommend you
install and use IPython [5] instead of the default Python shell.

Before answering the questions below, you should familiarize yourself
with the code in In particular, you should try running
sample(). For example, running ‘sample(array([5, 2, 3]), 10)’
generates 10 samples from the specified distribution as follows:

>>> sample(array([5, 2, 3]), 10)
array([0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1])

* Questions

** Question 1

CSV file questions.csv contains 5,264 questions about science from the
Madsci Network question-and-answer website [6]. Each question is
represented by a unique ID, and the text of the question itself.

Function preprocess() (in takes a CSV file, an optional
stopword file, and an optional list of extra stopwords as input and
returns a corpus (i.e., an instance of the Corpus class), with any
stopwords removed. You can run this code as follows:

>>> corpus = preprocess(‘questions.csv’, ‘stopwordlist.txt’, [‘answer’, ‘dont’, ‘find’, ‘im’, ‘information’, ‘ive’, ‘message’, ‘question’, ‘read’, ‘science’, ‘wondering’])
>>> print ‘V = %s’ % len(corpus.vocab)
V = 21919

The resultant corpus may be split into a corpus of “training”
documents and a corpus of “testing” documents as follows:

>>> train_corpus = corpus[:-100]
>>> print len(train_corpus)
>>> test_corpus = corpus[-100:]
>>> print len(test_corpus)

Class LDA (in implements latent Dirichlet allocation.

a) Implement code for jointly optimizing concentration parameter
alpha and base measure m (using Minka’s fixed-point iteration) by
filling in the missing code in optimize_alpha_m(). Hint: you will
need to use scipy.special’s psi() function [7], which implements
the digamma function. You can run your code as follows:

>>> extra_stopwords = [‘answer’, ‘dont’, ‘find’, ‘im’, ‘information’, ‘ive’, ‘message’,’question’, ‘read’, ‘science’, ‘wondering’]
>>> corpus = preprocess(‘questions.csv’, ‘stopwordlist.txt’, extra_stopwords)
>>> train_corpus = corpus[:-100]
>>> assert train_corpus.vocab == corpus.vocab
>>> test_corpus = corpus[-100:]
>>> assert test_corpus.vocab == corpus.vocab
>>> V = len(corpus.vocab)
>>> T = 100
>>> alpha = 0.1 * T
>>> m = ones(T) / T
>>> beta = 0.01 * V
>>> n = ones(V) / V
>>> lda = LDA(train_corpus, alpha, m, beta, n)
>>> lda.gibbs(num_itns=250, optimize_alpha_m=True)

b) If the random number generator is initialized with a value of 1000
as follows, what is the optimized value of concentration parameter
alpha at the end of iteration 250?

>>> lda.gibbs(num_itns=250, random_seed=1000, optimize_alpha_m=True)

c) Show that the equivalent fixed-point iteration for optimizing beta
only (i.e., n_v = 1 / V for a all v) is given by:

beta = beta^{old} * (sum_{t=1}^T sum_{v=1}^V (Digamma(N_{v|t} +
beta^{old} / V) – Digamma(beta^{old} / V))) / (V * sum_{t=1}^T
(Digamma(N_t + beta^{old}) – Digamma(beta^{old})))

Hint: you will need to use the fact that log(1 / V) = -1 * log(V)
is a constant. You will also need to use the fact that the
derivative of -beta with respect to beta is -1 and the derivative
of log(beta) with respect to beta is 1 / beta.

d) Implement code for optimizing concentration parameter beta using
the fixed-point iteration given above by filling in the missing
code in optimize_beta(). Hint: you will need to use
scipy.special’s psi() function [7], which implements the digamma
function. You can run your code as follows:

>>> extra_stopwords = [‘answer’, ‘dont’, ‘find’, ‘im’, ‘information’, ‘ive’, ‘message’,’question’, ‘read’, ‘science’, ‘wondering’]
>>> corpus = preprocess(‘questions.csv’, ‘stopwordlist.txt’, extra_stopwords)
>>> train_corpus = corpus[:-100]
>>> assert train_corpus.vocab == corpus.vocab
>>> test_corpus = corpus[-100:]
>>> assert test_corpus.vocab == corpus.vocab
>>> V = len(corpus.vocab)
>>> T = 100
>>> alpha = 0.1 * T
>>> m = ones(T) / T
>>> beta = 0.01 * V
>>> n = ones(V) / V
>>> lda = LDA(train_corpus, alpha, m, beta, n)
>>> lda.gibbs(num_itns=250, optimize_alpha_m=True, optimize_beta=True)

e) If the random number generator is initialized with a value of 1000
and alpha, m, and beta are all optimized as follows, what are the
optimized values of concentration parameter alpha and
concentration parameter beta at the end of iteration 250?

>>> lda.gibbs(num_itns=250, random_seed=1000, optimize_alpha_m=True,

f) If the vocabulary contains word types that do not appear in the
“training” documents D (i.e., because they appear in the “testing”
documents D’ only), what would happen if you were to attempt to
optimize base measure n along with concentration parameter beta?

g) Can this scenario be prevented by replacing all word types that
occur in D’ but not D, along with the U least common word types in
D, with an additional “unseen” word type?

* References






