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In this assignment, you will write simple SML functions that manipulate student grades in a class. Assume that a student’s record is represented as a quadruple of type int*string*real*real which contains the students ID, name, midterm exam grade, and final exam grade, respectively. (1) Implement a function score that takes a student record and computes the student’s composite score, assigning 40% to the midterm and 60% to the final. (2) Implement a function scores that takes a list of student records and returns a list of pairs of type int*real consisting of each student’s ID and composite score, respectively. (3) Implement a function getByID that takes a list of student records and an integer i and returns the record of the student whose ID is i. Assume the list contains the desired student (do not worry about the case where the desired student is not in the list). (4) Implement a function whoFailedMidterm that takes a list of student records and returns a list of the names of the students who received less than 60 on the midterm exam. (5) Implement a function allPassedFinal that takes a list of student records and returns true if all the students received a grade greater than or equal to 60 on the final exam, and false otherwise. (6) Implement a function countPassedCourse that takes a list of student records and returns the number of students who received a composite score greater than or equal to 60. (7) Implement a function studentsInRange that takes a list of student records and a pair of reals range and returns a list of the records of the students who received a composite score in between #1 range and #2 range (exclusive). (8) Implement a function countStudentsInRanges that takes a list of student records and a list of pairs ranges and returns the number of students who received a composite score in at least one of the ranges in ranges. The ranges may overlap so be careful not to doublecount students that fall in multiple ranges. (9) Implement a function studentWithHighestScore that takes a list of student records and returns the record of the student with the highest composite score. Assume the class always has at least one student (do not check for the case when the list is empty). (10)Implement a function insertAssignmentGrade that takes a list of student records and a list of assignment grades and returns a list of amended student records that include the assignment grade as a third field in the tuple (the returned list will have type int*string*real*real*real). Assume that the two lists are of equal size (do not check for the case where their size mismatches). Evaluating a correct homework solution should generate the bindings below. However, keep in mind that generating these bindings does not guarantee that your solutions are correct. Make sure to test your functions before submitting. val score = fn : int * string * real * real -> real val scores = fn : (int * string * real * real) list -> (int * real) list val getByID = fn : (int * string * real * real) list * int -> int * string * real * real val whoFailedMidterm = fn : (int * string * real * real) list -> string list val allPassedFinal = fn : (int * string * real * real) list -> bool val countPassedCourse = fn : (int * string * real * real) list -> int val studentsInRange = fn : (int * string * real * real) list * (real * real) -> (int * string * real * real) list val countStudentsInRanges = fn : (int * string * real * real) list * (real * real) list -> int val studentWithHighestScore = fn : (int * string * real * real) list -> int * string * real * real val insertAssignmentGrade = fn : (int * string * real * real) list * real list -> (int * string * real * real * real) list Assessment Solutions should be:  Correct  In good style, including indentation and line breaks  Written using features discussed in class Do not use pattern-matching. It will be used in the next assignment. Submission Instructions Put all your solutions in one SML file and submit it via Moodle. The file should be named “.sml” where is your AUBnet ID (e.g., abc01.sml). Do not submit any other files or compressed folders.