CE3345 Assignment 5 solution


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1. [20 Points] Given input {4371, 1323, 6173, 4199, 4344, 9679, 1989} and a hash function h(x) = x
mod 10, show the resulting:
a. Separate Chaining hash table
b. Hash Table using linear probing
c. Hash table using quadratic probing
d. Hash table with second hash function h2(x) = 7 – ( x mod 7)
2. [10 Points] A min-max heap is a data Structure that supports both deleteMin and deleteMax in
O(logN) per operation. The structure is identical to a binary heap, but the heap-order property is
that for any node, X, at even depth, the element stored at X is smaller than the parent but larger
than the grandparent ( where this makes sense), and for any node X at odd depth, the element
stored at X is larger than the parent but smaller than grandparent. See Fig.
a. How do we find the minimum and maximum element?
b. Give an algorithm to insert a new node into the min-max heap.
3. [10 Points] Merge the two binomial queues
4. [10 Points] Give an algorithm to find all nodes less than some value X, in a binary heap. Your
algorithm should run in O(K), where K is number of nodes output.