CMPE 453, Lab-1, Section-2 Binary Game of the Leds and 7-segment Display solution


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1- Set up a circuit with breadboard, Arduino-Uno, 7-segment display, 220Ω resistors
(11), 3 LEDs and jumpers.

2- Program ATMEGA328p microcontroller by using C programming on
Arduino IDE. Provide the connection between your computer and Arduino
board.When your program runs, itshould repeat the following cycle:

For each cycle, send a random number between 7 and 0 to 7-segment display so that
it displays that number for 3 seconds. The number on 7-segment display will be
simultaneously played by the Leds as a binary light game.

For instance, if the
number on the display is:
4 Leds should be On-Off-Off
3 Leds should be Off-On-On
0 Leds should be Off-Off-Off