CMPE 451, Section-1 Lab-7 ARM7: GPIO and Led Blinking solution


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Before starting to Lab
 (Go to this
link and download the Arm7,Arm9, Cortex-R)

 (Go to this link
and download the Arm Compiler 5.06 update 7(build 960) Win32)

A- In this LAB, you will use
I. Keil µvision.
II. Proteus simulation software

B- Steps
I. Use LPC2148/ LPC2138 microcontroller and connect eight LEDs to P0.9– P0.16
usingProteus simulation software.

II. Program the microcontroller by using C programming on Keil µvision IDE. When
your program runs, it should display binary number 100-255 on the LEDs in
circularway. Use sufficient delay between two numbers so that the numbers are
clearly visible.