CH 4250: Process Engineering Assignment 4 solution


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You have previously, in Assignment 3, developed a flowsheet in Aspen Plus to simulate a process for
the production of cyclohexane via benzene hydrogenation.

1. Based on the equipment sizes you have calculated previously, estimate the total capital cost
for all the major equipment.
Equipment Size Cost ($)

2. Also, estimate the annual operating cost for running the plant. Assume that the cost of
heating is $(30 + a+b+c) / KBTU and cost of cooling is $(19 –a+b-c) /KBTU where abc is the
last 3 digits of your roll number.

Item Amount per year (BTU / yr) Cost per year ($ / yr)

3. If the design specifications of the distillation column is relaxed to allow any number of
stages, can the process design be modified to reduce the capital cost significantly? What is
the impact of this change on operating cost? Other specs should remain the same.
Item Old design New design
Capital cost
Operating cost

Deliverables (DUE DATE: 20 Feb 2022, 11:00pm)
1. Two page report in pdf format
2. Aspen Plus file (named as per your Roll Number)