Cmpe 300: MPI Project solution


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1 Cellular Automata
A cellular automaton is a discrete computational model used in the study of complex systems. It consists of an N-dimensional orthogonal grid called the “map”, and rules of evolution. These alone define our complex environment.
We then assign some initial values to the locations on the map, and make our system
evolve by our set of rules via simulation:
1. The map’s state at time t = 0 is as initialized.
2. To calculate the map’s state at time t = 1, we look at the state at time t = 0. For
each cell on the map at time t = 1, we look at the same cell and its neighbors at time
t = 0.
3. We keep on simulating like this until time t = T.
Now, you may think that this model is not complex at all, and you would be right! In
analyzing complex systems, the key is to have a very simple model (i.e. a model with a very
simple setup and rules of evolution), for an outcome that has a complex pattern. This will
then allow the researcher to come up with simple explanations to the emergent patterns in
a complex system.
1.1 Game of Life
Our focus will be on the particular cellular automaton called the (Conway’s) Game of Life,
devised by J. H. Conway in 1970. Just “Game” for short. In the Game, we have a 2-
dimensional orthogonal grid as a map (i.e. a matrix). Each cell on the map can either
contain a creature (1) or be empty (0).
The 8 cells that are immediately around a cell are considered as its neighbors. Then,
the rules of the Game are as follows:
1. Loneliness kills: A creature dies (i.e. the cell becomes empty) if it has less than 2
neighboring creatures.
The following figure depicts a lonely creature in the green cell with a single creature in
its neighborhood (the blue square), not counting the creature itself. It passes away on
the next iteration. It would keep on living if it had one more neighboring creature.
#neigh < 2 0
The neighbors on the right hand side are left empty, since we cannot tell their state without knowing
about their neighbors.
2. Overpopulation also kills: A creature dies (and becomes empty) if it has more than 3
neighboring creatures. See the following example. Note that the creature would not
die if it had one less neighboring creature.
#neigh > 3 0
3. Reproduction: A new life appears on an empty cell if it has exactly 3 neighboring
creatures. See the following example. Note that the creature would not be born if the
cell had one more or one less neighboring creature.
#neigh = 3 1
4. In any other condition, the creatures remain alive, and the empty spaces remain empty.
1.2 Boundaries (edges and corners)
Since the cells at the boundaries do not have all the 8 neighbors, special considerations must
be done for them. Generally, in the Game of Life and most of the other cellular automata,
there are these two options for the boundaries:
1. Cutoff: The missing neighbors are taken as 0, i.e. emptiness in the Game. In this
case, the corners can have at most 3 non-empty neighbors, and the edges can have at
most 5.
2. Periodic (20 pts bonus): The neighbors are not missing! They are just at the
opposite end of the map. See the following image for the neighborhood (with the blue
“square”) of the top left corner cell X. Letters N, S, E, and W denote the neighbors
of X at North, South, East, and West. For instance, see how the “northern” neighbor
(N) of X is at the bottom of the 2D array.
· · ·
· · ·
· · ·
The map is called toroidal in this case. To see how a rectangle bends into a torus, see
the animated version of the following images via the link below:
Note In your project, please pick either the cutoff- or periodic-boundaries, and implement
only that. In other words, do not implement both of them.
2 Parallel simulation of the Game
In this project, we will simulate the Game using a parallel algorithm. For that we will
use an implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard called the Open
MPI. It will provide us with multiple processes to work with, and functions to send/receive
messages among them for the data exchange. Download the latest stable version (4.0.2) via
the following link:
Your task is to write an MPI program with 1 manager process and C worker processes.
The manager will distribute the simulation task to the workers, and aggregate the results.
The workers will, well, work on the task, and occasionally communicate with each other.
2.1 Compiling and running
An MPI source code written in C Language, say game.c, can be compiled into the executable
game with the following:
mpicc game.c -o game -lm
The -lm argument links the math libraries, in case you need math.h.
For a C++ source code like game.cpp, use:
mpic++ game.cpp -o game
A compiled MPI program game, can be run with the following:
mpirun -np [M] –oversubscribe ./game input.txt output.txt [T]
[M] is the number of processes to run game on. If you want to have C = 8 worker
processes, then you need 9 processes in total, accounting for the manager. Hence, you
should write -np 9 in the command line. The flag –oversubscribe allows you to set [M]
more than just the number of logical cores on your machine, which we will do.
Arguments input.txt, output.txt, and [T] are passed onto game as command line
arguments. The input.txt will contain the initial state of the map of size 360 × 360 with;
• rows separated by a single new line (\n) character,
• each cell on a row separated by a single space ( ) character,
• each cell as a 0 or 1 for emptiness and life.
The [T] is the number of iterations to simulate the Game. The output.txt should be filled
with the map’s final state after [T] iterations of simulation, with the same syntax as in the
input file, described above.
2.2 The job of the manager and worker processes
MPI is flexible, meaning that it is designed to be able to accommodate parallel computation
models other than just the manager-worker model. Hence, it will not designate a process as
the “manager” by itself. Instead, you should regard the rank1
-zero processes as the manager
yourself in your MPI code.
The job of the manager (rank = 0) process:
1. File input/output.
2. Splitting the data into completely separate (i.e. disjoint) parts and sending them
to the workers.
3. Receiving the results from the workers, and their aggregation.
The job of the worker (rank = 1, . . . , C) processes:
1. Receiving the data from the manager.
2. Carrying out the simulation for T-many time steps. In the mean time, communicating
with the other workers when necessary.
3. Sending the data back to manager after T time steps.
Important! The worker processes may not make any file input/output.
2.3 Splits
The maps that we will be using to test your implementation will always be 360 × 360. We
will be using smaller square maps in this section, only to have visualizations that look better.
There are many ways to split and distribute a S × S map to the workers. We will only
consider the following two:
1. Striped: The map will be split into C rectangular arrays, each with S/C rows and S
columns. The following image shows how this split would be with S = 24 and C = 6.
rank = 1
rank = 2
rank = 3
rank = 4
rank = 5
rank = 6
1The index of a process is called its rank in MPI.
We will refer to the cell with the black cross later in section 2.4.
If you choose this one, we will be testing your implementation with a C that divides
360. Moreover, we guarantee that C will be an even number, which should help you
in implementing the communication phase efficiently.
2. Checkered (30 pts bonus): The map will be split into C square arrays, each with

