* Overview
This homework is about working with a mixture of
Dirichlet–multinomial unigram language models in order to infer
document groups. The purpose of this homework is twofold:
* To understand and implement Gibbs sampling for a mixture of
Dirichlet–multinomial unigram language models.
* To appreciate the effects and implications of “label switching”.
To complete this homework, you will need to use Python 2.7 [1], NumPy
[2], and SciPy [3]. Although all three are installed on EdLab, I
recommend you install them on your own computer. I also recommend you
install and use IPython [4] instead of the default Python shell.
Before answering the questions below, you should familiarize yourself
with the code in In particular, you should try running
sample(). For example, running ‘sample(array([5, 2, 3]), 10)’
generates 10 samples from the specified distribution as follows:
>>> sample(array([5, 2, 3]), 10)
array([0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1])
* Questions
** Question 1
Class Corpus (in implements a corpus of (ungrouped)
documents. You can run this code as follows:
>>> corpus = Corpus()
>>> corpus.add(‘doc 1’, [‘foo’, ‘bar’])
>>> corpus.add(‘doc 2’, [‘bar’, ‘baz’, ‘baz’])
>>> corpus.add(‘doc 3’, [‘bar’, ‘foo’])
>>> print len(corpus)
>>> print sum(len(doc) for doc in corpus)
>>> print len(corpus.vocab)
>>> for doc in corpus:
… print doc.w
[0, 1]
[1, 2, 2]
[1, 0]
>>> for doc in corpus:
… print ‘%s: %s’ % (, doc.plaintext())
doc 1: foo bar
doc 2: bar baz baz
doc 3: bar foo
>>> for doc in corpus:
… print doc.Nv
>>> corpus.freeze()
>>> for doc in corpus:
… print doc.Nv
[1 1 0]
[0 1 2]
[1 1 0]
(Note: although you do not need to understand how this class is
implemented, you may find it helpful to do so.)
CSV file questions.csv contains 5,264 questions about science from the
Madsci Network question-and-answer website [5]. Each question is
represented by a unique ID, and the text of the question itself.
Function preprocess() (in takes a CSV file, an optional
stopword file, and an optional list of extra stopwords as input and
returns a corpus (i.e., an instance of the Corpus class, as described
above), with any stopwords removed. You can run this code as follows:
>>> corpus = preprocess(‘questions.csv’, ‘stopwordlist.txt’, [‘answer’, ‘dont’, ‘find’, ‘im’, ‘information’, ‘ive’, ‘message’, ‘question’, ‘read’, ‘science’, ‘wondering’])
>>> print ‘V = %s’ % len(corpus.vocab)
V = 21919
Class MixtureModel (in implements a mixture of
Dirichlet–multinomial unigram language models.
a) Implement code for performing a single Gibbs sampling iteration,
i.e., drawing a single set of document–component assignments z_1
through z_D from P(z_1, …, z_D | w_1, …, w_N, H), by filling
in the missing code in gibbs_iteration(). You should work in log
space, i.e., use log_sample() rather than sample(). For efficiency
reasons, your code should not use any for loops when constructing
the unnormalized log distribution over components for each
document; instead you should use numpy’s tile() function. You may,
however, wish to initially implement your code using for loops so
that you can check that your code is correct (i.e., constructs the
same distribution with and without for loops). If so, you may find
it useful to initialize the random number generator with a fixed
seed when checking your code. You can run your code as follows:
>>> corpus = preprocess(‘questions.csv’, ‘stopwordlist.txt’, [‘answer’, ‘dont’, ‘find’, ‘im’, ‘information’, ‘ive’, ‘message’, ‘question’, ‘read’, ‘science’, ‘wondering’])
>>> V = len(corpus.vocab)
>>> T = 10
>>> alpha = 0.1 * T
>>> m = ones(T) / T
>>> beta = 0.01 * V
>>> n = ones(V) / V
>>> mm = MixtureModel(corpus, alpha, m, beta, n)
>>> mm.gibbs(num_itns=25)
b) If the random number generator is initialized with a value of 1000
as follows, what is the log evidence for tokens w_1 through w_N
and document–component assignments z_1 through z_D given
assumptions H at the end of iteration 25?
>>> mm.gibbs(num_itns=25, random_seed=1000)
c) If you run your code multiple times, WITHOUT initializing the
random number generator to a fixed value (as in question 1a), are
the component indices aligned across runs? In other words, is the
list of the most probable word types associated with component 1
in one run associated with component 1 in the other runs?
* Question 2
According to a mixture of Dirichlet–multinomial unigram language
models, the mean of the posterior distribution over phi_t (the
categorical distribution over word types corresponding to model
component t) given the observed data w_1 through w_N and assumptions
H, i.e., the mean of P(phi_t | w_1, …, w_N, H), is given by
E[phi_t] = int_{phi_t} dphi_t phi_t * P(phi_t | w_1, …, w_N, H),
where P(phi_t | w_1, …, w_N, H) = sum_{z_1, …, z_D} P(phi_t | w_1,
…, w_N, z_1, …, z_D, H) * P(z_1, …, z_D | w_1, …, w_N, H)
a) Can this value be computed analytically?
b) Function posterior_mean_phis() approximates the mean of the
posterior distribution over phi_t by the mean of the posterior
distribution over phi_t given a single set of document–component
assignments z_1^{(s)} through z_D^{(s)} drawn from P(z_1, …, z_D
| w_1, …, w_N, H), i.e., the mean of P(phi_t | w_1, …, w_N,
z_1^{(s)}, …, z_D^{(s)}). Would you obtain a better
approximation by averaging P(phi_t | w_1, …, w_N, z_1^{(s)},
…, z_D^{(s)}) over MULTIPLE samples from P(z_1, …, z_D | w_1,
…, w_N, H), obtained from different runs of your code?
c) How does your answer relate to your answer to question 1c?
* References