CMPSCI691 Homework 6 solution


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* Overview

This homework is about working with a mixture of
Dirichlet–multinomial unigram language models in order to infer
document groups. The purpose of this homework is twofold:

* To appreciate the effects and implications of “label switching”.

* To understand and implement an approximate method for computing the
log predictive probability of new data.

To complete this homework, you will need to use Python 2.7 [1], NumPy
[2], and SciPy [3]. Although all three are installed on EdLab, I
recommend you install them on your own computer. I also recommend you
install and use IPython [4] instead of the default Python shell.

Before answering the questions below, you should familiarize yourself
with the code in In particular, you should try running
sample(). For example, running ‘sample(array([5, 2, 3]), 10)’
generates 10 samples from the specified distribution as follows:

>>> sample(array([5, 2, 3]), 10)
array([0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1])

* Questions

** Question 1

According to a mixture of Dirichlet–multinomial unigram language
models, the predictive probability of a single new token w_{N + 1} of
type v belonging to a new document (given observed tokens w_1 through
w_N and assumptions H) may be approximated by:

P(w_{N + 1} = v | w_1, …, w_N) = (1 / S) * sum_{s=1}^S sum_{t=1}^T
(N_{v|t}^{(s)} + beta * n_v) / (N_t^{(s)} + beta) * (D_t^{(s)} + alpha
* m_t) / (D + alpha),

where alpha, m, beta, and n are hyperparameters, and superscript
“{(s)}” indicates that the superscripted quantity is that obtained
using a single set of document–component assignments z_1^{(s)}
through z_D^{(s)} drawn from P(z_1, …, z_D | w_1, …, w_N, H).

a) Explain why it’s possible to compute this approximate predictive
probability as stated above, i.e., by averaging over multiple
samples from P(z_1, …, z_D | w_1, …, w_N, H), without
encountering the label switching problem.

b) What is the corresponding approximate predictive probability of a
single new token w_{N + 1} of type v in an EXISTING document?

c) Is it possible to compute this approximate predictive probability
without encountering the label switching problem? Why?

** Question 2

Class Corpus (in implements a corpus of (ungrouped)
documents. This class supports slicing as follows:

>>> corpus = Corpus()
>>> corpus.add(‘doc 1’, [‘foo’, ‘bar’])
>>> corpus.add(‘doc 2’, [‘bar’, ‘foo’])
>>> corpus.add(‘doc 3’, [‘bar’, ‘baz’, ‘baz’])
>>> print len(corpus)
>>> print len(corpus.vocab)
>>> print len(corpus[:2])
>>> print len(corpus[:2].vocab)
>>> for doc in corpus[:2]:
… print doc.w

[0, 1]
[1, 0]
>>> print corpus[2].w
[1, 2, 2]

CSV file questions.csv contains 5,264 questions about science from the
Madsci Network question-and-answer website [5]. Each question is
represented by a unique ID, and the text of the question itself.

Function preprocess() (in takes a CSV file, an optional
stopword file, and an optional list of extra stopwords as input and
returns a corpus (i.e., an instance of the Corpus class, as described
above), with any stopwords removed. You can run this code as follows:

>>> corpus = preprocess(‘questions.csv’, ‘stopwordlist.txt’, [‘answer’, ‘dont’, ‘find’, ‘im’, ‘information’, ‘ive’, ‘message’, ‘question’, ‘read’, ‘science’, ‘wondering’])
>>> print ‘V = %s’ % len(corpus.vocab)
V = 21919

The resultant corpus may be split into a corpus of “training”
documents and a corpus of “testing” documents as follows:

>>> train_corpus = corpus[:-100]
>>> print len(train_corpus)
>>> test_corpus = corpus[-100:]
>>> print len(test_corpus)

These corpora have the same vocabulary:

>>> train_corpus.vocab == test_corpus.vocab

a) When using a (mixture of) Dirichlet–multinomial unigram language
model(s) to compute the predictive probability of new data D’
given observed data D and assumptions H, the model must be defined
over the union of the individual vocabularies of D and D’. Why?