C rows and columns. The following image shows how this split would be with
S = 36 and C = 16.
rank = 1
rank = 5
rank = 9
rank = 13
rank = 2
rank = 6
rank = 10
rank = 14
rank = 3
rank = 7
rank = 11
rank = 15
rank = 4
rank = 8
rank = 12
rank = 16
If you choose this one, we will be testing your implementation with a C that is a perfect
square, say C = c
. We also guarantee that c will divide 360. Finally, c itself will
always be an even number, which should help you in implementing the communication
phase efficiently.
Note In your project, please pick either the striped- or checkered-split, and implement
only that. In other words, do not implement both of them.
Warning Splitting the map checkered is not much harder than splitting it striped. However, the checkered-split does make the communication phase (explained in the next section)
very much harder! Please be aware of that before choosing to implement the checkered-split.
2.4 Communication between workers
After the split, each process will have a separate part of the map. To calculate the next
state of some cells, they will need some information from each other.
For example, see the black-crossed-cell in the striped-split example. Process 4 will have
to know the states of the 8 cells around it to calculate the black-crossed-cell’s next state.
Three of them, however, belong to the rank 5 process. Similarly, there are some cells that
rank 4 process knows about, and the rank 5 process needs to know. To fulfill their needs,
rank 4 and rank 5 processes will have to communicate and exchange those information with
each other. In fact, rank 4 and 5 processes will have to exchange a copy of their whole
bottom and top row, respectively.
As for the checkered-split example, process 10 needs information from processes 9, 14,
and 13 to calculate the next state of the black-crossed-cell. Information exchange between
processes 10-9 and 10-14 is similar to the one in striped split case. Rank 10 and 13 processes
will have to exchange only one cell of information, about their bottom-left and top-right
cells, respectively.
If you consider all the boundary cells within a part of the map:
• With the striped-split, each process will have to send their entire top/bottom row
of their part of the map to the process above/below. On the other hand, each process
will also have to receive the entire bottom/top row of the part of the map belonging
to the process above/below, respectively.
• With the checkered-split, each process will have to make the similar exchanges as in
the striped-split case, but also with their entire leftmost and rightmost columns, and
with the processes on the left and on the right. Moreover, each process will have to
send the corners of their part of the map to the process that is above-left, above-right,
etc. On the other hand, each process will also have to receive the bottom-right, etc.
corners of the part of the map belonging to the process that is above-left, etc.
This exchange of information will have to be done once in every time step of the simulation.
A process can find out which processes it will have to communicate by looking at their
own rank, and the total number of workers. This is relatively easy for the striped-split. See
the following two formulae that gives the zero-based2
row and column index of a process
with rank r = 1, 2, . . . , C in the checkered-split case:
Row(r) = 
r − 1


