Create student structure with the following fields:
- Name (cstring or null-terminated character array)
- Student ID (int – unique random value between 1000 and 9999)
- grade (char – Values A thru F)
- birthday (myDate – random value: range 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2005)
- Home Town (string)
Create an array of pointers to students of size 10. Example: Student *stuPtr[10];
Write a function that populates the array with 10 students. Example: populate(stuPtr);
Write a display function that displays the contents of the array on the screen as shown below – nicely formatted and left justified.
The displayed list should be nicely formatted with column names like this: All columns should be left-justified.
Name Student ID Grade Birthday Home Town
Tom Thumb 1002 C January 1, 2002 Small Ville
Fred Flintstone 1995 D February 3, 2003 Bedrock
Sponge Bob 2987 B June 3, 2001 Bikini Bottom
Create a menu that shows the following options:
- Display list sorted by Name
- Display list sorted by Student ID
- Display list sorted by Grade
- Display list sorted by Birthday
- Display list sorted by Home Town
- Exit
You need to write a sorting function for each of the menu items – 5 options needs 5 functions.
You must create a function that returns a date between a range of 2 dates.
You will use the myDate class in this program – you will not create any other class. The Student structure is NOT a class.
Take advantage of your myDate class that you just wrote. Also, it might be helpful to create a new function that returns a string for the date format:
string myDate::toString( );
To help with formatting, you may want to use the library <iomanip> which includes the setw()
Prog#3 Teaching Objectives
- Intro to pointers
- Increment pointers
- Intro to structs
- Structs are data focused – typically do not have constructors
- Classes are object focused
- Introduce cstrings – null-terminated character array
- Compare and contrast string with cstring
- Manage cstrings
- strlen, strcpy, strcat, strcmp,
- Create and use simple sorting algorithm (bubblesort)
- Array names act like pointers (const pointers)
- sizeof( )
- Use <iomanip> for format things nicely
- Composition – including the myDate object inside the student structure – student “has-a” myDate
What to submit on Demo day:
Submit 1 file which will contain ALL of your code: your main program, the Student struct and the myDate class.
Screenshot of the program demo. Select option 1 and then select option 5.