For many real-world tasks, it’s not possible to define a model over
the union of the individual vocabularies of D and D’ because the
identity of D’ is not known prior to forming the posterior
distribution. In this scenario, it’s common to define a model over the
vocabulary of D plus one additional “unseen” word type. All word types
that occur in D’ but not D are replaced with this “unseen” word type.

b) The least common of the word types that occur in D only are also
replaced with the “unseen” word type. If this step is omitted,
what role do the type–topic counts, i.e., N_{v|t} and N_t, play
in the predictive probability of a single new token w_{N + 1} of
the “unseen” word type in either a new or an existing document?

If the U least common word types in D are replaced with the “unseen”
word type, the predictive probability of a single new token w_{N + 1}
in a new document assigned to component t (given observed tokens w_1
through w_N and assumptions H) is given by

P(w_{N + 1} = “unseen” | z_{D + 1} = t, w_1, …, w_N, H) = (1 / U)
sum_{z_1, …, z_D} (N_{“unseen”|t} + beta * n_{“unseen”}) / (N_t +
beta) * P(z_1, …, z_D | w_1, …, w_N, H),

where beta and n are hyperparameters and N_t is the number of tokens
in documents assigned to group t by z_1 through z_D, of which
N_{“unseen”|t} are of the “unseen” word type.

c) Explain the presence of the factor (1 / U).

** Question 3

According to a mixture of Dirichlet–multinomial unigram language
models, the predictive probability of new tokens w_{N + 1} through
w_{N + N’} belonging to D’ new documents given observed tokens w_1
through w_N and assumptions H can be approximated as follows:

P(w_{N + 1}, …, w_{N + N’} | w_1, …, w_N, H) ~= (1 / S) *
sum_{s=1}^S P(w_{N + 1}, …, w_{N + N’} | w_1, …, w_N, z_1^{(s)},
…, z_D^{(s)}, H)

where z_1^{(s)} through z_D^{(s)} comprise a single set of
document–component assignments drawn from P(z_1, …, z_D | w_1, …,
w_N, H). This approximation involves an intractable sum over
document–component assignments z’_1 through z’_{D’}, thereby
necessitating the following approximation:

P(w_{N + 1}, …, w_{N + N’} | w_1, …, w_N, z_1^{(s)}, …,
z_D^{(s)}, H) ~= prod_{d=1}^{D’} (1 / R) sum_{r=1}^R sum_{t=1}^T
P(D’_d, z’_d = t | D’_{>> extra_stopwords = [‘answer’, ‘dont’, ‘find’, ‘im’, ‘information’, ‘ive’, ‘message’,’question’, ‘read’, ‘science’, ‘wondering’]
>>> corpus = preprocess(‘questions.csv’, ‘stopwordlist.txt’, extra_stopwords)
>>> train_corpus = corpus[:-100]
>>> assert train_corpus.vocab == corpus.vocab
>>> test_corpus = corpus[-100:]
>>> assert test_corpus.vocab == corpus.vocab
>>> V = len(corpus.vocab)
>>> T = 10
>>> alpha = 0.1 * T
>>> m = ones(T) / T
>>> beta = 0.01 * V
>>> n = ones(V) / V
>>> mm = MixtureModel(train_corpus, alpha, m, beta, n)
>>> mm.gibbs(num_itns=25, random_seed=1000)
>>> mm.log_predictive_prob(test_corpus, num_samples=5)

When testing your code, may find it useful to save your model as
follows after performing Gibbs sampling:

>>> mm.gibbs(num_itns=25, random_seed=1000)

You can then use your saved model as follows:

>>> mm = MixtureModel.load(‘model.dat’)
>>> mm.log_predictive_prob(test_corpus, num_samples=5)

b) What is the approximate log predictive probability, computed as
described above, i.e., using R = 5 random samples after
initializing the random number generator with a value of 1000 and
performing 25 Gibbs sampling iterations?

c) What is the time complexity of log_predictive_prob()?

d) It’s possible to improve the time complexity (at the expense of
accuracy) by replacing the loop over all previous documents with a
loop over a fixed number (e.g., 25) of the most recent
documents. What is the time complexity of this variant?

* References




