CECS 551 Programming Assignment 4 solution


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1. Review and download the abalone data set at
Use the e1071 library’s svm function on the data set with at least 20 different combinations
of polynomial degree and C cost. For each combination perform the following: i) 10-fold cross
validation, and ii) training accuracy from training over the entire data set. Make a table
showing the results. The table should order the combinations by increasing complexity. Note:
assume (d1, C1) induces a more complex model than (d2, C2) iff either d1 > d2, or C1 < C2.
Highlight the combination that resulted in highest average CV accuracy. Note: the 20 different
combinations for d and C should provide a good variation of svm model possibilities. For the
best classifier in the table, provide the average distance of the predicted class from the true
class. Provide a histogram that shows the frequency of how often a predication is m rings away
from the true number of rings, where m = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 29.
2. Consider the following alternative method for classifying the ring count of an abalone. This
method uses the following nine binary classifiers: f≤9 vs ≥10, f≤7 vs 8−9, f≤5 vs 6−7, f8 vs 9,
f6 vs 7, f10−11 vs ≥12, f12−13 vs ≥14, f10 vs 11, f12 vs 13. For example f≤7 vs 8−9 classifies an
abalone data point as either having 7 or fewer rings, or having either 8 or 9 rings. Thus, the
training set for this classifier consists of all training points with 9 or fewer rings. As another
example f8 vs 9 classifies an abalone data point as either having 8 rings or 9 rings. Thus, the
training set for this classifier consists of all training points with 8 or 9 or fewer rings. These
binary classifiers are used to form a classification algorithm that behaves in a manner similar to
binary search. For example, on input x, we first evaluate f≤9 vs ≥10(x). Suppose the output is
+1 (i.e. x is classified as having at least 10 rings). Next we evaluate f10−11 vs ≥12(x). Suppose
the output is −1 (i.e. . x is classified as having 10 or 11 rings). Finally, the algorithm evaluates
f10 vs 11(x) and returns either 10 or 11 as the final ring classification. In the case where x is
classified as having 5 or fewer rings, then the algorithm outputs 5. Similarly, in the case where
x is classified as having 14 or more rings, then the algorithm outputs 14.
For each of the nine classifiers, use a method similar to that used in Exercise 1 for finding a
best svm model for the classifier. Provide a table having nine rows, where each row reports
on the best classifier found for each of the nine different classifiers. Each row should include
i) a description of the two classes (e.g. “10 vs 11”), ii) size of the training set, iii) degree
value of best learning-parameter (BLP) combination, iv) C value of BLP combination v) the
average CV accuracy for the BLP combination, and vi) the training accuracy of the final model
constructed with the best learning parameters.
3. Implement the binary-search learning algorithm described in the previous exercise, and apply
it to the entire abalone data set. Report on the training accuracy and the average distance of
the predicted class from the true class. Provide a histogram that shows the frequency of how
often a predication is m rings away from the true number of rings, where m = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 29.
4. Use the two-dimensional data in file Exercise-4.csv to build a data frame df. Use R’s plot
function to visualize the data. Verify that the relationship between x and y appears to be
quadratic. Use the e1071 library’s svm function (with the following options
kernel = ‘‘polynomial’’, degree = 2, type = ‘‘eps-regression’’
held constant) on the data set with at least 20 different combinations of  and C cost. For each
combination perform the following: i) 10-fold cross validation of mean squared error (mse), and
ii) mse over the entire data set. Make a table showing the results. The table should order the
combinations by increasing complexity. Note: assume (1, C1) induces a more complex model
than (2, C2) iff either 1 < 2, or C1 < C2. Highlight the combination that resulted in highest
average CV mse. Again, the 20 different combinations for  and C should provide a good
variation of svm model possibilities.
5. Provide a graph that shows the plotted data points against the curve provided by the best svm
from the previous exercise. Plot the svm model using 1,000 data points equally spaced between
0 to 10. Make sure the plotted data points and plotted model points are clearly distinguishable.
6. Try different combinations of d, C, and  to find a good support-vector regression machine for
the abalone data set. Report on the average distance of the predicted class from the true class.
Provide a histogram that shows the frequency of how often a predication is m rings away from
the true number of rings, where m = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 29.