Column(r) = r −

C · Row(r) − 1
2.4.1 Deadlocks
Beware! You can easily have deadlocks, if you do not plan your communication structure
MPI does not come with spooling3
capabilities. This means that the sender waits until
the receiver receives, and the receiver waits until the sender sends.
In particular, functions MPI_Send and MPI_Recv, used in sending/receiving data to/from
another process, blocks the execution from continuing until that process receives/sends the
data. If two processes were to mutually attempt the same action, they would be waiting
Added Important! There are other functions to send/receive in the MPI library. For this
8 Dec project, you may only use MPI_Send and MPI_Recv to send and receive data between processes. Using other variants (such as MPI_Isend) is prohibited!
3Queueing of sent information at bay, allowing recipient to receive/process them at a later time.
2.4.2 Performance
Your algorithm must be parallel and performant. We will readily tell you how you can
achieve the required performance by the end of this section. Please implement your code
accordingly, and otherwise, you may lose some points.
Some communication schemes are more efficient than the others. Considering the stripedsplit’s example, an example communication scheme that implements periodic boundaries
without causing any deadlocks would be:
• Process 1 sends its bottom row to process 2. Then, it starts waiting to receive a row
of information from process 6.
• Process 2 receives from process 1. Then, sends its bottom row to process 3. Process
3, 4, and 5 performs similar to the process 2.
• Process 6 receives from process 5. Then, sends its bottom row to process 1.
Unfortunately, with this scheme, there is a waiting chain of 6 communications for the
process 1 to receive its information. Not just the process with rank 1, but also any other
process x will have to wait for the previous x − 1 communications to be completed, before
receiving the information.
We can say that this communication scheme performs in O(C ·

n) time, where n is the
number of cells on the map. This means that each added worker comes with a time penalty.
Now, note that the following naive “simultaneous send” communication scheme would
not be better, and in fact cause a deadlock, and therefore would not work:
• Every process sends its bottom row to the process below. Every process then waits to
receive a row of information from the process above.
Fortunately, there still is a way to achieve O(

n) time for the communications. We
cannot make all of our processes send at once; but we can make every other process send,
while the remaining ones are waiting to receive. Since we are assuming that C (or √
C in
the checkered-split) will be even, we can partition our processes as even/odd by their ranks,
and establish the following scheme:
• Every process with an odd rank sends its bottom row to the process below. Then,
they wait to receive a row of information from the process above.
• Every process with an even rank receives a row of information from the process above.
Then, they send their bottom row to the process below.
It is very much important to us for you to notice the performance problem in the sequential scheme, the deadlock problem in the “simultaneous send” scheme, and how the even-odd
scheme improves and achieves parallelism. You are welcome to implement your own ideas
that runs as efficient. On the other hand, you will lose some points for implementing an
inefficient communication scheme.
3 Task Outline
Write your code in C or C++ language, implementing the algorithm that simulates the
Game of Life as described above.
Here is the list of tasks you will have to accomplish during this project, not necessarily
in this order:
1. Get familiar with the MPI framework. Play with the examples that are bundled
with the Open MPI release distribution. You will have to know about the following
Changed functions at the very least. These are also enough to complete this project:
8 Dec
• MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize
• MPI_Comm_rank and MPI_Comm_size
• MPI_Send and MPI_Recv
See the documentation in the following link for the documentation of the Open MPI
library to find about those functions and more:
Added You will see that there are 6 + 1 different “send” functions available in the documen8 Dec tation. However, for this project, you are not allowed to use any other function than
MPI_Send and MPI_Recv to send and receive messages between processes.
2. Write the code that will make the rank-zero process act as the manager, as described
in section 2.
(a) Read from the input file.
(b) Distribute the map either with striped- or checkered-splits, as described in section 2.3. Recollect the map from workers.
(c) Print the map to the output file.
3. Write the code that will make the higher rank processes act as the workers, as described
in section 2.
(a) Receive a part of the map from the manager.
(b) Send and receive the missing cells to and from other workers. Evolve the map
for one iteration. Handle the evolution of the boundary cells via cutoff or in the
periodic manner, as described in section 1.2. Repeat this for T-many iterations.
(c) Send the part of the map back to the manager.
Implementing the periodic boundaries and the checkered-split is not necessary to get the
full credit. If you implement the periodic boundaries, you will get a 20 pts bonus. If you
implement the checkered-split, you will get another 30 pts bonus.
We will have a demo session shortly after the submission deadline. Each of you will
explain how your MPI code accomplishes the given task, and demonstrate it work. The
demo is mandatory for getting any credit.
4 Submissions
The project is due December 20 at 17:00, strict. Make your submissions to Moodle by then,
following these guidelines:
1. Write a short report of your program that explains your design decisions, reasonings,
and assumptions. Please follow the Programming Project Documentation guidelines.
Some sections (e.g. “Program Interface”), despite being given here, must also be
written into your report with your own words. This is for a good practice.
2. Your code should be self explanatory by means of either choosing self-explanatory
variable/function names or explicit comments.
3. Comment your name, your student id, compilation status (Compiling/Not Compiling),
Working status (Working/Not working) and any additional notes at the beginning of
your main source code file.
4. Your submission must be your own work. Any similarity with another submission will
be considered as cheating.
5. Submit your deliverable as a zip file that includes your report and implementation
codes in separate folders in Moodle, until December 20, 17:00. You do not need to
submit any hard copies of your deliverables.
6. Note that the deadline is strict and late submissions will be affected by the late date
policy of the course.