CCPS616 Lab 2 – Divide and Conquer solution


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In this lab you will write a C++ program that performs large integer multiplication. Your
implementation must be from the ground up without linking any external libraries. Your lab
should be completed in a single cpp file called lab2.cpp, and should compile at the command
line very simply as follows:
g++ -o lab2 lab2.cpp
Please do not submit labs that don’t even compile. We’re past that. I’m not going to fix your
syntax errors. If you can’t make any progress on the lab whatsoever, submit a simple program
that prints a message saying as much. For this, I will award you a single mark.
Lab Description
First, implement the so called “Schoolbook” O(n2
) method that goes digit by digit (seen on or
around slides 63/64 in lecture 4). Your function should be called mult4(), and it will accept
two strings (either std::string or char*, up to you) of decimal digits as input. Keep in mind
that the whole point of implementing an algorithm like this is for use on integers too large to be
represented by existing integer data types (pretend Python’s integers don’t exist). Thus, we use
character arrays to represent our large integers precisely.
Second, implement Karatsuba’s algorithm that performs multiplication in O(n1.585). Call this
function mult3a(). Its input arguments should take the same form as mult4(). This
implementation should recurse all the way down to n = 1.
Third, implement a modified version of Karatsuba’s algorithm that recurses only so long as the
result of a multiplication would overflow a 32-bit integer. This should be a very simple
modification to the version above. Call this function mult3b().
In all cases, you may assume the input integer strings are positive.
To test your implementations, in your main() function, you will randomly generate strings of k
digits, where k goes from 10 to N. The value N is the point at which you get fed up waiting for
your computer to complete the multiplication (at minimum, find N such that the calculation
takes a couple seconds). Once you’ve got a testing loop properly implemented, progressively
increasing N should be a very simple matter.
Perform each test (k=10 up to k=N) on both of your multiplication functions and verify that the
advertised complexity of each holds true. Average each test over 10 trials.
Your program should write out test results to a plain text file. That is, running your program
should produce a plain text file containing the experimental results described previously. Thus,
your source code file must contain your implementations for mult4(), mult3a(), and
mult3b(), as well as all the test code that will produce the output file. Name your output file
CCPS616_Lab2_ LastName1_LastName2.txt, where my name is replaced with yours. Format
your output file in a way that’s easy for me to read. An example is below. All quantities in the
table will of course be filled with real data produced by your program:
CCPS616 – Lab 2 – Partner1, Partner2
Each result is the average of 10 trials
k = mult4() mult3a() mult3b()
10 XXXms XXXms XXXms
x2 XXXms XXXms XXXms
x3 XXXms XXXms XXXms
x4 XXXms XXXms XXXms
x5 XXXms XXXms XXXms
x6 XXXms XXXms XXXms
x7 XXXms XXXms XXXms
As you can see, you need not write out the result for every value of k from 10 to N. Choose an
appropriate step such that you print lines for 8-10 values of k between 10 and N.
Lab 2 may be done in pairs! Submit your source file (lab2.cpp) and a sample output file
(CCPS616_Lab2_LastName1_LastName2.txt) produced by your program to D2L.