CECS 551 Programming Assignment 1 solution


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Preparatory Reading
Read Appendix B, and the parts of Chapter 2 that pertain to the R language and programming
Presenting Your Work.
Submit a hard copy of a text or word document that, for each exercise, displays i) the sequence of R
commands that were used to obtain the answer, and ii) the answer itself. Preface each R command
with a comment that describes what the command is doing. Also, for each block of code that pertains
to some exercise, say Exercise 1, preface the code with the comment (all in caps) The easiest way to
accomplish this is by copying and pasting from the R console to your document. Also, for each block
of code that pertains to some exercise, say Exercise 1a, preface the code with the comment (all in
Plagiarism is defined for this assignment as the practice of taking someone else’s code and passing
it off as one’s own. Although it is OK to discuss this assignment with your peers, in the end each
student must implement his or her own source code. a student suspected of plagiarism will receive
an automatic course grade of “F”. Therefore, it is important for you to keep your code private.
Mammographic Mass Data Set
Review and download the mammographic mass data set at
In examining the data, notice that some datapoints have missing attribute values. In these cases “?”
is substituted for each missing value. Add a header line to the csv file that labels the attributes as
Birads,Age,Shape,Margin,Density, and Severity.
1. In R the more appropriate indicator for missing data is “NA” (not available). Therefore, replace
each occurrence of “?” with “NA”.
a. For this exercise, create an R data frame for the mammographic data using only datapoints
that have no missing values. This can be done using the complete.cases function which
inputs a data frame and returns a Boolean vector v, where v[i] equals TRUE iff the i th
data-frame sample is complete (meaning it does not possess an NA). For example, if the
data-frame is stored in mammogram.frame, then
mammogram2.frame = mammogram.frame[complete.cases(mammogram.frame),]
creates a new data frame called mammogram2.frame that has all the complete mammogram
data samples.
b. Use R’s summary function to provide a statistical summary of each of attribute of the
altered data frame.
c. Use the e1071 svm function to construct a linear classifier for the data set. Report on the
percentage of datapoints that are correctly classified by the svm model.
d. Repeat part b) using a degree-2 polynomial classifier. This particular type of svm can be
constructed using the input options
kernel = ‘‘polynomial’’, degree = 2, type = ‘‘C-classification’’
2. Repeat each part of the previous exercise, but, for Part a, instead of removing datapoints with
missing attribute values, replace each NA with the nominal value -1 and use the entire data